• And we're back! Mushroom Season continues on The Bell Tree with an all-new mysterious set of Foraged Mushrooms. Good luck foraging and identifying!

Pokémon Pokemon Trading Center

Looking for A Non-native north American Ditto!

Ask for something you want in return (AC:NL or pokemon related)^~^
I believe I have a spare japanese ditto. Give me a minute to check my PC and confirm this.

update: Yep. He's all yours if you want him. You can give me whatever pokemon you want for him. I don't really care.
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I sure can, adding your FC now

edit: my trainer's name is Jinjiro
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Uhh.. what? It should be.. let me double check it[though no one else has had problems adding me with it, you may have put the FC in wrong]

edit: yeah, it's correct; you musta accidentally reversed numbers or something
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That is weird because I confirmed that it matched my FC and no one else has ever had that issue before.

edit: I'll put it here, hopefully it'll decide to work because it IS correct.

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ahhh i have a korean ditto if you cant solve the problem
edit: nevermind ;;
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Ive put it in exactaly the way its been written in the profile.
But if the Korean ditto is still up for grabs, Ill take it:3
Your clearly mixing up a number somewhere then, because 43 people say my FC on my profile is correct.

edit: if you can't admit your wrong then, whatever, I'm taking back my offer.
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Yeah Jinjiro is right. I deleted him (for testing) and re-enter his FC and it works .

Sorry for the intrusion.
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Im not saying either of us is right or wrong, Im trying to ask for help since this isnt working on my end. I just now got my internet back to work, it could very well be a mess up on my part.
if you manage to get me added, I'm still willing to trade you the ditto(I'll have to re-add you myself, but that takes all of 10 seconds to do)

and sorry for my rudeness, I just got a bit fed up with the problem.
Its ok, now it proves that theres something wrong with my DS. I tried adding Ricardos FC just to test it and it had the same error.
hmm.. I'd try restarting your 3DS then. Might just be a glitch that needs a restart of the console to fix it.
Update: Four HA female eevee's available now.
Update: Make that three. Lots of males though. LOTS of males.(SOMEBODY TAKE SOME MALES!)
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