Pokémon Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion

Mega Evolutions people! What do you wanna see! By following the current pair trend... I'm predicting:
-Mega Butterfree
-Mega Johto Starters
-Mega Slowking
-Mega Froslass
Also predicting Mega Dragonite cause all pseudo's deserve one!
Mega Dragonite would be awesome, or mega eeveelutions.. or at least some sort of move updates to em

mega deliburd confirm
My friend and I were talking about how the cars would work. Like there'd be a highway for you to drive down, or in X and Y there was rhydon racing and you'd be able to do something like that? Many of the previous games hinted at cars being there (i.e. White 2/Black 2 with the road, or X & Y with the taxis) but it didn't lead to anywhere. Now there might be cars on the street, it might work something like Yokai Watch (where you walk through streets etc.). But my friend was like "what would be the point? Like chairs was the point in that?" My answer was there'd be a choice. Games like Pokemon are always more enjoyable if you get a choice, such as picking your starter, your team, how you want it to function, if you want to participate in contests, etc.

I think cars would be like that too, like you don't have too, but you could. I mean, you don't have to sit down, but you can. Like the feature doesn't necessarily have to be there, but you get the choice too, and I think that is what the new game is aiming for.
I don't really see them giving us much to do with vehicles, it kinda makes no sense in the long term so I fully expect it to be like a gym or town gimmick.
I think they might be giving us a lot. The events and etc. in the trailer seem to be big changes or sneak peaks. It'd be underwhelming if they only gave us a gym (ground or water.. again.) and that was the end with cars. Since it was in a trailer, I thought maybe it'd have a bigger part in the game.
It seems kinda unlikely if it'll be a sequel to gold and silver o-o since they made remakes of it... But, if it was- that'd be really weird... and almost disappointing? :(

Also I kinda hope they'll give evolutions and or megas to some "useless" pokemon, that'd be kinda cool O:
I would be curious to know what a mega Pikachu would look like. But I doubt Nintendo would design a mega evolution for Pikachu because it would ruin the classic concept that Pikachu brought us for these 20 years.