Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

I just won a bidding war for a port of Pikmin 2 on the wii.

I'm pretty proud of that. I haven't played that game in a solid 2 years. So I'm excited to finally play it all over again!
my mom brought me a small packet of jellybelly jelly beans and i also got 54 holly starts for my acnl town so that was cool! i only like the tropical flavored jelly beans though so i didnt eat many of them. you can easily tell theyre tropical ones since theyre kind of see through or clear. SO GOOD <3
I went to the midnight release of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child this morning and got a copy. The book itself is really good so far, but waiting for it was the best part. :blush:
i got my s*** filled box from amiami the other day, airmail from japan usually takes 4-5 days for me but it took 2 weeks smh
I went to the midnight release of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child this morning and got a copy. The book itself is really good so far, but waiting for it was the best part. :blush:
That sounds so good! It'd be good to know what your thoughts of it are when you're done with it, hope you enjoy it! :D

This sweetheart came in last last week:


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I bought some shirts. Decided to go check out the male clothes section for the first time and picked up some comfily large clothing. Also finally bought a new hoodie.
Ordered a Five Star planner & the Flex Notebinder off of Amazon, both red

I love school supplies smh
Got Bioshock, Bioshock 2 and Bioshock Infinite along with a new hoodie ^^
That sounds so good! It'd be good to know what your thoughts of it are when you're done with it, hope you enjoy it! :D

This sweetheart came in last last week:


Oh, it was so incredible! I went to Barnes and Noble with friends and they had some cool activities to do while you were waiting for the book like one called the Muggle Wall where you wrote your favorite memory of Harry Potter so of course we had to do that (I hope there was still enough room for other people). We also went to wand making at the last five minute of it and made wands which looked quite... interesting. We also did some other stuff then finally got in line for the book.

Nice phone by the way! Very fancy. :p
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Oh, it was so incredible! I went to Barnes and Noble with friends and they had some cool activities to do while you were waiting for the book like one called the Muggle Wall where you wrote your favorite memory of Harry Potter so of course we had to do that (I hope there was still enough room for other people). We also went to wand making at the last five minute of it and made wands which looked quite... interesting. We also did some other stuff then finally got in line for the book.

Nice phone by the way! Very fancy. :p

Wow yea that definitely sounds like an experience, glad you had fun :')

And haha thank you, it's an amazing phone. I've been looking for a cover for it, but I'm really out of ideas and can't choose at all hahaha.