Pokémon Pokemon Trading Center

Yup! I'll add you in a minute ^^ My trainer is Laudine.
I need an Onix (Preferably holding Steel Coat but really as long as it's male and dosen't have a nickname it's fine) and a Tyrunt or Amaura (Male if Tyrunt, Female if Amaura). Thanks so much!
I need an Onix (Preferably holding Steel Coat but really as long as it's male and dosen't have a nickname it's fine) and a Tyrunt or Amaura (Male if Tyrunt, Female if Amaura). Thanks so much!

I have a Tyrunt. Looking for Hidden ability Pansage though.
Does anyone have an Adamant Mawile they're willing to trade?
Also, does anyone have an Charizardite X they're willing to trade? I never see it in the Emporium. :c
Does anyone have an Adamant Mawile they're willing to trade?
Also, does anyone have an Charizardite X they're willing to trade? I never see it in the Emporium. :c

I have one with the Perfect 5 IVs, depends on what you offer however
I have one with the Perfect 5 IVs, depends on what you offer however

I literally just got one from GTS after trying for days, and I'm planning on using it to breed IVs. Thanks so much anyway!

Still looking for Charizardite X~
I have a shiny Lillipup and shiny Meditite up for trade. Also have:

For Trade:
31/31/31/xx/31/31 Adamant Quick Feet/Poison Heal Shroomish (Quick Feet females available)
31/xx/31/31/31/31 Timid Chlorophyll Bulbasaur w/ Giga Drain
31/xx/31/31/31/31 Timid Froakie w/ Toxic Spikes
31/xx/31/31/31/31 Modest Magic Guard Abra
31/xx/31/31/31/31 Timid Levitate Gastly w/ Disable
31/xx/31/31/31/31 Bold Regenerator Slowpoke (female available)
31/31/31/xx/31/31 Jolly Tyrunt w/ Elemental Fangs (thunder, ice, fire) and Dragon Dance (female available)
31/31/31/xx/31/31 Jolly Thick Fat Swinum w/ Stealth Rock, Icicle Spear, and Icicle Crash (female available)

Looking for a 4+IV Ditto, that is missing Atk, Sp. Atk, or both! Or looking for foreign 5IV Pokemon so that we can both try out MMing. Thank you!
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Got a shiny banette for trade.

Keep in mind I've already been offered a perfect IV eevee(Timid, would prefer Modest) for her.

edit: nevermind, banette is gone.

Though if somebody would be willing to trade me a perfect IV modest eevee[female prefered] for my Timid; that'd be grand

Note: Timid is good for espeon.

edit: Scratch the offer. I've decided to keep him, he can still make a pretty good glaceon for me too.
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Looking For Articuno,
I'll offer
Various 4-5IV Pokemon and Moltres, PM if interested :)
Looking for Ditto with HP, Def, Spec D, and speed.

the hp is a necessity and im not bothered if it has only 3 rather than the 4 im asking for aslong as it includes hp
Hi there, looking for Dawn Stone(s) and Mewtwonite Y. I have Mewtwonite X and Pok?rus, as well as X exclusive pok?s. Let me know if you could help :3