POLL---Be Honest: How do you REALLY feel about New Horizons?

How do you REALLY feel about New Horizons?

  • It's the best game I've ever played!

    Votes: 31 12.3%
  • It's a super amazing game, but not my favorite!

    Votes: 68 27.0%
  • It's okay, and is just as good as the previous games.

    Votes: 18 7.1%
  • It's okay, but could use a little work.

    Votes: 63 25.0%
  • I'm going to be honest...it sucks.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
  • I still like it, but it could use a TON of work.

    Votes: 59 23.4%
  • It's the most perfect Animal Crossing game to ever be released

    Votes: 6 2.4%

  • Total voters
I am surprised to see the results, and that so many people feel ACNH is just 'OK'! It is completely OK that you feel that way, I am just surprised because I love it and think it's great and while any improvements or new items are welcome, I'm pretty happy with it the way that it is.

However, I also haven't played New Leaf or other previous games, so I am fortunate to not have the disappointment of comparing ACNH to previous games.

I did play AC Pocket Camp (which can be expensive), so I do like the ACNH is stand alone. But, when I eventually realised that no new items would be added to ACNH, I was disappointed.

ACPC continuously introduces new items (microtransactions that aren't so micro) that are themed, and great to mix and match. Because ACNH doesn't have the introduction of new items, I would have liked to see an extended catalogue, particularly variations of major furniture styles. It feels like there's only a handful of beds, sofas, tables etc. to choose from.

I also would like if things were slightly more customisable. For example, the fence recipes you can buy with Nook miles could be colour customised and would be such a simple way to add more colour variety and creative options to the game. Your picket fence is now a white picket fence.

I like that I can use Amiibos. I love the new ACNH characters (Megan ❤). I like that your villagers can't choose to leave without your confirmation, because that would definitely break my heart! I'm also happy with the Designer, the choices of bridges and inclines and the terraforming tool. I think they're all OK.

Overall, I love ACNH though.
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I think my answer would probably be a combination of some of these options because I do love this game and I wouldn't have put as much time into it as I have if I didn't, but I am absolutely always open to new possibilities and developments and there are certainly areas where this game is lacking in comparison to previous games.
I am surprised to see the results, and that so many people feel ACNH is just 'OK'! It is completely OK that you feel that way, I am just surprised because I love it and think it's great and while any improvements or new items are welcome, I'm pretty happy with it the way that it is.
I think the results are overall positive.
We have 50% who deem it to be am amazing game and better than the others in the series.
55% saying its on par with or better than the rest.

And if you take "okay but could use a little work" to be a generally positive statement like I do, then 85% of people are at least mostly happy with the game.

It seems only around 5% are unhappy with the game and I don't think that's too bad a number.

Of course the poll results are open to change and interpretation. So my reading could be way off
I think the results are overall positive.
We have 50% who deem it to be am amazing game and better than the others in the series.
55% saying its on par with or better than the rest.

And if you take "okay but could use a little work" to be a generally positive statement like I do, then 85% of people are at least mostly happy with the game.

It seems only around 5% are unhappy with the game and I don't think that's too bad a number.

Of course the poll results are open to change and interpretation. So my reading could be way off
Oh, maybe it's my interpretation! I took "okay but could use a little work" to mean they thought the game was just so-so (more of a negative connotation), where I guess I am a bit overly-enthusiastic about it! 😅
I picked 'it's okay' because I feel like it's missing some things to make it complete... at the same time, it's my current favorite game and I have so many hours played that it speaks for itself. I think it's amazing... the world and the gameplay is great... just needs a bit more work to make it perfect. (Namely, more npcs/shops and filling out different item themes/sets.)

