Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Today my family upgraded to a Wii U! We got the Super Mario 3D world one and Smash Bros for Wii U! It's currently updating now, but I'm so excited to play it!
welp. Never, in my life, did I think I would have as much manga as I do now. So here's all of it I got today/within the last few months.

all of host club

((still host club, it was a box set))

Rayearth, all of it

Most of peach girl change of heart, and all of Chobits
was at wal mart just now, I went and looked at the game display case mostly just for fun since i knew their website said they didn't sell MH4 in stores and it's been sold out everywhere here since it's launch day, and stuck sneakily between some Mario and HM games was a single copy of MH4!! So I grabbed it. B) Excited to get destroyed and suck at playing this!
i got some black and blue oreos
A Buddha statue and jade pendant. I'm really happy with these.

!! I hope this doesn't come across as creepy, but do you have a link or pics of the pendant? I've been trying to find a nice jade pendant for a while to go along with all my malas and none of the ones I find in stores ever ~speak to me~ or whatever, you know? I'm super curious about yours because I've had such a hard time picking one out for myself, lol.
finally bought the iconic cities american apparel tote bag because i needed a tote bag desperately.
also, bought breakfast at tiffany's by truman capote, because i wanted to see how my favorite film originated, and why truman capote thought audrey made a bad holly golightly.