i think you make a lot of good points in this post, and thank you for making it, from someone who is (perhaps excessively) positive about the game. (And you are always respectful and open minded in expressing your opinions, and I appreciate that)
I think the same way people who are more critical may feel like people are trying to silence them or stop them from expressing negative views, those with more positive views of the game actually feel the same way.
Personally, I have feared at times when I post something positive about the game it will end up buried in negative responses, for example if I write that I like the villager dialogue (some of it is from my own social anxiety to be fair, and what I feared did not really happen in that case) I don’t mind disagreement, but I don’t want to be told that I am being either ‘toxically positive’, not a critical thinker, ‘defensive/ in denial’ (editing: I see the comment above and I mean being called defensive for saying something positive not for other situations, and I did not write this to be directed at
@bcmii ) , not a ‘real fan’, etc.
I don’t know if I have made anyone feel like I was attacking them for disagreeing with me (I hope not). When I respond to a comment disliking something in the game I am trying to provide an alternate experience/ perspective (my own), and it isn’t intended to shut the other person down, but just to try and have a constructive discussion - I like not only posting my own thought but having real discussions with people, and showing people that I read and thought about what they wrote.
So, when I see people saying people are complaining too much, I think likely in many cases they are feeling like there is no room for positive opinions, just like people who complain about overly positive people are feeling like there is no room for their opinions. Both sides are feeling defensive, and both sides may take personal what is intended only as someone else trying to put their own thoughts into words.
I think we all feel strongly about the game, that’s why we are devoting so much time and energy to discussing it. But with all our strong opinions we tend to express ourselves perhaps more in absolutes than is necessary. So the opinions become either right or wrong rather than agree or disagree. - which are two very different statements. (What I mean here is when someone says ‘I think there is not enough furniture variation in the game’, a response of ‘I disagree, I really like the furniture’ to me is much less confrontational/ judgmental feeling than ‘you are wrong the furniture is varied.’ Right and wrong are terms for factual information. How we feel about the game is opinion, and so no one can be wrong about their own experience, from someone who thinks the game is terrible to someone who thinks it is the pinnacle of game development.
I’m guilty of it too, I’m sure. I feel so strongly about my own experience I do have trouble seeing how people can have such different experiences. But
I actively want people who don’t agree with me here in the forum talking to me. That’s what makes it fun and interesting to be here. What I don’t want is to feel like I’m being judged as an idiot or lacking in thought or taste for having the opinions I have.
we all just want to freely discuss our opinions without fearing being shut down or silenced.
i don’t think the solution is just to ‘develop a thicker skin’ (one of my least favorite expressions/ concepts irl). One of the best things about this community is that it is one of the kindest communities on the internet. I think if we try and give each other the benefit of the doubt and do our best to express our own opinions respectfully, we can cheerfully debate and disagree to all our hearts’ content without fracturing the community.
I hope some of that is understandable - and not too long winded (I’m flawed in that way), I know I probably come off as the worst sort of kumbaya guidance counselor type (i’m really not that annoying usually, I promise), but I also don’t like seeing things devolve into arguments all the time and think generally it is more because of misunderstanding each other than malicious intent.