Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

I got a Kyon nendoroid from The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya! I felt so bad earlier when he arrived as I completely forgot that I ordered him & I was just like: "What on earth is this...?" I'M SORRY, KYON. ;__;

Really happy with him, though!
My Daddy said he was going to buy us WWE tickets for next April!!
I'm excited hue hue
Also if I do well in my chemistry test I get to buy attack on titan: no regrets v.2
I bought a WiiU with Mario Kart 8 yesterday, it came with a bunch of other stuff but none of that is really useful or important.

Bought Wind Waker HD today. I really don't know why I didn't just buy it yesterday with the WiiU to be honest because I knew I was going to buy it...
I got a bunch of brand new gloves! Two pairs have owls and one pair is just black but look super cute.
I got Freakyforms Deluxe sometime this week

I feel like everyone has so much more money then me
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I got this framed! And now it gloriously hangs over my bed and matches my Monet print, Hello Kitty poster, and ballerina canvas that I also have hanging in my room. xD
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I got a new toothbrush and now I can use this old one to clean my shoes yipee
I got myself some cute new laceless trainers, and a new cover for my Kindle as the old one was getting worn out.