Pokémon Post your Shiny Pokémon collection.

The first shiny Pokemon I ever found was a shiny Ditto. I got into competitive breeding in gen 6 and hatched a bunch of them.

Wait.... So you found a shiny Ditto and used it to breed competitive Pokemon or did you hatch a shiny Ditto? Because Ditto is one of the few non-legendary Pokemon out there that can't be bred with itself and produce another offspring of the same species. :rolleyes:
My first shiny was a lickitung in gen 2, and then a shiny Smeargle in gen 3, I've gotten lots of shinies in X/Y both from looking via horde battles, and breeding perfect IV's shiny pokemon for competetive battles.
Wait.... So you found a shiny Ditto and used it to breed competitive Pokemon or did you hatch a shiny Ditto? Because Ditto is one of the few non-legendary Pokemon out there that can't be bred with itself and produce another offspring of the same species. :rolleyes:

a bunch of them refers to shiny pokemon in general, not the ditto, friend
Well, I've only played X/Y... so... yeah. I was playing Y, and I found a shiny Haunter and a shiny Bunnelby. I transferred them over to my X game, 'cause that's my main game. They look pretty cool. xD

Recently, I got a few shinies through Wonder Trade, but I think one of them was hacked... I mean, how else does someone get a shiny level 1 Manaphy? o_O
My first shiny was a Ponyta in Diamond. Still have that Ponyta held in my SS I think. I've found a few more, but I only remember a Scraggy I found in w1 and breeding a shiny Larvesta in Y.
I remember being really happy about the shiny Scraggy, cuz I found her during my playthrough while I was looking to find a Scraggy for my party.
okay the first shiny I got was a shiny wurmple
and my cousin decided "oh im gonna start a new game in emerald", and he did

the wurmple is forever gone. imagine how much that hurts for a 5 year old, it hurt a lot
a bunch of them refers to shiny pokemon in general, not the ditto, friend

Ayy, the way it was worded made it sound like that you were breeding for a competitive Ditto and hatched a shiny one; though thanks for the clarification. :cool:

During my first year of playing Pokemon I ran into a shiny Bronzong, Golbat and Gastly on my Pearl and Platinum save files. I caught the Bronzong but deleted the save that I had it on, so that one is now gone forever. I lost the shiny Gastly due to Curse, completely forgetting that it was a move that Gastly could learn at the time after I got it's HP down to a quarter. The Golbat on the other hand is the only shiny I've captured and kept out of those three, and I have it on my Omega Ruby file as a shiny Crobat.
My first shiny Pokemon encounter was a Gligar in Pokemon HeartGold. I was just walking around and it appeared. I didn't notice the sparkles at first, I'm guessing that I looked away or something. Anyway, I noticed it looked a tiny bit different so I checked the Internet and it turned out I had actually found a shiny one. I caught it immediately in a Dusk Ball, then grinded BP to get a Razor Fang and evolved it into a Gliscor as soon as possible.

Following that, I decided that I wanted to acquire more shinies. My next random shiny encounter was a Klink, and soon enough after that, I managed to get my hands on my first Japanese Ditto. Its nature and stats weren't all that great, but I used it to breed a bunch of shinies in Gen V.

I eventually managed to get a 6 IV Japanese Ditto and have since been using that exclusively for both normal breeding and intentional shiny hunts. Breeding is my preferred method of shiny hunting, because the Masuda Method in conjunction with the Shiny Charm has a higher chance. Not to mention, as boring as riding the bike is, it's far less boring than soft resetting and requires less effort, less stress on the 3DS, and doesn't involve waiting for the game to load up after each reset.

That said, my current shiny hunt is Kyurem. I'm hoping it will be worth it in the end, but it's hard to stay motivated.