I'm definitely happy with the game overall.
Amazing while there was so much to do (completing the museum, collecting items, unlocking new shops, etc.) but I do have to say that after I was done completely terraforming my island, almost completed the entire museum and finished decorating my house, I found myself playing less during the week compared to last year when I was really addicted and had to play first thing in the morning and late in bed, that feeling has kinda faded a little for me. So, I'm excited what nintendo has in store for us in terms of new content :)
i don't know what to vote on this poll to be honest. I think it's a really good game, i'm enjoying it a lot, but i think it needs a lot of the older things added as well, and in general it doesn't feel as cozy and community focused as past AC titles for some reason. But saying "it's an okay game" i feel doesn't express me, cause I wouldn't spend so much time on a game i think is just "okay" that doesn't sit right with me XD but i also don't think it's "super amazing"... I don't know, i think i haven't cleared my thoughts on this game. Maybe it's because of the great potential it has that it feels like it doesn't quite reach its goals. Like, i love the graphics and all the decorating and customization with terraforming and placing items and furniture outside added so much to the game, but it feels like something's missing from the villagers and general atmosphere of the game. I think we need more stores, and more things to do and unlock probably to feel a little more like we're doing something more other than shape up the island on the surface, i want to feel like i have a bigger impact on the actual community if that makes any sense ( i felt that way in the beginning during the "story" part). I don't know how to express it but i feel like the game doesn't make you feel immersed in it as much and as long as the other games did. And im not one to be a victim of nostalgia cause i started playing AC less than 2 years ago as an adult, so the way i feel is not affected by nostalgia

i love the game and it hurts me to say that I don't feel as immersed as i did with WW and NL, but it's okay, I still enjoy it a lot and im looking forward to what they plan in the future

edit: in the end i went with "it's okay, but could use a little work", as i see it can be taken in a positive way. I think "i really enjoy it but it has some issues" would summarize my thoughts more accurately
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I had to think a bit about what to vote on the poll. It’s hard to say how I honestly feel about this game. This game was amazing. I got it a few days after release because it was sold out literally everywhere, and I had to resort to purchasing it online. It’s a great game, but of course, there are things that can be improved on just like any other game. Nothing in life is perfect, and Nintendo can’t cater to everyone’s needs because what everyone wants in this game is different. To please everybody, Nintendo would have to create nearly 100 different versions of this game, which is unrealistic. I think Animal Crossing is meant to be a stress reliever, and this game seems to be the most stressful out of it’s predecessors. It adds crafting and terraforming, while it is cool, it seems too much like Minecraft. It just doesn’t have the relaxing feel that other games have. It’s a fun game, but my honest opinion is that Nintendo may have tried a bit too hard on this one.
I think it's the best game in the franchise to date, but Animal Crossing is not my favourite game series. I favour RPGs and hack'n'slash over simulation games.
I'm going to be honest...it sucks.

Basically what your option says. Honestly, only reason I got a Switch and NH was I knew I was gonna be home a lot because rona. And sure, it was fun at first but after playing thru every season and getting my villagers I wanted it really annoyed me that they did this update thing and sold the first half of the game for full price and it's still missing so much. Honestly I'd gladly get 3ds again and boot up a copy of New Leaf if I can find it. I dropped the game completely earlier this year and honestly one of the best choices I'ver ever made.
I love this game and I choose to play it over any other Animal Crossing game I own, but I feel like it's missing that Animal Crossing feel other games had. I love all the new features like how villagers can't move out without telling you, how you can set up plots for them so they don't move in somewhere random and how you can pick up trees to move them somewhere else opposed to just cutting them down like in older games. The graphics are amazing, when the trailer and E3 2019 came out I didn't like the graphics very much but now I do. The game definitely has some flaws and could use more updates so that's why I put "I still like it put it could use a ton of work." There is a lot of missing content like the old NPCs, old furniture/clothing, gyroids, I also want new stuff added to the game too. I started playing New Leaf after a year it came out in the US, I don't think I would necessarily call myself an old player because I wasn't able to experience older games when they were the newest and latest title of the series but I feel like items and NPCs from the older titles and not just from New Leaf are what older players want. Other than items and NPCS, multiplayer sucks. There should be something in the game to make multiplayer more engaging like minigames. If I were Nintendo I think I would've delayed New Horizons again even though most people would've been mad. I feel like it's kind of unfair to the playerbase that they just release update after update adding very small things and I feel like Nintendo just doesn't want to deal with this game anymore sometimes.
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originally voted "it's okay but could use a little work" but just changed it to "i still like it, but it could use a TON of work".

