❤ Postcards from Oakheart ❤

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Resident Velma Lover
Sep 30, 2013
Black Hybrid Rose
Yellow Rose
Red Rose
White Rose

After a little bit than a month into your trip to move to your deserted island, you have the strangest dream. It was like everything just reset itself, even though you know that is impossible because you left Mr. Resetti in your New Leaf town and he is trying his hardest to adapt to being the rescue service team. Yeah, there were part of your adventure that you didn't like. Shep moved away without a thank-you letter and you didn't even have a picture to remember him by. You might have overstepped your power a bit by ransacking your island with your new terraforming tools. And it was just frustrating that you couldn't find any mums anywhere.

So standing in front of Tom Nook again was weird. Having two new villagers by your side was nice, but strange. And when the naming ceremony happened, you yelled out the obvious:


But that nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach didn't leave you. This has to be some strange dream, right? Can life just reset itself? But, there are plenty of apples here and your new neighbors Flo and Tank seem really cool. So, you push it to the back of your mind and just decide to go with the flow. After all, a new life means new chances to get things right. It isn't often that somebody lucks into this chance and you aren't going to waste it!

Note: I love chatter! Feel free to comment at any time!
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Current Villagers

Flo, Bianca, Sherb, Marina, Leopold, Lobo, Merengue, Piper, Zucker, & Velma

Past Villagers

Tank, Hamphrey, & Pietro

Oakheart Sights

Lighthouse Penninsula

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March 20: Should I Call Myself the Doctor?


There were a lot of little nitpicky things I didn't care for in the old Oakheart, so I took the plunge and decided to blow it all up and start again. I think the biggest nagging feeling was just playing too much and progressing too quickly too fast. I was really aggressive with selling turnips and made my first million in the third week of the game. It was an awesome feeling but having that many bells just didn't make anything I had on my island very exciting. I guess I like the struggle of saving resources in the game.

My husband decided to help me out and let me dump a bunch of my stuff on his island including any of the nook mile rewards I had gotten, all of the NMTs I earned, and a bunch of stuff from my catalog. Of course, he got all my bells and my wand collection.

I did make a couple of rules for myself. I decided that since I bought the game on release and had been playing every day, I wouldn't mind time traveling back to that date and playing it day by day until I caught up to the present. My goals were to do all the Nook Miles Plus goals when I unlocked them and to not make a lot of money. I still wanted to work for it. With those in mind, I started my adventure!


March 21: Blathers!


I completely forgot how adorable the museum tent was! It really looks like Blathers has gone off to do fieldwork instead of coming here to set up a brand new museum. It is just so cute and I love it.


The first real day on my island I was having a bit of guilt about leaving Katt. I had slowly been bonding with her even though there was just something about her I didn't like. So, I started talking to Flo and we just clicked. Instead of the dialogue coming off as aggressive, it came off as more big-sisterly than Katt ever did. Was it the fact that she is a penguin? Who knows?

I also decided to take pictures of all the DIY message bottle letters I found. I love how they are sent to us from other villages and I like to see how they sign off. My first one was from the Wicked Genius Reneigh!

March 22: Movin' on Up!


Not too much went on today. I decided that I really missed the storage in my house! So, I cashed in my Nook Miles as soon as I had them. As cute as Blather's tent is, I also really missed the wonderful museum. I almost wish I spent a few more days with the museum as a tent, but I didn't really want to build up a huge mass of insects and fish outside of the tent.


I surprisingly really missed Hamlet (though not as much as Katt), so I decided that my goal should be to start getting to know my jock villager Tank. As much as the jock villagers have leveled up to ten with their muscle obsession, Tank had a really good zinger about wanting a survivalist challenge. Tank, I think you might have watched too much "Survivor"!
March 23: Goodbye Tent Life!


As much as I enjoy tent life, it is really time for a change. If I am remembering correctly, Flo and Tank upgraded their tents to houses the day before I did, so I was a bit jealous to see that our tent city had changed to one tent to a couple of houses. I'm so ready to upgrade!


