Its a good game, but yeah it does need some work. I am somewhere in the middle. While I think there is things in the game that do way better and it does do really good from past AC games there is still other stuff that sets it back from being a perfect game. Here's the thing I remember way back in the day on the GameCube you would used to have 2 towns on each memory card. When I saw New Horizons I was hoping to make multiple islands but instead it has the one island per switch which did annoy me very much.
There is alot of issues that bother me like the online is not all that good. All you do is just shop on their island, and sure you can interact with their villagers, and of course have a fun time hanging out. There is literally no modes. I know when the Dream Suite came out last year in August 2020 I barely use Dodo airlines anymore. Its 2021 and we still have to deal with the constant load screens. I mean why can't it just be you can still do stuff on your island, while someone else is coming or leaving?
Then there is the villager dialogue. Villagers seem to only talk about themselves depending on their personality and they would prattle on the same topics about what you are wearing, who visited your island, reminding the player what they did yesterday, and of course always asking you same questions about being inside villagers homes or just asking about other player's hobbies. This can be cute at first, but it gets tiring to hear them say it everyday. Now sure the argument can be made that villagers do same more unique things when they are inside the shops, museum, and when they are in events. While that is all cool it still doesn't make them interesting. New Leaf villagers used to come to your home when they ask you to and sometimes they would ask you to pay hide and seek. That is no longer a thing in New Horizons. Villagers need to have more life to them than just repeat the same topics over and over again.
The Crafting and DIY are good additions to the game but the way it was executed and how it was handled after 1 year later it really doesn't hold up too well. The constant grind for looking for DIYS is RNG and the crafting takes a long time just to get items you really want. If Nintendo would've took inspiration from Minecraft and Stardew Valley maybe the Crafting would've been better.
As far as the shops I am just going to say this New Horizons compared to past AC games in terms of upgrades has the least amount of shop upgrades. You can upgrade the shop 5 times to reach to the full potential. Even in New leaf when you got the final shop upgrade you had Leif joined in and then Gracie Grace was up in the top floor. It was by the best thing we've ever seen. Why is that the Nook Shop in New Horizons has only one upgrade? There should be a new upgrade where it adds new items that we never seen before. I get that in past updates the nook shop would always display items that are limited time which is a good idea but the problem is that the variant you have is a different color and the only to get that said variant that has a different color is to trade with someone else. In past AC games the nook shop was always your go to whenever you wanted new furniture and it always was refreshing whenever new stuff was added even in the full upgraded shop there is so much stuff to get and you can see what they have. This one in New Horizions just doesn't do much. There needs to be more variety and a reason to keep shopping at the Nook shop.
Lastly is the Nook Mile Shop. Its probably the most underdeveloped thing in this game. One year has passed and the nook miles shop has barely seen any sort of upgrades to it. Yeah sure in the updates you can use Nook Miles to get new Reactions but thats just it. The items remain the same ever since you first started playing. There is no way to customize the items you just got from the Nook Mile shop. You have to ask someone else if they have say a Green Streetlamp for example.. but you only have the black version on your island. What bothers me is that when you catalog these items, you cannot buy them at the Nook Mile shop. Its available on the Nook Shopping Catalog but its "not for sale" so whats the point? You might as well just trade these items in for different colors which can be tedious to do. The point is the Nook Miles could've been better if the game actually added new items to the Nook Mile shop that encourages you to earn them more all the time when doing tasks everyday when you play the game. I would've loved it if there was like new features added that you have to get nook miles to unlock it. Remember in the beginning you had to spend a lot of Nook Miles for your Tool Ring, Hairstyles, and Pocket Size? To me that felt rewarding and you felt accomplished for unlocking them. After one year of playing there is barely anything new added to the Nook Mile shop.
With that said I will mentioned what I do like about the game. The graphics on this game are some of the most impressive I've ever seen on a Switch game. The way the flowers move, the trees, and anything else in the wind is just really nice. There are really small details where you can put a Fan inside your home and you can see how different objects affect based on the direction the wind from the fan is coming from. The sounds of the bugs were well done, the water waves were really great, and the wind is a helpful mechanic whenever you're looking for Balloon gifts. The way you control your character is really responsive and you can run all over your island. Everything from using tools, shopping, swimming/diving, and basically storing items have felt more fleshed out compared to past AC games. There is more pocket storage, you can store more things in your home more than ever, and there is Nook Mile tasks to do whenever you want to feel accomplished. By far the best thing about this game is the customization and terraforming. You can customize certain furniture and items from crafting, have a lot of custom patterns or objects on your island from someone else who designed it using the Kiosk, and of course the one thing that stood out the most is terraforming. Making your island the way you want and how you want it to be has never been so expressive and giving you the freedom to do whatever you want.
So yeah thats my brutally honest thoughts on what I think on Animal Crossing New Horizons as a whole.