NH is a very pretty game, and i love the QOL updates it made from NL. (expanded inventory, no random move-outs, deciding where houses go.) but that's... really it for me. i'm not a decorator or a designer. i will design my rooms once and they will stay like that. my landscape is near identical to when i first arrived. imo, NH strayed from an AC game in the sense that it feels largely like just another decorating sim instead of a life sim that's character driven like all the other games. the few new bigger features they added (terraformimg, exterior decorating, crafting) mean nothing to me, and maybe that wouldn't be such an issue if they'd added anything else new and significant. farming was a neat idea, even if i don't really have room, but it (as of now) started and stopped with pumpkins 6 months ago.

it had a lot of potential to be on par with, or even better, than NL. in its current state, however, it's still neither for me. it's just an okay game -- i've still sunk hours into it because i love my villagers -- and i wouldn't recommend buying it at full price to anyone. for me, it's just missing too much even after a year since release. (which doesn't leave me hopeful.) i've been playing NL in tandem with it recently because it's just missing too much AC charm and, QOL changes aside, NL still hooks me more even after 7 years and 2 towns.
I voted that it’s a super amazing game but not my favorite. If I wasn’t in quarantine during the release I really may have enjoyed it more. Since I was stuck at home w/ not much to do I feel like I progressed in the game way faster than I would have in other AC games. Or course it’s missing a lot of stuff that was in NL, but I’ve really enjoyed the game for what it is.
The biggest downside to NH in my opinion is that it didn't really used what was already there in the previous games and added over it (villagers personnalities, nice NPCs like Brewster Shampooddle or the love-triangle Pelicans ahaha, flea-market days, hide and seek...). It certainly kept a lot of it and gave them a "make over" (Daisy Mae, Flick and CJ, most of the events...) but to me a lot of the charm has been cropped. I loved feeling that the village was alive and some stuffs were actually happening "out of my control" (gossips and arguments between villagers and NPCs). Maybe I've been too much playing this game almost like a RPG, i dont know, but all those things really gave it an extra spice.

I still love NH very very much because the other big thing i love in AC is the atmosphere. Hearing the cicadas in summer, listening to the waves, looking at the stars, hearing the sounds of the steps when it rains etc. And NH is absolutely breathtaking for that in my opinion. Really love the terraforming too cause it makes us able to create places we'd love to be, add extra rivers, ponds or even big lakes.

Without being a huge decoration fan, i like the fact that we can place stuffs outside, it helps making the place feel alive with hanging cloth lines, tables etc... But this extra life isn't as cool as having actual life in the village - with what i mentionned in the first part. It's like just having a superficial life versus a more organic one. It also makes us having too much choice in a way. In that sense i'm going to repeat what @Croconaw said, it can make some people quite stressed (especially with the terraforming addition). Having so many different things to do is not that relaxing if you have trouble chosing or if you want to try absolutely everything...

In general i really like the game and mostly use it as my "daily walk to the park" and "gardening without getting my real life hands and flat dirty" hahaha. Can't wait to see what the next updates will be :)
Out of all the video games I’ve played in my life (which actually has not been very many), I think New Horizons is my favorite so far (or maybe tied with Pokemon Pearl, which, funnily enough, is also considered a heavily divisive game for that series)! I just keep thinking back to ten year old me playing Wild World. If she had been handed a switch and New Horizons, her mind would have been absolutely BLOWN! So when I play NH, I feel like that ten year old kid again, and I just get so happy. It’s been a great experience so far, and I’ve really loved the game.
I chose "It's the best game I've ever played!" but to be honest, it's the only game I've ever played. I've been playing nearly a year and I still like it although I wish it would continue to improve.
I love this game, but like others have said, it needs some work. There's quite a few things missing, with Brewster, villager dialogue, furniture sets, other npcs, etc.
I chose the second option, it's an amazing game but not my favorite - by favorite I peronally am referring to all games that exist, not just AC games. NH is the only AC game I have played so perhaps my expactations going in were different from people who have had a lot of experience with and attachment to past games, but since I don't know what features are missing, I personally am not missing them. I like my villagers a lot and decorating an island is very fun. The only minor complaint I have would be that sometimes all available customization options are a bit too colorful for me and I would like to have a bigger selection of items or at least variants of items to go with a darker theme.