Even though I decided to TT, I remember living through the time of bug and fish hoarding for Blathers. I decided to recreate a little bit of that excitement and impatientness to memorialize it for the island journal.

Today's DIY: Recipe Guru Quillson

March 24: Museum, Shops, and Tours! Oh my!


The museum is finally open again! I am one of the strange ones who like seeing different dates in the museum, so I only let myself donate one fish and one bug a day from my stash. I also really like Tom Nook doing the announcements. I started with New Leaf, so I never really got to know Tom Nook as more than just a real estate guy.


Of course, I had to take advantage of a free Nook Miles Ticket to get thirty iron ore. Thirty of each of the different wood types was pretty easy, but the iron was difficult. Plus, it would have been interesting if I met anyone exciting on the trip. I did meet a new face and Kitt is pretty cute. Not cute enough to get invited to my island.


I did get just enough iron to get the outline for the brand new shop! I can't believe how much I miss having a shop.

March 25: Growing Bit by Bit!

I will never ever get tired of these little ceremony pictures. I think they are adorable. Not too much happened this day. We got the shop over and I lamented the placement of that tree spoiling the picture. I moved it shortly afterward. This was also the first day my husband came over to my new island to shop and sell his native fruit: peaches!
March 26: Island Hopping Adventures Part 1


Today was different. Today, Tom Nook told me he wanted to have three more people live on the island but he was overwhelmed and couldn't do it alone. After a quick bridge ceremony, it was time to collect all my NMTs I had waiting for me on my husband's island to go island hopping for Sherb!

I knew I needed to pick out a normal villager and a peppy villager rather quickly in order to have plenty of chances to island-hop for Sherb. So, I decided on a couple of rules: 1) They had to be a new face and 2) They had to at least be cute and someone I would enjoy having on my island because I'm not letting them leave until I have a villager picture.


The first two were pretty easy to leave behind. I wouldn't mind having Al on my island, but he was a lazy villager. So he had to stay behind. Bubbles was pretty cute and I actually like the hippo characters. She just wasn't cute enough for me to have on my island. On the first Oakheart I had a bunch of natural-looking villagers and I just wanted more stylized villagers this time for my starters.


Ugh. I know a lot of people like Carmen, but something about her just rubs me the wrong way. I always thought she was a bit stuck up when I had her in New Leaf. Luckily, I did have her in New Leaf, so she got to stay behind. Jacob is a cutie pie. I like most of the bird villagers, but he is a lazy and this is a hunt for Sherb.


Bangle was another repeat villager from New Leaf. At the time, I didn't like her, but she must have grown on me because I got excited to see her. Benedict was hard to leave behind. I love how he looks and he is a reference to one of my favorite breakfast items: egg benedict! But, he is a lazy, so he has too stay behind. By this time, I was getting pretty desperate for a peppy or a normal. I had to weed them down so I had more luck with Sherb.


Then Marina happened. This pink bubblegum octopus that is overhyped and dearly loved showed up. She is a normal villager and I desperately need to get one. She is one of my favorite colors being totally pink! She is an octopus and really unique. But she is really blown out of proportion and I was being snooty about it.

I will admit that it took me a full five minutes to decide if I wanted to take her or not. I even whined to my husband about actually liking her when she had never appealed to me before because she is really popular.

Then I decided I was being silly. Welcome aboard Marina!

With my normal villager invited that just leaves a 50/50 chance for a lazy vs a peppy. Much better chances. I begin to feel more hopeful about finding Sherb and I'm looking forward to actually finding a peppy before finding him.


My next two villagers were fairly easy rejects. Alfonso and Zucker are both lazy. Zucker really made me hesitate for a second because I always wanted him in my town. He looks like ice cream! What was the luck of finding him? I might have whined to my husband and he looked me straight in the eye and said one thing: Sherb.

Yeah, right. I would be heartbroken if I chose Zucker over Sherb because I promised myself I would find Sherb again if I restarted my island.

