Looking for a shiny Lucario in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. I’m willing to offer my shiny Steelix + either Dialga or Palkia in exchange. Can throw in a bit of TBT as well. Let me know if you’re interested!
Anyone have a Sobble in SwSh and would like to trade it for a Grookey or Scorbunny? Please I need it for my Pokedex.
I'll be online very soon, sorry I get sidetracked sometimesI got you. I'm pretty sure I have all three starters in SwSh, but I'll double check. Let me know when you're ready to trade!
(and you can just trade me a trashmon back, no need to trade anything of value)
I'll be online very soon, sorry I get sidetracked sometimesThank you so much for helping me out with my pokedex
Extremely sorry I took so long I was having internet problems, are you still online? I feel so bad for making you wait like an hour for thisAlright, and I have confirmed I have a level one Sobble you can have. Link Code will be 5959 5959. Trainer name is Riley.
Extremely sorry I took so long I was having internet problems, are you still online? I feel so bad for making you wait like an hour for this![]()
Anybody got a Mime Jr. they'd be willing to trade me in BDSP?
I know you can technically get them in the Trophy garden postgame, but I'm trying to complete most of my pokédex BEFORE taking on the Elite 4 (unlike my first run 12 years ago).
I need to get some sleep now, though, so I probably won't see any replies until maybe 12 hours later. Thanks in advance!
I do have an Infernape. Not sure how helpful that would be, but I’m willing to give him to you as he’s just in my storage right now. Let me know.Welp, I didn't expect to be back here so quickly, but here we are.
If anyone has a Turtwig and/or a Chimchar in BDSP, I'd be more than happy to trade them for the two extra Piplups I have in storage.
I don't have either of the other starters, and the internet codes aren't giving me much luck. Much thanks in advance!
Welp, I didn't expect to be back here so quickly, but here we are.
If anyone has a Turtwig and/or a Chimchar in BDSP, I'd be more than happy to trade them for the two extra Piplups I have in storage.
I don't have either of the other starters, and the internet codes aren't giving me much luck. Much thanks in advance!
I have an extra Shieldon. Let me know if you still need oneLegends Arceus.
Looking for a shieldon, to keep and evolve.