Quality of Life updates you want?

More custom design slots. Why give us the ability to lay complicated custom design paths but not enough slots to really use the function with different paths in different locations?

Bulk crafting would be useful for fishing bait (or somewhere to buy it in-game).

I would also love to rename my island. I never intended to keep my island so just named it Paradise. Really regret it now and no way I'm resetting as I love my island. Also people change their island themes all the time and it would be nice to change the island name to match.
Something I've wanted since last game- Being able to rotate custom designs so that you don't need four separate slots to make corners!

Also a trade system that doesn't require you to leave your island. Something like the auction house in City Folk. Don't know how many times I've had someone try to visit only to dc as soon as they land.

And bring back the weather box item from NL, I'd at least like to know if it'd be raining or thunderstorms the next day. Or at least have Isabelle announce what the next day's forecast will be, along with any visitors.
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Not sure if this has been mentioned, but it would be nice if you could ask your villagers to follow you and/or lead them somewhere so you could easily direct them to other areas without pushing them. Would also be helpful if there was an option to get them to pose for photos more easily (without going to Harv's Island).
Nook miles+
It takes several button presses to get in & out of it when I feel like just the + button could be shortcut

Tool ring
Left/right on the Dpad gives me the next tool in my pockets when I want it to give me the next tool in the ring

Bring back stump patterns

Plant stasis
How's about a special watering can that keeps plants in their current state-meaning you can keep weeds short or long, small trees, everblooming sakura, everblooming shrubs, gorgeous fall trees, lit evergreens ahhhhhh

Touch pad to move furniture
At least indoors though pocket camp proves you can do it outside also >.> Give us an app that grants us a gridded area to work with~

You can't mass delete read mail. One by one with the lil - button is not finger friendly

One button to add water/cliff
One button to remove
One button to curve/round off

Campsite is laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame
After an initial 'hello' I don't talk to them anymore.

But seriously why can't we store flowers & DIYs???
I think we really need high-end (expensive) goals if we're actually expected to make millions off of turnips. Bells really need a purpose in the later state of the game, even if it's just for like unlimited storage and such.
- Everything in this thread.

- Clothes go to the inventory instead of storage (or you can choose) because I onlybuy this stuff for the catalog and I'm tired of having to search for it in my closet/memorize what I even bought

- ABD app
1. Sound controls for background music. I'm sorry, but 75% of the music in this game is either obnoxiously annoying or just dull and uninteresting.
2. Bulk crafting. I'm looking at you fishing bait!
3. Revamped dialogue with Dodo airlines. It takes way too much effort to invite/travel
3a. Let us open/close gate from our nook-phones. We have phones, so do I need to say more?
4. Move furniture when guest are over.
5. Disable autosave in build-mode... This would be so helpful while terraforming
6. Give us unbreakable tools or bolster the durability for current tools. They seriously break too easily. 30 uses is unacceptable when our inventories hold 40. Make it 100 for regular tools, 50 for stone, and 25 for flimsy.


ooh, I forgot the newest addition to my Wishlist.
7. Let us visit another surprise dream without having to wake up and do it all over.
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I want an option to load straight into the game instead of having Isabelle talk to me. Have her call me when I load up the game if and only if she actually has something important to say or wants to give me a recipe.

I also wish shooting stars were announced on the bulletin board at the start of the week.

Most of all, I would really love for Redd to come every week on a specific day. He could share Sundays with Daisy Mae, maybe?
1. Bulk Crafting/Quantity selection
2. New Villager dialogue
3. New Online modes
4. New Apps for Nookphone
5. Shop Upgrades
6. Being able to move Resident Serivces
7. Being able to turn off Isabelle's Annoucements
8. Inviting villagers to your home
9. Have less diagloue for Orville when trying to go to islands
10. No more "Looks like somebody is one their way here" load times.
Being able to purchase multiple Nmts at a time from the nookstop
Being able to island hop in stead of going back to the airport every time
Crafting in bulk
Buying more then an outfits worth of clothing at a time ie buying two shirts
1. Unbreakable tools. I think if you've unlocked the golden tools, you should be able to craft them and have them last an eternity. What's the point in crafting them (other than the NM stamp thing) if they're only going to break eventually? Also they need to add a durability bar to the other tools so we can see how much use is left in them before they break. Also, also, I wish tools you have registered to the circle toolbar would make them disappear from your inventory and free up some space. If you deselect them, they pop back in you inventory.

2. Crafting needs a major QOL overhaul. Things like bulk crafting and pulling ingredients straight from storage would make crafting so much less tedious.

3. A cart to buy multiple variations of clothes at Able Sisters. I hate going in and out of the dressing room. They also need to make it where, if you're wearing either the wetsuit or a wand outfit, you automatically change to your default outfit when you select to use the changing room.

4. Buying multiple NM items without exiting the catalogue each time and asking if we would like to make another purchase. Just make it like the Nook Shopping selection. Also bulk printing needs to be a thing.

5. More villager dialogue. I don't think this one is really hard to ask for as they've had Isabelle/Tom Nook say new things before. It'd just be nice if villagers had more things to talk about other than spouting the same three conversations.

6. More custom design slots and having designs make a sound when they're walked on.
hm it would be neat if campers could leave their tent and hang out around the campsite area + maybe interact with the villagers in town??
Flowers. In. Storage. FLOWER. IN. STORAGE. FFLLLLL
It’s like twice as infuriating because they could be stored in NL and now for no reason they can’t??
Just wanted to drop off some videos of some good ones that were suggested.

Might've already been mentioned, but being able to buy more things than you can wear at one time at the Able Sisters, Im trying to catalogue everything because fashion in this game is one of my favourite things about it, but its so tedious and annoying constantly going in and out of the change rooms just to buy different pairs oof shoes or a different colour variation of a top/pant

And I often pluck my flowers instead of pick them up on accident and i have all these picked flowers idk what to do with when i was only just trying to move my flower plants
For me, I would mainly like to have the tools take up less space in the inventory. I never know when I'm going to need them so I carry them around constantly, that's six spaces I can't use for anything else, at least! Sometimes I have to carry a few axes or something around if I have a big job to do or if I'm going to the nook islands.

Edit: Oh and somebody else mentioned this but more design slots! I would like to add more flair to my island but the paths and things take up a lot of space and I have a lot of variation on my island.
This may be the bitterness speaking, but another method of getting seasonal DIYs. Balloon farming has taken so much joy out of this game for me.

Also, please bring stacking fruit in baskets. I'd also like more pattern spaces, the debit card, the ability to opt-out of HHA, and bulk NMT printing.
This may be the bitterness speaking, but another method of getting seasonal DIYs. Balloon farming has taken so much joy out of this game for me.

Also, please bring stacking fruit in baskets. I'd also like more pattern spaces, the debit card, the ability to opt-out of HHA, and bulk NMT printing.
I know right? I struggled ALL MONTH looking for these diys and I couldn't find them. I had to get them from trading and from my friends who were able to get them. This would not bother me so much if they would let us get them from our villagers crafting or the DIY bottles.