Continued in Part 2
Island Hopping Adventures Part 2: The Quest for Sherb


The very next villager was Stitches. If I had a villager you could consider a dreamie, it would be Stitches. He is a cute little plush teddy bear that I bonded with in New Leaf! He is absolutely adorable! I love him so much! But he is a lazy villager, so like Zucker, I left him. I won't lie. I might have pouted a little bit. Then Rodeo came. He's awesome, but he isn't Sherb.


Then came a couple of brand new to me villagers! Dizzy and Clyde! Dizzy was really tempting to bring home with me. I like the elephant villagers and he looks adorable. He is a bit plain and simple, but he looks cute. Not today Dizzy. Too bad you are a lazy. I have no idea if I would have invited Clyde in or not if he wasn't a lazy villager. I don't think I would dislike it if he moved in.


I was feeling a bit frustrated when it happened. I saw a flash of blue! I ran up and it was him! My best blue boy! Sherb! You need to come live on my island now! I was so excited that I found Sherb again and I still had plenty of tickets left.

But, that left me with a problem of needing a peppy villager. I didn't want to leave it to fate this time like I did with Flora (for a small fear of getting Flora again because I have ridiculous luck sometimes). I really wanted to have someone new, so I kept island hopping.


Pango showed up! I couldn't believe it. She was the only one of my New Leaf crew I don't have an amiibo for yet so I couldn't include her in my New Leaf Town reunion photo. But, I already had her, so I left her behind. I was debating on just trying to find Audie at this point. Then I found Bianca. She's a snow leopard! One of my favorite big cats! My friend has Audie anyway. I'm getting Bianca as my peppy!


I used the rest of the day to try to get my plots set up as quick as possible. I knew I had up to three TT days to get enough iron and materials to get the houses together without having a rest day in between. And I needed a break. So, I only got two houses set up. They ended up going to Sherb and Bianca! Wooo!

I call that a successful island hunt!
March 27: Welcome to the Island

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! Well, it will be once the neighborhood starts being populated.


Sherb moved in today! I really love the way his house exterior looks. The light blue is just really nice against all the springtime green. I also love the way the cardboard boxes look in this game. I know a lot of people don't like the interior of the first three houses, but I love the way the first lazy house looks. I can't wait to see where he puts up the specific fruit furniture: the apple TV and the apple chair.


Not much else happened today except for Gulliver surprising me by showing up. I love to see what nonsense he says. I wonder if we will ever meet Ahab? I imagine him being a rough and tumble seagull with an eyepatch.

March 28: Fashion & Friends


I'm starting to get a little nostalgic already, but it is sure fun speeding through the first few weeks. Mable is finally here which means we are one day closer to having the Able Sisters back! Bianca moved in today and I finally noticed that she has purple spots. A snow leopard with purple spots! She is like a toned-down Lisa Frank leopard! I love her even more now and I'm really glad I decided to invite her to live in my town.


I always make sure to greet my villagers when they first move in, but I forgot that they can track you down the next day! I will happily be an "Officially Licensed Friend" with you Sherb! He is just soooo sweet. It makes all the NMTs worth it.


Finally! I can customize things again! I do like seeing what I can customize and how. Sometimes it surprises you what you can find from Nook's Cranny that you can actually customize. Then again, I have to be careful not to be too distracted. We still need to catch up to present day!


I finally picked up and crafted a slingshot to start popping some of these balloons. I know Bunny Day will be coming up soon, so I'm not too worried about popping a lot right now. But now I don't have to ignore them when they float on by. I always wonder if that is the balloon that has a DIY in it.
March 29: Upgrades Already?


Wait, already?! I don't remember it being that fast to upgrade the Resident Services tent to Town Hall. I was having such a pleasant time with the beginning chill music and just milling around my island. This is the experience Nintendo was probably thinking of when they were going to release ACNH. A good break in between the day by day instead of it releasing at the start of a global pandemic. I think the starting two weeks would have been a lot more pleasant and would have been better received if it wasn't because of that.


