Pokémon Pokemon Trading Center

Vm me if you need iv pokemon or rare balls, I can breed for you ^^ I also have shinies and events, looking for tBT
I'm looking for the shiny xerneas/yveltal event pokemon if anyone is lucky enough to be in Japan to get them. TBT is my best form of trade return at present.
Hi I'm looking for the UK Smyth's Toys shiny Rayquaza as I missed the event T_T I can trade the GAME store Hoopa Hasty nature or TBT. Let me know ^^
I'm looking for Jirachi and I have Genesect, Keldeo, Meloetta, or Mew that I can trade. Mew I got from someone else, but the other three I believe have not been trained at all. I may also have some other legendaries/regular pokemon; if you're looking for something specifically, just let me know. PM me please if you have one you're willing to trade :>

I don't need Jirachi anymore ^_^ I do have a 2006 Mystery Mew I'm willing to part with for some tbt if anyone wants one :)
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I'm looking to complete my living dex. I have everything up to Zygaurde, so I just need a Diancie and a Hoopa. Diancie is more important, since McDonald's is doing a Hoopa event at the end of the month. I have a Genesect, Shaymin, Arceus, Meloetta, and a few other extra other legendarys I am willing to part with.
Looking for a non-hacked shiny Charmander for Pok?mon Y. No nicknames, please. Not sure how many TBT bells it'll cost me so let me know how much you want for it.
Looking for a talonflame / fletchling with gale wings, (if you have a friend safari that has them pls feel free to add me im really desperate to get one of these)
Still looking for a legit shiny Charmander for 6th Gen. Must not have a nickname and must be between levels 1-5. Willing to pay all my TBT bells for it.
I'm looking for a Mew. I have an extra Hoopa for trade from the Swedish Gamestop event, or a Keldeo if that is preferred. If anyone is interested, please PM me.

NVM I just found one x) my Keldeo is still up for grabs if anyone has a Shaymin or Genesect though
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Looking for Mew, all Pokemon 231-251, 362-392, 458-492, 641-649, and Yveltal. Sorry for so many, I'm trying to complete the Pokedex 100%, but I'm missing just about every legendary. I don't need to keep anyone's Pokemon, I just need to register them in my Pokedex. I can return them right after! I just don't have much to offer. :(
Looking for Mew, all Pokemon 231-251, 362-392, 458-492, 641-649, and Yveltal. Sorry for so many, I'm trying to complete the Pokedex 100%, but I'm missing just about every legendary. I don't need to keep anyone's Pokemon, I just need to register them in my Pokedex. I can return them right after! I just don't have much to offer. :(

Give me a few days for breeding purposes and I can help out with all the non legends. The legends I can also help out with so long as I get them all back. Though I do have some extras of some of them.
Currently looking for any and all Dream Ball females for breeding. Would particularly like: Omanyte, Kabuto, Aerodactyl, Lileep, Anorith, Cranidos, Shieldon, Tirtouga, Vanillish, Heracross, and Smeargle. IVs don't matter since I can breed those in myself, Hidden Ability would be a nice bonus!

Can offer Dream Ball females in return. Off the top of my head I know I have: Dratini, Growlithe, Scyther, Roselia, Riolu, and Cottonee. Can check if I have any others. Some have their HB, but I'd have to check which do to know for sure.

Also can offer pokemon in HG/SS special balls too. I have at least two boxes of females, PM me to see what I have!

I also have quite a few event pokemon sitting around in my PC of varying rareness, such as Mew, Celebi, Deoxys, Arceus, etc. if those are preferred.
Looking for the following shinies :D Zekrum,Mew,rayquaza,deoxys and a xernas
(I know there the rare ones that nobody has but ill pay a bundle of TBT xD)
I'm looking for any of the impossible-to-find Pok?mon except for Victini, Keldeo, Celebi, or Jirachi. I don't care about stats and stuff, I just want them.
I'm looking for a Japanese Ditto. Levels, sats, and IVs don't matter, I just need it for breeding shiny Pok?mon.
I'm collecting shinies and would like to trade shiny for shiny with people, especially if your shiny has a nice nickname. I can offer various legit shinies in return, including Charmander, Gardevoir, Rayquaza, Growlithe, Raichu, Delphox and Garchomp.

I'm also looking for Mew, Jirachi, Shaymin, Arceus, Keldeo and Hoopa and can trade any other Pokemon for them; I have a 6IV Ditto I can swap, which is amazing for breeding stuff.
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I'm looking for a Giratina that someone has transferred up from Pokemon Platium, meaning its permanently in its origin form without the need of the Griseous Orb.

In return I can offer a Giratina from ORAS, a shiny, TBT or possibly something else. Please PM me if you have one, thanks! ^_^