PSA: The new series 5 amiibo cards pre-order have started!!!

After no luck at Target, I was able to get 4 packs at GameStop! There was another guy and a couple also there right before they opened but neither group was there for the cards haha. Ended up sticking around and bought a couple other things while there. They didn’t have any limits and by the time I left they still had 4 packs.

Was glad it wasn’t a fruitless effort since I’m sick and it’s raining badly.
@Canadians 🇨🇦 the source also has them in stock and the limit is 5!!!! ETA is nov. 10 though, but honestly with how slow canada post is that's prob right for all our retailers haha™-cards-6-pack---series-5/p/108097073

Ahhh! Thank you so much! I was able get some, you're fantastic!

By the way everyone, I see the Canadian Nintendo store is out of stock for Series 5 but the listing is now there, as opposed to the morning when it wasn't, did anybody manage to grab any of these?

Edit: also I agree with everyone it's so nice to see the community come together! I know outside our ebgames (GameStop now lol) there was a group of people opening packs and trading duplicates it was so nice to see! TuT
OMG I got to my local Target 2 hours after it opened and the guy was like, "I know we have the cards in the store but I can't find them. I have looked everywhere. We have to wait for my co-worker to come in an hour. He knows where they are."
Argh! I was not able to wait an hour. I needed to get back home because my husband had an important meeting and I needed to get back to watch the kids.
I am going to try to go when his meeting is done but that will be an hour after the supposed guy who knows where the cards are gets in so likely they'll be all sold out by then.
So frustrated! I almost would've been easier if they had already all sold out at 7 am but that I had a chance but the guy couldn't find the cards sucks.
My order from Best Buy Canada arrived today! I got Quinn, Frett, Chabwick, Marlo, Cyd, and Sable in my pack.
A lot cheaper if you don't care about collecting...
I only really wanted to invite tiansheng to my island, and flick for coffee haha
I wish nintendo would just let you order the cards you wanted from them.

I would legit just pay them if they didn't want me to gamble my money, on packs I probably can't even find
For those who failed to get any or didn’t get the card they wanted, don’t worry. Just a matter of when, but they will have more of series 5 in stock. Every target I visited had tons of Sanrio cards and they sold out quickly on release day as well.
I only really wanted to invite tiansheng to my island, and flick for coffee haha
I wish nintendo would just let you order the cards you wanted from them.

I would legit just pay them if they didn't want me to gamble my money, on packs I probably can't even find
Yeah, I'm only after 2 villagers and only own a single card from the rest of the set, so I feel that! It would be nice to have the official physical cards for the two villagers I want but it definitely just isn't worth it
My order from Best Buy Canada arrived today! I got Quinn, Frett, Chabwick, Marlo, Cyd, and Sable in my pack.

Lucky. Mine hasn't even been processed yet, though support told me it would be processed later.
For those who failed to get any or didn’t get the card they wanted, don’t worry. Just a matter of when, but they will have more of series 5 in stock. Every target I visited had tons of Sanrio cards and they sold out quickly on release day as well.
Lol I picked up a pack of those today when I couldn't find series 5, so that's a fair point!
GameStop is showing stock. I thought Walmart was again too but not sure.
After no luck at Target, I was able to get 4 packs at GameStop! There was another guy and a couple also there right before they opened but neither group was there for the cards haha. Ended up sticking around and bought a couple other things while there. They didn’t have any limits and by the time I left they still had 4 packs.

Was glad it wasn’t a fruitless effort since I’m sick and it’s raining badly.

dang congratulations, my partner went to gamestop and they told him it was "online only." truly maddening how retailers vary shop to shop TT^TT perhaps i'll try a different gamestop after my target run.
it really did LMAO i had them in my cart and then they were gone @__@
I’m still getting the add to cart button but it won’t let you add to cart. I wasn’t going to buy any, though. Just testing it. I have quite a few packs on the way.
I’m still getting the add to cart button but it won’t let you add to cart. I wasn’t going to buy any, though. Just testing it. I have quite a few packs on the way.
it really did LMAO i had them in my cart and then they were gone @__@
I tried to be quick when I saw it since everyone here has been so helpful. I have a bunch, too, since I got lucky at a couple Targets in person this morning, but there are so many NPCs. I wanted to keep trying.

I have a bunch of duplicates I should list here to trade.
nothing shows online for me too, but they did have them, though I don’t know how many. When I went they had none out on the floor, had to ask an employee who then went and got some from the back. Good luck!!🍀 🤞🍀🤞

Thanks so much! I was about to leave without asking someone too since I get nervous talking to people and I didn’t see any out on the floor. I was able to get a few packs! Two per person limit it looked like; my mom was able to grab some too. :)

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Honestly it's so nice to see so many people posting in this thread when the cards become available somewhere! I definitely wouldn't have managed to nab more than 2 packs myself otherwise. I'll probably be lurking here on and off all day in hopes of being able to order some more. 🥺
OMG I got 2 packs at target!! only one per person but i went with my bf so i got 2 :3

i got tiansheng, roswell, shino, audie, cephalobot, marlo, rio, judy, sherb!!!!! OMG
Went to 1 Walmart 2 bestbuys 2 targets and 2 gamestops today. The first gamestop I went to had atleast 2 card packs but only 1 per person so I ended up getting that one. Happy I got atleast one of them.

Edit: Got Isabelle Roswell Frett Ace Marlo and Ione.