Quality of Life updates you want?

Campsite is laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame
After an initial 'hello' I don't talk to them anymore.

Yes! Let us demolish campsite! Sure it'll hurt our town rating, but that's a decision we can all make on our own.

Not having to worry about reserving a spot in town for the campsite would be nice.

I know right? I struggled ALL MONTH looking for these diys and I couldn't find them. I had to get them from trading and from my friends who were able to get them. This would not bother me so much if they would let us get them from our villagers crafting or the DIY bottles.

Maybe they should allow villagers to give you seasonal DIYs when you gift them items, or allow you to find DIYs in rocks or while fishing... Sorta like the Bunny Eggs.
Like the TC suggests:
1. Buying/selling/crafting in bulk
2. Standardised stacking. (Seriously...acorns can be stacked in 30 but maple leaves only in 10??)

My suggestions:
3. DIY recipe system reworked The balloon presents are too luck-based so getting repeated seasonal Diys gets annoying. Also...if we can't store Diys then we shouldn't get repeat Diys in message bottles! Only have Diys appear when characters haven't learnt them.
4. Introduce the Megaphone! Didn't realise how much I missed this!
1: Dodo just needs to shaddap already..

2: If I run outa nmt I dont wanna have to run alllll the way to my house to grab more.. There should be a locker in the airport like there was in NLs train station.

3: Hearing about socks and TVshows is only fun the first week of playing.. Either add in whos visiting so we know.. Or just cut all that dialogue after the "There are no announcments"
3: Hearing about socks and TVshows is only fun the first week of playing.. Either add in whos visiting so we know.. Or just cut all that dialogue after the "There are no announcments"

I wish they'd have kept the outdoor announcements. They were so peaceful and enjoyable.
I would love for them to make the dialogue shorter for Orville when you wanna go somewhere or open your island for visitors. It's a massive waste of time going through that same dialogue all the time, especially if you need to be quick. Idk, this has always bothered me XD

Isabelle and her announcements... I wish she would actually offer useful information, more than just when there's a campsite villager, a new villager, villager birthday's etc.
I don't wanna hear about her stupid tv shows o.o Just leave stop talking if there is nothing to announce o.o.

More custom design slots please! I always see so many custom designs, that I would love to use on my island, but there all my slots are full. If they ever added this in an update, I would be so happy.

More storage was also something I was hoping for, and they have now added that which is awesome.

This is what I can think of off the top of my head. It's probably all already being mentioned, but here's my 2 cents.
If they can only give me one thing please let it be bulk craft/buy. Following that materials should really stack higher.
i want mean villagers back

also it takes way too long waiting for someone to join your island >_>; not a fan of sitting there for a minute doing nothing so if nintendo could shorten that cutscene thing that'd be great
Another good one (IMO anyway): We need to have SCUBA gear for sale at Nook's Cranny (or as a Nook Miles item), so our character doesn't have to keep coming back up for air. Now, I never really have this problem, unless I am trying to catch something that swims at lightning speed, but it will still be useful.
I seriously want buying and crafting in bulk, those are that quality life updates that i want really bad.
I will forever beg Nintendo for bulk crafting and customising and bulk buying NMT! The amount of hours I've spent printing nmt is depressing D:
For me, I would mainly like to have the tools take up less space in the inventory. I never know when I'm going to need them so I carry them around constantly, that's six spaces I can't use for anything else, at least! Sometimes I have to carry a few axes or something around if I have a big job to do or if I'm going to the nook islands.

Edit: Oh and somebody else mentioned this but more design slots! I would like to add more flair to my island but the paths and things take up a lot of space and I have a lot of variation on my island.

I don't understand why there is a tool bar but it still takes space in my inventory! Isn't the point of the tool bar to easily access and have a place for my tools? Then why are they still in my inventory? Poor design on their part.
I'm so tired of the entire game stopping every time someone enters or exits an island... A short little announcement will be just fine, and it's REALLY annoying, especially for a game that focuses so much on online trading!
Not having to go to dodo airport just to open your island. Instead we can open or gates and send a code through our nook phone.
Personally, I'd rather have new content over a "quality of life update", because those videos those guys made keep making me mad through how "THERE'S STILL LOADS MISSING FROM THE GAME AND YOU'RE WANTING TO TURN EVERYTHING ABOUT THE GAME INTO AN APP BECAUSE YOU CAN'T WAIT 5 SECONDS TO DO SOMETHING?" it makes me, and I can't get more than 5 seconds into their videos without wanting to turn them off... but if you're asking? Being able to access my storage from places other than my home and being able to store turnips. Otherwise, JUST GIVE ME MORE CONTENT PLS
I want an option to load straight into the game instead of having Isabelle talk to me. Have her call me when I load up the game if and only if she actually has something important to say or wants to give me a recipe.

To be honest, Isabelle could just mail players new DIYs if needed.
that's a lot to ask, i guess