Marina moved in today. Looking back at the pictures, I realize that I didn't get a photo of Bianca's exterior. Oh well. Marina has a cute little bow on the back of her head! I'm not sure how the starter house will look with her, but I think she will be really fun to have in my town.


Today is also the first Sunday since I got my house! Which means a HHA rank! I got lucky and found a couch earlier in the week and I was able to buy the special edition ACNH switch from the Nook Stop. Even if I can't buy it in real life, at least I can buy it in the game.


Of course, since it is a Sunday, it means it is the first time for Daisy Mae! I found stalks.io shortly before restarting my island, so I decided to use that from the very beginning. Since I only had a limited amount of bells for my first week, I only bought 50 turnips at 102 bells each. I probably could have gotten away with getting a little more, but I didn't want to press my luck.


Since Sundays are always busy and I have a limit of 10 pictures on these posts, I'll just fill up space with a couple of cute interactions I had with my villagers. I love it when Biana makes up little songs. I'm not sure if I like her basic shirt on her. I think she would look much better in purple than in pink. Flo always has such a mood. I have been sleeping in much later recently too because of COVID-19. Now, I haven't slept in until noon since I was a teenager, but some days I really feel like doing so!
March 30: Routines


This is where I start settling into the routines of TT. I log in, see what the updates are, take a few pictures, do my Nook Miles Plus, and then go onto the next day. I'm trying to keep it around the same time of day and just fiddle with the dates so I don't make any mistakes. Then I realized that the turnip prices changed at noon and I just happened to start playing around 11:00 AM, so I have both the morning and afternoon prices. Hmmm. As long as I keep track of the time and dates and make sure I don't TT backward, it should be ok.

March 31: Nook & Isabelle


It is a bittersweet moment when the Resident Services building finally upgrades. On the one hand, everything changes! The town feels like it developing! We have five people on our island now. Isabelle is here to help out Tom Nook. But, it is Tom Nook's last broadcast to us. When it was first announced that he would be doing daily broadcasts, I was one of the people who didn't like the idea. But now that the game is here, I really like Tom doing them. I wish that he and Isabelle would switch off doing them just to have a bit of variety. I guess all things change and we adapt to them.


Onward to more exciting things! Yes! You can totally open up a tailor in Oakheart! I need to be able to shop for more fashion. I am running out of mixing and matching clothing to wear and my wardrobe is starting to feel a bit repetitive.


I just love the enthusiasm Tom Nook has for building up the town to make it the best it can be. His excitement makes me excited to further develop the town. And I have missed seeing Isabelle. They remind me of two balanced opposites sitting next to each other. One is a slightly jaded businessman who has worked hard to earn up his fortunes. He is really motivated by money. The other is just a little ray of sunshine!


Can we just talk about this for a minute? Everybody goes on and on about how it's obvious that Flick and CJ are a couple. They are roommates and business partners. One loves fish and the other loves bugs. They might have a bit of a romance going on after being close childhood friends (or they might not, pick your cannon ...I'm undecided...). But everybody just flat out ignores this because it is easy to say that everyone is a fan of KK Slider. But, doesn't this sound an awful lot like Tom Nook has a crush on KK Slider? I mean, the man even has KK's phone number! We know Nook has connections, but this came out of nowhere. Just imagine how Nook managed to get that number. It was either through a business transaction or through Nook outright low-key fangirling over the man ...er... dog.



...campsite. Good PR. Yeah. Suuure Nook. We will make the island nice and attractive so you can show off for your favorite musician and he'll come to our island to throw a concert. (y)
wow your island journal is super nice!

Thank you! I'm having a lot of fun with it. 💕 I just love taking pictures in Animal Crossing and I love talking about what has gone on in my town. The switch makes it super easy to remember what happened on what day because it sorts it into different days for me automatically! I just hope other people enjoy reading about my adventures as much as I love writing about them.
April 1: New Month, New Stuff!


