I like how this post, with the original idea, has zero uprates/likes, but then...
This post, with absolutely nothing contributing to the idea, or even the discussion, has 1 like.
How weird. Just something I noticed that I found amusing.
Anyway, the region is obviously tropical, but the "evil terrorist organizations" don't have to have similar naming conventions. Though Team Lunar and Team Solar are great ideas.
Personally, I'd love to see Team Rocket make a comeback, headed by Giovanni once more. Even bring back Jesse and James, and maybe even Butch and Cassidy. Team Rocket could be in the region due to rumors of the legendary Pokemon and want to harness their power to make money or something. Simple, yeah, but it would work. Team Rocket is already an established organization as well, with clear intentions. That would make it easy to relate them to other characters, and make them pretty set as far as villains go.