In light of some new statements I think it's appropriate to delve into an earlier post.
I don't mind getting new Pokemon added into the mix, it keeps things fresh. I do mind when they're literally just throwing things together in hopes of satisfying the players. The original Pokemon were clever and well thought out, the legendaries all had deep backstories and hidden locations in the game, but now it's all just random mashup and "event downloads".
The backstory behind Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres in Gen 1: ... (That's right, there was none.)
The only legendaries that got a mythos tied to them were Mewtwo and Mew, and only in Cinnabar Mansion. One tiny part of the game, and it's something that people could've missed entirely because it wasn't mandatory to read those books.
As for hidden locations: You'd see Zapdos when going through the Power Plant (which was mandatory). You'd see Moltres when going through Victory Road (which was mandatory). For Mewtwo, Professor Oak tells you outright there's some powerful Pokemon at the end of the newly opened Cerulean Cave. Mew was an event download. Articuno was in Seafoam Islands, but I'll concede that a lot of players probably didn't run into it by chance. So that's it. One Pokemon with a "hidden" location, and barely any mythos at all.
I don't know where you get your opinions on X/Y from, seeing as you haven't even played it, but Xerneas/Yveltal have tons more story tied to them than Mewtwo/Mew ever had in G1 (even FR/LG).
Why? Because, as usual, everyone is so impatient that they have to have the games now instead of waiting for everything to be expanded upon and made nice.
Actually, Pokemon fans are fine with waiting. If they really went "NOW!!!" then Sun/Moon would have been released last year, or Z, or X2/Y2. Instead, GF decided to drop G6 due to the negative reception and go all-in on G7. The last time there was a two-year break between games was 2006 (release of D/P) and 2008 (release of Platinum). So when mistakes are made, it's not because of the fans demanding it, it's because of TPC/GF/Nintendo making a mistake deciding when to release their game. After all, "it's not like Nintendo to listen to fans".
Yes of course, but as I mentioned, that's rather impossible seeing as more and more Pokemon are becoming unobtainable. Trading and transferring is fine, but having to use a paid app like Pokemon Bank to do so is ridiculous. The slogan is "Gotta catch 'em all" not "Gotta trade/transfer 'em all".
The trading has been an integral part of Pokemon since the start of the entire franchise. It's even like the #1 reason they decided to develop Pokemon on the Game Boy rather than the NES/SNES: the Game Boy had a Link Cable. By doing this and creating two versions, they're able to bring Pokemon players together to trade and battle, but also talk about the things they like. So while it's not necessarily "catch", the concept of trading is entirely part of that catchphrase.
As for Pokemon Bank: it's entirely your choice if you use it or not. I enjoy using it so I don't have my Pokemon scattered all over the place. If you want to transfer your Pokemon but don't want to use Bank... trade with people.
Another bird Pokemon? I know I'm not the only one thinking how tired that is. It's fine for a while but I swear things start getting... repetitive. And not in a fun way, like how you get to thwart the new team.
I never said anything about "100% amazing" I said they were clever, and while some like Voltorb and Magnemite were pretty stupid, no one can argue that they are classic. Not perfect, but memorable.
Where does the concept of "the original Pokemon" stop, though? Regardless of how it's used, it sounds stupid. It's short-sighted, and it makes it sound like all later gens are unoriginal. G5 used a Pokemon design that dates from G1 (Tirtouga). Is that included in this notion of "the original Pokemon"? Of course it isn't. And who knows how many other of the later Pokemon designs date from that period?
You said that "the original Pokemon" were clever and well thought out. That's some real nostalgia speaking right there. You're focusing on a few bad Pokemon (in your opinion) from later gens while ignoring the bad that's been there since the beginning. A Poke Ball with eyes is not any more clever or well thought out than a key ring with a face. Nor is a pile of goo with a face any better than that key ring, whether it's Grimer or Muk or Ditto.
But I think that it all comes down to this:
Also, I would honestly like to see the Pokemon franchise tank. That would be incredible.
You're a person whose Gen 1 fetish won't be satisfied by Game Freak, and for good reason. The franchise needs to move forward, as any franchise does. If your idea of "Nintendo listening to the fans" is them literally not making anything new in the Pokemon franchise, then I'm really glad that they don't listen. Pokemon is better for the changes it's gone through over the years, even if the last two installments felt a bit lackluster. But if there's anything that can be said for X/Y, it's that they at least weren't as bad as Red/Blue.