Update:i just caught a lv.35 male shiny relicanth using the fishing chain i wasn't even going for a relicanth. now i don't know what other shiny i should go for.
thank you AquaStrudel i was hoping for a guide for shiny pokemon.let's see a shiny litleo looks pretty good i just hope its a male because i'm not a fan of the female.
Let's see... the first Shiny I encountered was a Rhyhorn in the Emerald Safari Zone. I know what you're thinking, it ran away, but in actuality I was like 9 and didn't even know what it was, figured it was a glitch, so I just ran. Little did I know...
As for the rest, the first one I caught was a Pidgey in Soul Silver, and then a dry spell until Gen 6 where I've caught a Shiny Bagon, Magikarp, and Magnemite. The Magikarp wasn't even a result of chain fishing, I just tried out the Old Rod once because why not and there it is, a Shiny that I literally can't evolve or people will assume it's just you know who from the Lake of Rage.
I also caught a Shiny Spearow in the same Soul Silver on a different play through of it, I was kinda sad considering I had equal if not better odds of catching a super cool Pink Heracross instead of it, but hey, what're you gonna do right.
My first shiny Pok?mon was a Zubat and I think it was in Leaf Green. I got the shiny charm in X and tried breeding a few shinies. I managed to breed a shiny Roserade and Talonflame. I am trying to breed a shiny Honedge, but it is still failing. I lost count of how many eggs I got for that one.
thank you AquaStrudel i was hoping for a guide for shiny pokemon.let's see a shiny litleo looks pretty good i just hope its a male because i'm not a fan of the female.
Considering Litleo has a gender ratio of 75% female to 25% male, you're more likely to come across a shiny female. Good luck if you pursue it though, shiny Pyroar looks pretty nice.
The first shiny I ever encountered (besides the Lake of Rage Gyarados) was a shiny Tentacool in Heart Gold. Other shinies I've found are:
Seedot* (Emerald, lost to corruption)
Wailmer* (Emerald, lost to corruption)
Whismur (Emerald)
Moltres (Fire Red)
Bidoof* (Platinum)
Treecko* (Heart Gold, Hatched)
Cobalion (Black)
Fennekin (X, Hatched)
Mudkip (X, Hatched)
Numel* (Omega Ruby)
Zigzagoon (Omega Ruby)
Seedot (Omega Ruby)
I'm currently hatching for a shiny Eevee in Emerald, and resetting for Mudkip in Sapphire, Mewtwo in Fire Red, Virizion in Black, and Tepig in White 2.
I mainly hatch my shinies. I like to try and shoot for perfect IVs, egg moves, ect ect.
But my first shiny was a shiny shuckle I hatched in White 2. I was just trying out the masuda method to see if it worked. 40 or so eggs later, the little blue shuckle popped out. And it was so exciting. Ever since then, I've hatched dozens of shinies in White 2 and Alpha Sapphire for competitive battling. It's time consuming, but so worth it.
the last shiny i caught was jigglypuff in the pokemon village.but i'm having trouble finding a shiny male litleo i caught a shiny female one which i don't want but i want a male because i have a perfect name for him.
the last shiny i caught was jigglypuff in the pokemon village.but i'm having trouble finding a shiny male litleo i caught a shiny female one which i don't want but i want a male because i have a perfect name for him.
The chances of encountering a male Litleo is 25%. If you are doing random encounters or chaining then you should try to find a female Pokemon with Cute Charm to lead in your party. This way the odds of finding a male Litleo is 66% as opposed to 25%.
thank you Kaleidoscopes i got a skitty in front of my party right now. so i can chain and or do random encounters for a male litleo and it'll be shiny?
Shiny Squirtle at 299 eggs, it has both its hidden ability and has 5IVs -Atk with a Modest nature. So... I unintentionally have a competitive shiny of all the Kanto starters now - 6IV Adamant Charizard and 5IV -Atk Bold Venusaur. No clue what to go after next though.
I also have another shiny Charmander that I hatched a few weeks back. This one has a Timid nature and I plan on using it for Charizard Y, but it is missing a perfect IV in Defense. I named it Argorok, which is the dragon boss in LoZ: Twilight Princess.
okay first i want to say is that i've seen videos on youtube about shiny hunting and read different sites on how to do it now that's out of the way i'm currently hunting for eevee basically i need any advice is greatly appreciated on the best way to do a shiny hunt on eevee because i'm stumped.i mean i do get a pretty good chain started and then i mess up.so what am i doing wrong?
I'm about to try and hatch a shiny for once.
I'm stuck on whether doing it the traditional way which is hatching them all, or just stockpiling eggs and checking their ESVs to see if they match.
Probably the latter because I'm lazy..
As I mentioned in my first post a few pages back, I started a hunt for Kyurem in May. I'm happy to say that the hunt finally came to an end yesterday morning, as it finally decided to shine and I caught it in a Master Ball.
Its stats aren't the best unfortunately. While it has perfect 31 IVs Special Attack and Speed like I was hoping for (as well as HP), its physical Attack, Defense, and Special Defense stats are all horribly low. Like, less than 10 IVs bad. The lacking Attack wouldn't normally be all that bad if I just wanted a Special Attacker, but I was hoping for this Kyurem to alternate between physical and special attacking sets when fused with Reshiram or Zekrom and decided that I'd use a Mild Synchronizer. So, ultimately, I cut into its horrendously low Defense for no real gain because it can't hit things physically to save its life.
It's not the optimal outcome, but I'm still happy that the hunt was a success and I'll still gladly use it. With this finally caught, I'm now able to move forward with constructing the rest of the team I had planned around it. There will be a whole lot of egg hatching involved (I plan for an all shiny team, because I'm insane) but I'm looking forward to it.
Trying to hatch a shiny female Combee atm. Already hatched the first shiny male at 302 eggs, and thanks to the low gender ratio of female Combee I can probably expect this to be my longest hunt yet. I already obtained a shiny female Combee that I caught in Friend Safari with a Cute Charm Delcatty, but it's not the same feeling of accomplishment as hatching one through MM. Plus, Combee was obtainable in HGSS which had the Level Ball; which works perfectly for a shiny Vespiquen due to the huge V on the ball and having almost the same color palette as each other.