Well, I've only played X/Y... so... yeah. I was playing Y, and I found a shiny Haunter and a shiny Bunnelby. I transferred them over to my X game, 'cause that's my main game. They look pretty cool. xD

Recently, I got a few shinies through Wonder Trade, but I think one of them was hacked... I mean, how else does someone get a shiny level 1 Manaphy? o_O
I'm pretty sure that on very rare occasions, the Manaphy egg you got from the Pokemon Ranger game had a chance to hatch shiny.
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First shiny I got was a Marill in Pokemon Sapphire. I showed my mom and she had no clue what it was (neither did I) but nevertheless, I was ecstatic. I eventually evolved it into Azumarill and then transferred it to Pokemon Battle Revolution and I lost the game after a long period of time.
I'm pretty sure that on very rare occasions, the Manaphy egg you got from the Pokemon Ranger game had a chance to hatch shiny.

Since the Manaphy egg always generated with a shiny value that wasn't your own TSV, the only way to obtain one was to trade it to another game and hatch it on there; making it the most tedious (and rare) shinies to obtain since you had to trade it back to your main game and then delete and start up a new save file on your other game each time the egg doesn't produce a shiny.
Since the Manaphy egg always generated with a shiny value that wasn't your own TSV, the only way to obtain one was to trade it to another game and hatch it on there; making it the most tedious (and rare) shinies to obtain since you had to trade it back to your main game and then delete and start up a new save file on your other game each time the egg doesn't produce a shiny.
Ah, thanks for the clarification. I remember reading about people trading the egg some years ago now that you mention it. That said, even if it's tedious, it's still a possibility that Invisible again's Manaphy could be legitimate. I'd keep that thing on the chance that it is. :p
First, I want to say thanks for trying to figure out the shiny Manaphy mystery, guys. And I think I may have figured it out. Ok, so... apparently, this shiny Manaphy that I got is from Korea, and the person who had it before me seemed to have obtained it through a movie event last year. So... I guess it's legit after all... What I don't get though is that it's name is English and not in Korean, but... oh well. I'm gonna keep it. xD
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I've shiny hunted so much over the years, I've got boxes full..

My first shiny was my shiny starter, Torchic, in ruby. Completely random, and it was the first pokemon game I ever played. It just appeared. I didn't even know it was shiny until someone pointed it out to me.
My first shiny was a Slugma in Pok?mon Sapphire. I didn't know why it was grey but I caught it anyway. I found out it was a shiny later on, and I still have it. I also encountered a shiny Ponyta and Larvitar in Platinum.

Since I acquired the shiny charm in Pok?mon Y I thought I would try MM for shinies, and so far I have hatched over 12 Pok?mon I really wanted. The last one was Furfrou that I hatched on Friday and the day before a Minccino. It's definitely my preferred method of shiny hunting.

I did SR for shiny legendary Pok?mon in Alpha Sapphire, although I had already caught some of them before I started. It would take a while but it was worth it in the end. Some of them were within a few hours and some took days. But, I was really happy with my shiny Cresselia and Giratina. I went back to hatching shinies again afterwards. My current hunt is shiny Pancham which I will start again soon.
I've shiny hunted so much over the years, I've got boxes full..

My first shiny was my shiny starter, Torchic, in ruby. Completely random, and it was the first pokemon game I ever played. It just appeared. I didn't even know it was shiny until someone pointed it out to me.

shiny torchic and regular torchic look too much alike and it bothers me
Just like froakie and regular froakie
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Oh lord, I have too many to list them all. If I had to gather all of the shinies I've gotten from either encounters, breeding, trades or RNG abuse in one place, that would probably be like 4-5 boxes of them.

Though, I can recall most of my random encounters/pokeradar mons I think:
- Gold: Sandshrew
- Pearl: Pachirisu, Machop, Medicham
- Platinum: Bagon
- White 2: Joltik
- XY: Skiddo, Klefki, Smeargle, Weepinbell, Espurr, Fraxure
- AS: Swablu, Latios (SR)

Not counting the fishing ones though, because they are easy to encounter.

I've bred many as well. My most recent ones were Treecko and Eevee I think, both hatched on the same day.
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well since i just got my shiny charm i haven't found a shiny yet i can't wait though .does anyone know where the best spot in pokemon x too find shinies?
Update:i just caught a lv.35 male shiny relicanth using the fishing chain i wasn't even going for a relicanth. now i don't know what other shiny i should go for.