My HSM cd came suuper early!! I ordered it yesterday so it's really nice to have it the day after I ordered it.
its cool to have this cd from the golden days of disney channel, not gonna lie. it was brand new too so that's a bonus.
Oh, yeah got a new pair of jeans last sunday. there is literally one brand here that makes cheap-ish(i don't think 55 bucks might be cheap but other wide/retro style jeans are like x3 that so) nice models that fit my ass so when they release new ones i make sure to pick up a pair if any nice from that line.
I went and bought myself a new belt before work this morning cause my old one was too loose on my waist (aka yay losing weight) and it fits perfectly ☺
opened a few Pokemon TCG packs from battle styles and hidden fates yesterday and got these, the Charizard was guaranteed from a tin (though it's absolutely gorgeous) but the other two were a very nice surprise! (especially Type Null cause he's one of my favorites and he's a shiny!!)
(click for full size images, they're all super dope up close especially the Charizard)
- An old Johnny's Jr. ticket holder (I think, some plastic holder with some old Johnnys Jr. rubber badge with a rope so you can hang it on you?)
- Ring file/filofax calendar holder x2. Yes I had to order two since they had different pages in them LOL. I'll give one to a rl friendo though
- Smol Hello Kitty plushies from the Monsters dorama (representing Yamapi and Shingo Katori)
- A poncho-style towel-blanket thing with dog ears and tail (I think it's from one of Takki's solo concerts back in ..2005?)
- A Jr. era photo of Tackey & Tsubasa
- Some Jr. era merch of Tackey.