The best thing about April is the brief week of cherry blossom petals! It is a shame that it is so short, but I think that is why those first few days of pink trees is so lovely. But, April also brought something else this year. Especially on the first day of April...


Bunny Day is approaching really fast! Since this is my second time running through, I'm not too worried about getting all of the Bunny Day DIYs. I'm going to see how many I collect through normal gameplay and then take a few hours to complete the entire set on Bunny Day.


Meanwhile, we finally have the Able Sisters setting up shop and we prepared a spot for our campsite! Things are looking like they are developing really quickly now!

April 2: Celebration Time!


I was going to celebrate the grand opening of the Able Sisters when I realized that I never celebrated the completion of town hall! In fact, I was celebrating the resident services building being built when I noticed that Flo wasn't there. She was sick in bed! Luckily, with a little medicine, she was feeling much better for the second celebration. I decided not to have three celebrations in one day, so we are going to have the celebration for the campsite tomorrow.


It was also time for my turnip payout! I cashed in my turnips for 187 bells each which means that I walked out with a tidy 4,250 bell profit. Small gains are still gains!


And with those small gains, I decided to pay off my home loan for the first time! Goodbye cramped living quarters and hello spacious living room! Best of all, hello extra storage space!
I love reading your journal :0 it just gives me so much motivation???

Thank you! I love taking pictures, so this lets me have an excellent opportunity to share them.

I forgot to say this when I first read it but your journal is a fun read! I look forward to future entries.

Thank you so much! I'm glad to hear that you are having fun reading my adventures. It takes a bit to write them, but they are so fun to do!
April 3: Mystery Camper Roulette!

Today is the day! Today is the day! Today is the day that we should get our first mystery camper! Am I right, Isabelle?


Totally absolutely correct! We have a camper staying at the campsite. This camper is our very first camper, which means that he (or she) will be the first and only mandatory move-in of Oakheart. I hope it is someone I like. More importantly, I hope it is somebody that I haven't had in my town yet. As much as I would love it if Beardo showed up at my campsite, we have already bonded in New Leaf and I would love to see a new face.


But first, Leif is here?! I was not expecting that! Since I started in the past and I'm TT back up to the present day (I have about a month to go still), I wasn't expecting Leif to show up until I hit nature day again. This proves that as long as you have the update, he will show up as a traveling merchant. And I get to start stockpiling shrubs! I already have my collection of flowers from my previous Oakheart life, so I'm not too worried about that.


After that brief interlude with Leif, it is time to see our mystery camper and it is.......Leopold! A smug lion with a green mane? That's awesome. And he is a new face! I consider this very good luck because I don't think I've heard about him on the forums very much.


After some wandering around and thinking, I decide to put Leopold's home near the cliffs close to the Able Sisters. I was debating about having all of the villager homes in my starting point and waiting until I can terraform to put them into a neighborhood, but I'm just not feeling it this time. I think I would prefer to space them out as they would be in New Leaf. So they will be spaced out and slightly random. Or as random as a person can get without closing their eyes and running to a spot on the map.


Time to report to Tom Nook! Of course, he lets me have the option to put in some more plots so we don't have to scramble to put down a plot if someone shows up in the campsite. Progress!
🦑 Bonus: A Conversation between Marina and Flo 🐧



Hmmm. My choices are going to bed early and drinking coffee. I am really trying not to let my villager biases influence what I tell them when I catch them in conversation. I am stuck in this problem all of the time. I need to get up early for my job, but sometimes coffee just seems like an easier solution. I do get a bit crabby when I drink too much coffee and I don't want to get to the point where I need coffee to function. I actually drink it for the taste instead of any sort of pick me up jolt since we have delicious coffee at home. So, I think I'll have to side with Marina with this one.

In order to get up early, you just have to go to bed earlier. It is difficult when you are a night owl, but necessary.



