alright o; i'll open <3cuz I guy a snowtyke I want a snow mam OTL
sobs my adhd is showing again lemme get those bush starts over there before I forget ;o;
alright o; i'll open <3cuz I guy a snowtyke I want a snow mam OTL
sobs my adhd is showing again lemme get those bush starts over there before I forget ;o;
alright o; i'll open <3
Guys, this is serious. Someone (and a bunch of others) want to take away the ability to earn TBT bells by posting in our threads as a chat room.
Especially to the cyclers, let's put our input into this.
maybe he's jealous.
also no one want Chief? O:
Guys, this is serious. Someone (and a bunch of others) want to take away the ability to earn TBT bells by posting in our threads as a chat room.
Especially to the cyclers, let's put our input into this.
maybe he's jealous.
also no one want Chief? O:
Jealous about TBT bells? That's funny. But seriously I only used mine for a cute moving avatar.. can you really use them for anything else?
if someone's selling something for TBT,
buy it.
store collectables <3
Forgive me for not knowing but.. what are the store collectibles?
Look at my items:
I have the month birthstones, some fruit, candy, and even some Dōbotsu no Mori Japanese Kanji.
Ohh cuteAre they just for looks? Or can you do anything with them?
Just for looks
but they're so cute <3
They have a cake too. And a chocolate one.
awesome c: congrats <3guys I got snow ma'am up c: snowflakes are around so feel free to come by and get some ice furniture from her c: its 5 snowflakes per peice c: I'll be doing dishes but after that I'm free
awesome c: congrats <3