Quality of Life updates you want?

I have a few different quality of life improvements I want made some you’ve already stated like non breakable tools, bulk and storage crafting. However I also want like I little bar below tools that shows how long you have left until they break and less chitchat when using the airport
I feel like we should be able to store DIYs. I get it Nintendo wants us to learn them, but we can get repeats a lot.
- I'd love to be able to order more than 5 items a day from the catalog, It takes way too long to mass order stuff for decorating/trading lol
- I'd like to be able to store ANYTHING in storage (DIYs, lost items)
- a way to perma reset a villagers wardrobe
- catchphrases not spreading as much as they do :( just decrease the rate of it happening i guess.
- quicker navigation of the dodo menus!
- oh yeah, need more design slots pls, or make it so if you place a pattern/customize something it doesnt change! (not sure how that'd work or if its possible but itd be nice!)
Customisable camera settings.

Nintendo taught me to play with inverted camera controls...now they've made a game without that option!?
i really want a shopping bag/cart option at the able sisters so i don't have to keep going in and out of the changing stall
i really want a shopping bag/cart option at the able sisters so i don't have to keep going in and out of the changing stall

This. I actually kinda liked that there wasn't anything new in Able Sisters for a while. But once it hit December, bam. I'm getting the winter-specific clothes and it's back to in and out of the changing stall a lot again. I did not miss doing this. :(
We need to be able to buy multiple nook miles tickets at once and be able to craft multiples of items at once too. Mini games with friends would be nice, or something that makes multiplayer more used. More storage space, even though they gave some more recently. I would love if we could have the same type of furniture or item stackable so it takes up less space in storage.