Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

My sister got me breakfast today because I'm poor... ;_;

- - - Post Merge - - -

Finally got my tie-dye shirts!


ignore the weird angles and crappy quality, iPhone is not a good camera phone lol.

I love the one on the left, so awesome! Where did you get them from? I really want a tie-dye sweatshirt.
My sister got me breakfast today because I'm poor... ;_;

- - - Post Merge - - -

I love the one on the left, so awesome! Where did you get them from? I really want a tie-dye sweatshirt.

They ship worldwide as well (unlike some other places) and I think they have sweats as well. They use USPS though so if you live outside the US, USPS it can be pretty costy sometimes to ship.

Thank you as well, the stained glass one is my fav.. Loving the pattern on my earth crackle tho <3
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The new Umbreon and Espeon card box sets~

They ship worldwide as well (unlike some other places) and I think they have sweats as well. They use USPS though so if you live outside the US, USPS it can be pretty costy sometimes to ship.

Thank you as well, the stained glass one is my fav.. Loving the pattern on my earth crackle tho <3

!!! omg i love that shop

friend made me and my crush lunch which was awkward but fun. we also attempted friendship bracelets but they turned out pretty terrible lol
!!! omg i love that shop

friend made me and my crush lunch which was awkward but fun. we also attempted friendship bracelets but they turned out pretty terrible lol

yes it's real good and they ship international too <3

cool tho.. and yeah i'd fail hard too.. my hand co-ordination lol
I just got a box of salt water taffy and some A&W flavored Poptarts. The pop-tarts aren't exactly the best I've had, but food is food I guess. And the taffy is rather bland. A majority of the taffy doesn't even taste like food. It taste more like Cardboard and popsicle sticks.
Got my August issue of CoroCoro comic (included a Ho-Oh serial code for those with Japanese Sun/Moon game copies) that came with a Splatoon 2 game case where you can keep switch and 3ds games, so it's not the actual game inside lol), and a Snack World guide/comic thing. And yes I used the code obviously lol.


so yeah that's how the mag looks like, basically an A5 manga/ads magazine with pics of weird Japanese people sticking clothes pegs to their faces (no racism, there was actually such a picture in this issue lol).

Also took a trip (hurr) to the local hippie store here and picked up a rust/red tones patchwork shirt and a tiedye one:

Waiting for me at home is a Gund Classic Tigger. I've been hunting for one for a while, so I'm happy to have found it. I always liked the classic line, modeled after the original toys, better.