Pokémon Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion

I'm really curious as to what Popplio will evolve into tbh. I wonder what it's second type will be, assuming it will be a dual-type. It's obvious that Litten will be Fire-Dark and Rowlet is already confirmed to be grass-flying... So what about Popplio...?

My guess would either be either Psychic or Fairy type for Popplio, on account of the fact it looks like a clown.
I'm really curious as to what Popplio will evolve into tbh. I wonder what it's second type will be, assuming it will be a dual-type. It's obvious that Litten will be Fire-Dark and Rowlet is already confirmed to be grass-flying... So what about Popplio...?

I hope that Popplio will be a Water-Fairy type, it fits with the design that Popplio is going for.
A water/fairy would actually be cool for them to make, but I'm currently not seeing for water starter.
From Serebii:


"During today's episode of Pok?nchi, a new clip of Pok?mon Sun and Moon was shown. This clip didn't show much footage but did showcase a look at the battle system, showing the HP Bar and that in some battles, there will by bystanders watching the battles. Nothing else was shown, but we will post when more comes so keep checking back"

Based on the image I would assume the tan guy is like your sub rival (idk the correct term) since he has the starter your starter is strong against, so then I'd guess that it's the usual "opposite gender player is your main rival" scenario. Idk if this was known or not because these games sadly don't seem to interest me yet.
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From Serebii:


"During today's episode of Pok?nchi, a new clip of Pok?mon Sun and Moon was shown. This clip didn't show much footage but did showcase a look at the battle system, showing the HP Bar and that in some battles, there will by bystanders watching the battles. Nothing else was shown, but we will post when more comes so keep checking back"

Based on the image I would assume the tan guy is like your sub rival (idk the correct term) since he has the starter your starter is strong against, so then I'd guess that it's the usual "opposite gender player is your main rival" scenario. Idk if this was known or not because these games sadly don't seem to interest me yet.
Perhaps this is the beta image, because the HP bar is UGLY! But I like on how updated battle sequences are. You can see your trainer at all times instead of at the beginning of the battle and sometimes at the end of one. And the background is improving, I can see that.
Based on the image I would assume the tan guy is like your sub rival (idk the correct term) since he has the starter your starter is strong against, so then I'd guess that it's the usual "opposite gender player is your main rival" scenario. Idk if this was known or not because these games sadly don't seem to interest me yet.
I think he was shown in the starters trailer to be the one the PC's Pokemon were battling against.
I wonder if they'll implement it like that though. I'd like it if they went the way of G5 and instead of just making the opposite gender your main rival they focused on a single original character. G3/4's rivals weren't bad because of it (XY's were, because there were like 4 rivals), but I feel having just one makes them more interesting.
Perhaps this is the beta image, because the HP bar is UGLY! But I like on how updated battle sequences are. You can see your trainer at all times instead of at the beginning of the battle and sometimes at the end of one. And the background is improving, I can see that.
Sort of seems like the PBR one with BW font...
guys it's almost confirmed what types the starters are gonna be

rowlet will likely be grass/ground
litten will likely stay fire
popplio will likely become water/fighting
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guys it's almost confirmed what types the starters are gonna be
rowlet will likely be grass/ground
litten will likely stay fire
popplio will likely become water/fighting
Dang, these leakers can't even wait that long.

Anyways I'm not sure of this until gamefreak actually reveals some details about the starters evolutions.

Because rowlet being
sounds incredibly dumb since it's an owl thar flys.
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just watch this video, and look at the very first comments (the comments contradict what the video says but it is still important you watch it to get how they got that answer).

and i had no idea how to do spoiler tags until i looked it up on a minecraft forum just now lol
i went and edited just now so it has the spoiler tag. none of this is confirm, but it is POSSIBLE that it could be true

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Oh god no please no
Physic or fairy and litten he alright but prefer dark
Eh I couldn't care less about the typings - there's also not even that much to say it's true or not, it could just be some left over coding in the page they forgot to remove.

I care more about their designs than types, anyway. Starters aren't even that good - they help you through the (easy) storyline and are essentially useless afterwards in the meta game (exceptions being Charizard, Blaziken and Greninja). I'm someone who doesn't care about the competitive side of things, and Pokemon games are hella easy these days, so their types don't really mean anything to me. I hate Pokemon with double weaknesses, but I'm going to pick Rowlet even though it has a 4x ice weakness (and will even if it turns into grass/ground), but I'm still going to use it through the storyline because it's easy enough and a crappy typing is hardly going to alter the games difficulty for me. Chances are its going to be able to take down ice types with ease because of how easy the games are these days.

They could literally have the worst typings ever, hell, I'm more than happy for Litten to turn into the detested fire/fighting type - as long as it's got a good design I'm happy.
Sorry to break up the starter evolutions speculation but I have something good for UK fans!

On the Nintendo UK store you can register your interest in Pokemon Sun and Moon, sounds pretty boring right? But wait, there's more! One person who registers their interest will win a copy of Sun AND Moon! You just have to answer the question (out of the two which do you want?) put in your name and email and bam! You're entered. The draw ends as soon as SM go up for preorder on their website. You have to live in the UK (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland), 1 entry per person and you have to be 18 or over! I have put the link below since it is hidden away on the website.

I've entered this but I doubt I'll win so I'll still be preordering when they are available, plus I doubt the prizes will come with any preorder bonuses which I always like.
I just made this beautiful work and I am quite proud of it
(don't worry i probably don't mean it)

(really i actually like popplio)
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New info coming June 2nd.

"The official Japanese Pok?mon Twitter has confirmed that brand new information for Pok?mon Sun & Moon is to be released on June 2nd 2016. It's not currently known what information will be revealed at this time but the second we get any more news it'll be posted right here so be sure to keep checking back. For all currently known information, check our Sun & Moon section"

imma just go with litten and see whether if i like it and its evolution or not. if not, id dump it just like how i dumped chespin and make my team all dragon types in xy. i have have pretty high hopes for litten because it looks so badass! hoping for a fire and dark type for its final evo
Amazon's description seems to imply there will be multiple islands

"Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon will launch in the US November 18th, 2016 exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. Embark on a new adventure as a Pokemon Trainer and catch, battle, and trade all-new Pokemon on the tropical islands of a new Region and become a Pokemon Champion!"

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