23 hours into N0, I guess it's a 24hour N0? Where is everybody?
Dedenne Sane Insane Paranoid Naive Mafia
Dolby Sane InsaneParanoidNaive Mafia
Vanessa Sane Insane Paranoid Naive Mafia
Philemon Sane Insane Paranoid Naive Mafia
Dad Sane Insane Paranoid Naive Mafia
I got town on Dad last night. Quote this and strike out a possibility for your inspection
Day starts now! We are using plurality lynch, not majority. All results have been sent out.
i dont know how to cross out but i got maf on dolby
24 hours or 12?
Also I got Vanessa as town so yeah I'm not the paranoid one either.
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Cross out Naive.
It's, then the same with a / before the S when you want the strikethrough to end. So we're just waiting for Vanessa to check in now?
Dolby said:I would like to note that Vanessa’s claimed inspect on Philemon literally goes against both conditions for clearing people here (Getting mafia + inspecting Philemon) both of which I noted in #32
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That’s pretty inconvenient imo
Are you insinuating that going against both those conditions makes me suspicious? It's not like I could've known who would be inspected ahead of time