Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Bought some hippie dress on the sale for like 3 bucks, and I got some SP hits for once, yay!
finally scouted a komodo and his stats are so good for a lvl 3!, hes lvl 8 and his stats are rising so well!

look at em!, so cute!

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Yesterday I got a Harley Quinn suicide squad shirt (the one she's wearing). I plan on wearing it when I go to see the movie when it comes out.
I got all the animal crossing amiibos! I went from zero to all (17) in 3.5 hours of bargain hunting! This was 2 days ago now but I still haven't gotten over the excitement :D


I also got the HHD and NFC bundle (until I can order the HHD New 3DS XL to match my AC 3DS XL), Amiibo Festival bundle, and card albums from series 1-3 and a bunch of cards to start me off.

I have 102 cards so far according to this site so have a ways to go to complete my collection but.. I'm so happy!!!
Two days ago, for my birthday I got:
Kinetic Sand, Orbeez(off brand ones but they're still fun), a mug that looks like a Volkswagon Bus, A Bender and a Nibbler Funko Pop, books about legends and lore of mermaids and fairies, Kirby: Planet Robobot, Lego Jurassic World, a label maker(I honestly love it so much don't judge me), a Draculaura doll, one of those kitty cat banks where the kitty pulls the coin in, and a stylus and Screen cleaner set with Isabelle on it for my 3DS. My grandma also gave me $100 dollars so I bought myself a few things on amazon, including a kiddie inflatable pool for me and my honey to lay in with blankets outside, and the full DVD set of Pushing Daisies. I sadly didn't get a picture of my stuff but have these pictures of my child in one of the bags some of my presents came in.
I rented Akira from an anime shop somewhere downtown. They said its a classic so I'm excited to see what its all about.
Today's my birthday!
I got a Nintendo 3DS XL, Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D, Some Pokemon themed shirts, and some money from some relatives! My dad is also taking me to gamestop tomorrow to pick out some games and preorder Pokemon Sun and Moon!
And I got Wolfgang in my Animal Crossing New Leaf town and am soon going to get Chief!
Mass Effect 2 and Portal 2!

Mass Effect didn't come with the game, but it was pretty cheap and I liked the steelbook. I also got the collectors edition disc with it, and I already had the game, so I didn't mind.

Aaand Portal doesn't work. Need to take it back. The condition actually kinda makes me wanna cry
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Got some clothes and jewelry from my mom's amiga =D Looking awesome and she had some rings that actually fit my baby fingers lol