Quality of Life updates you want?

pretty much what everyone else in this thread says. definitely bulk crafting and buying the most!
Also, a way to get rid of extra stamina you don't need. Sometimes I get overzealous with eating, and I end up not needing to dig up as much trees.
(I saw a fan-direct video on YT were this could be done by sitting on a toilet)
Also, a way to get rid of extra stamina you don't need. Sometimes I get overzealous with eating, and I end up not needing to dig up as much trees.
(I saw a fan-direct video on YT were this could be done by sitting on a toilet)
That works, so no problem there.

The dunny finally has a use. :)
1. tbh i complain about this everytime i buy customization kits, but they need to improve the bulk buying option in the cabinet at nooks so it's like in pokemon games, where u can select the number of items u want and buy maybe 100 in one go

i just get really annoyed with buying 5 at a time because i use them so often and i'm constantly having to go back and forth between my house and nooks

2. material items should all be 99 per stack like weeds

3. this one is more of me just being really picky and i doubt they will add this, but there are so many amazing villagers in this game and u can only choose 10 for ur island
so u should be able to have up to 15 villagers but u also don't have to, u just have the option to get more if u want

also i totally agree with all the ones u said especially being able to craft with materials from ur storage, that would be so helpful

Oh my god the stacking thing bothers me so much. Why are there three different limits per stack, who thought that was a good idea.

And absolutely with the bulk buying.

I want buying multiple things through the Able Sisters. One day they were selling the Rubber-toe Sneakers in the Fitting Room. I bought one of each color because they look like Converse and I needed them.

I have not knowing the suffering until I did that jesus lord.
Ability to go to another Nook Miles Island directly from the current one. It would help so much with dreamie hunting.

And my most wanted... FULL CUSTOMIZATION CONTROL! I would love to not have to put one path pattern at a time. If I can choose and do up to like 10 at a time in a straight line I'd be happy. Same with terraforming. That's become so tedious.
More pattern space.
Being able to put flowers plants in storage.
An atm card would be nice. I hate having to run to resident services to get bells.
I want to order more than 5 items per day.
i don't buy as much clothing anymore, but god, the days where i would visit busy islands and buy pieces of clothing in all the colours... i felt SO bad walking in and out in front of everybody. would love to have some kind of ables "shopping cart" situation.
i think the fact that we don't have a debit card in this game is absurd. what purpose does running to RS every time i run out of bells serve? i have no in-game calories to burn. we could have an app on our phone to check our account balance. it would be baller.

a mild overhaul of the crafting system is also in order, as others have mentioned. craft in bulk, craft from storage if you're inside your house, craft in whatever customization you want if you have the requisite customization kits.
Instead of a boring unskippable Isabelle speech every morning, there is an app on your NookPhone where you can check stuff like current turnip prices, the island visitor, and the weather.

Renaming villagers. I have a character who I stupidly named "Glitchy." Dumbest name ever.

Nooks sell fish bait

You can decorate Harv's whole island

An option to sing. Ok, this isn't really a quality of life update but who wouldn't want to sing with their villagers?

Villagers can enter your house. I want to go on a date with Maple in my house!!!

Thats all for now
I wish balloons and all special visitors appeared on the map (Celeste, Gulliver, Labelle etc)
Bulk-crafting and buying is so insanely obvious. Like, we already have the option to buy 5 of some items like customization kits, I have the money for it, let me buy 200 of them already, buying them five at a time is nothing but a waste of time. Same for multiple-crafting, really: I'm almost done with the fish's Critterpedia so I won't need them anymore but I'll have nightmares of crafting hundreds upon hundreds of fish bait for the rest of my life.

EDIT: Oh, also more spots for custom designs. Like, jeez, for a game that's so focused on customization, it really seems limiting in terms of the personalized stuff we can do.
Thought of another: Past villagers should be able to write letters to you. Hazel and Boone were my first villagers and I loved them so much. But now they're gone, and I miss them. I want to be able to keep in touch.
What about a "Travel Brochure" item? To help "encourage" certain villagers to leave your island. Its much nicer than giving them trash to lower friendship, and it and affect any villager. Even the one that just moved in! Plus you dont need to time travel to use it, as Nintendo doesnt seem to be too fond of that.

Also, if we have NMT on us, we should be able to go from mystery island to mystery island without having to head home first. Or maybe make the limit 5 at one time and say the plane need to return so it can "refuel at home base" or something.
What about a "Travel Brochure" item? To help "encourage" certain villagers to leave your island.

Daaaang that's such a fun idea, though O_O Maybe they're, like, really costly in Nook Miles just so it can't be done too easily but when you give it to a villager, they're like "Well I have been looking into some new adventures, these days... What do you think? Should I leave for a different island?" and then you can confirm one last time or, if you tell them not to leave, they go "Yeah, I guess you're right. You can have this brochure back, maybe someone else on the island will need it more than me."

Gosh, I really wish that were a thing, now, even if I have pretty much all my dreamies XD
1. Crafting in bulk + taking materials/customization kits from storage
2. Toolbox
3. Would be cool if the backpacks/purses gave you +5 pocket space through its own little separate menu a bit similar to the clothing icon in your pockets
4. Why can't i stack bugs/fish?
5. Moving things over like 1 square if needed. Takes up at least 100k bells if Ijust want to move a building over a couple of spots.
6. A skip button for mystery trips through dodo airlines would be amazing
7. Unlimited orders through nookstop
8. Why can't we have spam/trash mail locations for our mailbox? I want to put HHA in spam cause it takes too much space
9. Taking NMT from storage
10. I'm not sure if this qualifies for quality-of-life so i'll put it here anyways, but I want to be able to change the style of music and sfx. It would be really neat if we can change the sound/music to how it was in Game Cube, New Leaf, whatever.
Maybe they're, like, really costly in Nook Miles just so it can't be done too easily but when you give it to a villager, they're like "Well I have been looking into some new adventures, these days... What do you think? Should I leave for a different island?" and then you can confirm one last time or, if you tell them not to leave, they go "Yeah, I guess you're right. You can have this brochure back, maybe someone else on the island will need it more than me.

I really like how you included the dialogue for this!! And I think it should be a costly item too with nook miles, maybe 10k or something. So it really makes you think if you want to spend that much to kick someone out!