Oh Flo! That is a giant mood here. To be fair, the books with a robot, dragon, or spaceship on the cover are normally some sort of fantasy or science fiction and those are some of my very favorite reads. They are just too exciting to read before bed. They keep me up at night! :ROFLMAO:
April 4: Moving In Day!


One of the most exciting days on the island is when somebody new moves in. Today is the day that Leopold moves in!


I love how the outside of his house looks. It is going to be like a little house in the middle of the forest. The green roof is a nice touch. I have no idea how the inside of his house is going to look, but I have a sneaking suspicion that his favorite color might be green considering his wallpaper. I wish we could get the cardboard boxes with the Animal Crossing leaf on them as decoration. I think that would make a fun touch to some homes.


Luckily, Tom Nook seems really stoked about Leopold moving into the town! Of course, Isabelle has full confidence in our abilities to get the KK Slider concert to happen. I think the next villager to move in should be a cranky villager. Or at least it was a cranky villager on my last town. The last time I left it up to fate Bruce moved in. While that was fantastic, I'm not sure if I will still have the same luck. I do have some amiibo cards to choose from!

So, I took a quick peak on Nookipedia to see which cranky villagers I could choose from. I really wanted Dobie to move in because he is an old man wolf. The cranky villagers really do remind me of old men, so I thought that would be really cute. Sadly, I don't have his amiibo card because he came in the Welcome Amiibo set.


I end up choosing Hamphrey instead! I decided that my cranky villager needed to come from a short species so I could have a little old man in the woods. The first day he wanted a clothesline. Nothing too exciting, but it was really easy to make. Two more days before we can ask him to move in!


Nothing else too exciting happened. I caught Biana sitting at the garden table in front of her house eating a sandwich. Luckily, I got her to pose for the camera! Sherb was also busy crafting something. I can usually count on him to be crafting in the afternoon.
April 5: Expansions!


I love slow news days. I just can't wait to see what is going on in Isabelle's life that she has to tell me about. I do wonder how many magazines she is getting though. A new one seems to come in often. Is her favorite magazine Ms. Nintendique? Maybe it is one about cooking. She does seem to love flowers, so maybe it is about gardening. Who knows?

On unrelated news, I caught a new butterfly!


The inside of Leopold's house is amazing! He has a classroom in his house. This automatically makes him one of my favorite villagers now. Today, Hamphrey wanted a scarecrow. Sadly, you can't customize it to change the shirt pattern.


I didn't realize that I had forgotten to throw a celebration for the campsite! Having someone in the campsite makes for a great photograph.


Fine works of art?! You need art? I bet that means that Redd will have to show up soon. I wonder how that will go? I'm super excited to get a museum expansion! Maybe he will show up tomorrow.
April 6: Crazy Like A well........ya know.

Welcome everyone to a glorious morning! The sun is shining, the apple trees are blooming and.....wait, what? Let's go to Isabelle for an important announcement.


Thank you Isabelle. But, really? Shady and suspicious, yes. But we all know who we are talking about here. It's just the infamous Crazy Redd. Sure, he is a bit of a scammer. Trying to jack up prices to ridiculous levels. Watch out because you don't know if he has a fake or a real item. But to tell us that nobody has been harmed? Please be careful out there? What game are we playing again?


I have to admit. I have a soft spot for Redd. But, I was surprised on how sleezy he sounds in this game. He really sounds like an old greased up used car salesman. Isabelle makes him sound a bit like he is from the mafia or something crazy. Maybe that is what they want us to think. After all, old Redd is crazy like a.... well, ya know. :ROFLMAO: 🦊


Luckily, Redd sold me the most common of common paintings. Blathers loved it and the museum should be upgrading tomorrow!


Meanwhile, back in Leopold's house, he wants to pick up a new hobby. I am the type of person who will gladly talk about my hobbies in real life and try to get other people to try them out. So, I just had to tell Leopold that knitting is the next big thing. After all, it is the perfect time to start knitting a scarf! By the time you are done with it, it will be autumn and you can enjoy it for a full two seasons! Come on Leopold! Let's go yarn shopping!
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