Pokémon Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion

Preview video of the show this Sunday. Shows no Masuda or anything, and a preview image is also floating around that only shows the hosts reacting to the Sun & Moon reveal from the Pokemon Direct.


Prepare for very little new information, if there even is any.

Preview video of the show this Sunday. Shows no Masuda or anything, and a preview image is also floating around that only shows the hosts reacting to the Sun & Moon reveal from the Pokemon Direct.

Prepare for very little new information, if there even is any.

Ya. Joe said the other day that the direct footage never showed anywhere so he wouldn't be surprised if the tv footage was just from the direct, since they said "first S&M footage to air on TV" and not gameplay, which kind of killed my hopes a little. But with that said, coro coro said we'd get S&M info this month, and I find t weird they'd post their first new pieces of info about the game in a magazine rather than on TV - though is the mag info is minor then I guess so?

Either way, not sure when the show is meant to air, but it's the early hours of April 3rd in Japan, and it airs at 8am JST I think, which is in a little over 30 minutes. so I guess we'll find out soon, and hopefully it's something decent - even something like the 5 second footage they showed of Kyogre and Groudon jumping out of the water for ORAS would suffice.
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The pace it's going, they won't reach X and Y sales levels. Those are the highest selling on the system, and the interesting fact is that none of the subsequent games have ever reached Red/Blue(Green) level of sales, yet Nintendo claims sales are higher- not according to your sales reports Nintendo!! :p
You can see a live stream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlgczxOr1Ow

If anyone wants a summary of what they're talking about, I'd be glad to do it. Right now, they're just introducing Pokemon school supplies for the new school year, though. The guests who are coming in to do the introductions are impersonating famous celebrities. :p
I'm beyondnexcited for this game!!!!! Pokemon was the first ever video game i ever got back in 1999 when i was 6 years old! I have countless memories of playing all these anazing games over the years. <3
Masuda said there will be over 10 new Pokemon and Pikachu will appear in it. What a time to be alive!
i hope the new pokemon wont be so disappointing as the kalos one. and please make the game hard or at least have difficulty mode!! god, i hate it when games are so goddamn easy. no challenges at all.
LMAO so glad I went out to eat and kept my hopes at the bare minimum. Ten new Pokemon is something so I'll take that little victory.
They're probably too busy coming up with new mega evolutions and pokemon forms with dumbass designs lmao
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