Ranked/Favorite Studio Ghibli Films?

I'm not much of a Ghibli fan anymore, but here are my favorites:
1. Castle in the Sky
2. Howl's Moving Castle
3. Spirited Away
4. Princess Mononoke
5. From Up on Poppy Hill
I'm not much of a Ghibli fan anymore, but here are my favorites:
1. Castle in the Sky
2. Howl's Moving Castle
3. Spirited Away
4. Princess Mononoke
5. From Up on Poppy Hill
Good to see that From up on Poppy hill is apreciated
I with this thread every single one I've seen were beautiful. If I had to rank though from the ones I've seen

1. Spirited Away (I'll always love this film. There's just something so magical about. Haku still makes me feel like a young school girl whenever I watch it LOL)

2. Princess Mononoke (Gorgeous film, lots of strong themes.)

3. Howl's Moving Castle/Kiki's Delivery Service. (Im not sure which one I like more tbh. They're both lovely but maybe Howl above Kiki if i really had to rank.

4. My Neighbor Totoro (Cute, fun and simple)

5. Castle in the Sky (Idk, I should rewatch this though to get a better idea)
1. Kiki's Delievery Service. This film jump started a addiction problem with anime~

2. Spirited Away. This story makes me cry every time.

3. Howls Moving Castle. I still have a childhood crush on howl I'll never be free of.

4. Ponyo! This movie is super cute if you're into aquatic scenery!
1. My Neighbor Totoro
This was the first Ghibli movie I ever saw. I was probably about 6 when I first watched it. This was followed by a period where I kept rewatching it, so much so that I remember my dad commenting on it and asking me if I didn't want to watch something else
2. Spirited Away
This was the third Ghibli movie that I ever watched. I've rewatched it several time since. All of the characters and the spirit world are so interesting, and it was nice to see the soot sprites again
3. Kiki's Delivery Service
This was the second Ghibli movie that I ever watched. I love it a lot. The talking cat, Jiji, was always a favorite of mine. The story of a young witch going out on her own to improve her skills, meeting new people, encountering difficulties, and helping others is a wonderful concept
4. Howl's Moving Castle
I was a bit older when I first saw this movie, and I've since read the book as well. Really good, another movie with a great cast of characters. I love Calcifer
5. Ponyo
This was a cute movie. I think I've watched it twice. I liked the opening underwater scene a lot
6. Pom Poko
This is another that I've watched twice. It stars a cats of tanuki, which is an animal I like. It was nice to learn more about the abilities the tanuki have in Japanese folklore. And the environmental themes were nice as well
7. My Neighbors the Yamadas
This movie was a bit different from the others in that it was like a collection of short videos about the life of a family. It was cute and fun. I should probably rewatch it at some point

Grave of the Fireflies- To be honest, I don't really know where I'd rank it. Because I've watched it a total of one time. However, it was a good movie, for sure. Just too depressing for me to want to subject myself to it again anytime soon

As for other Ghibli movies, I either haven't watched them or watched them only once and don't remember them well enough to rank them
I want to see Ghibli movies so badly but I haven't seen any except for Princess Monokoke which I loved. Maybe one day I'll see more of their movies!!!
1. Kiki's Delivery Service
2. Princess Mononoke
3. Castle in the Sky

The first two are interchangeable honestly. It's really hard to place the others so I just did my top 3.
i might revisit this thread to do a complete list, i love studio ghibli sm

1) spirited away
2) how's moving castle
3) whisper of the heart
4) ponyo
5) kiki's delivery service
1) Spirited Away

Yes, that really is my entire list. I've only watched Spirited Away, which I really enjoyed, and no other Studio Ghibli films. One day I should actually watch more of them, especially since I can easily access them on Netflix these days.
1) Spirited Away

Yes, that really is my entire list. I've only watched Spirited Away, which I really enjoyed, and no other Studio Ghibli films. One day I should actually watch more of them, especially since I can easily access them on Netflix these days.

Kilza, why did you steal my post??? :LOL:

Anyway, came here to say that Spirited Away is ALSO the only one I've seen. I don't know much about the others. I believe I did watch Howl's Moving Castle for awhile several years ago, but I wasn't really paying attention to it and didn't find it super interesting.
This is a good thread.

  1. Kiki's Delivery Service. Nostalgia is the reason why Kiki is the first on this list. Kiki was the first Ghibli movie I'd ever seen, but I'd only seen like 20 minutes of it on TV when I was really little. I had always wondered what that movie was as I didn't know the name, and didn't end up finding out until I was much older. I was so delighted and excited to finally watch it again, and it still holds a special place in my heart.
  2. Spirited Away. Spirited Away was the second Ghibli film that I watched after re-discovering Kiki. It's a masterpiece. The art is phenomenal. It's just weird enough to be captivating yet also invokes feelings of nostalgia, sadness, innocence, and ethereal wonder. If I'd seen Spirited Away as a child, it may have taken first place in this list. There are so many characters in the movie too that I love, like the Radish Spirit, and those cute duck guys that hang out in the bath house.
  3. My Neighbor Totoro. Totoro is adorable. It's cute. It's fun. The music is amazing. Many iconic characters and scenes from the movie. When I went to Japan, I was looking at Totoro merch, and a Japanese person called me an otaku. Can't even be mad, they were right.
  4. Howl's Moving Castle. This one is pretty sweet. The story is fun, and the moving castle is so magical that I love watching it over and over just for the scenes inside of the house. Also, the food imagery in this movie is top notch. This one has the most re-watchability in my opinion, though it is a little long. The original book is also pretty good, a fun little read.
  5. Princess Mononoke. Mononoke is also a masterpiece. However, it's kind of a downer, which is why I've rated it lower on the list. I've seen it many, many times. I think the first time I watched it though the end of it was kind of frightening. I prefer to watch this one in Japanese.
  6. Pom Poko. Everyone should watch Pom Poko. The tanuki's are freaking adorable. The story is sad. But it's great, worth a watch, and I've seen this one over and over again (even if the end makes me a little teary).
  7. Ponyo. It's hard to rate Ponyo so low on the list, but I do think it's one of the more "annoying" Ghibli movies as far as like the voice acting and how the characters interact with each other. The art is beautiful. I actually have a cat named Ponyo (I didn't name her that, she came like that from the shelter).
  8. When Marnie Was There. Oh good lord, this one is a tear-jerker. It's good. But it's sad. So be prepared for that.
  9. Arriety. This one I've seen just a couple of times, but I liked it.
  10. Porco Rosso. This one is fun. Pig flies airplane, no one questions it. It's not the most captivating of movies but it's worth a watch.
  11. Castle in the Sky. This one is underrated. The dub isn't great. I've seen it only once, so I can't give it a higher rating as I'm not super familiar with the story.
  12. Nausicaa. This movie isn't technically Ghibli? Which was unknown to me. It's a good one, but again, I've only seen it once and I can't give it a higher rating.
  13. Grave of the fireflies. I'm sorry, but this one is deadlast. It's an important movie for Japanese history and I get that. But it's so freaking sad and at some points a little gross. Watch only if you are already depressed.
I would say I'm a big Ghibli fan. I've seen more of the movies but I don't remember them well enough to put on the list. I did go to the Ghibli museum in Japan and it was really, really cool. If you ever have the opportunity, it's worth going to 100%.
I honestly can't rank (most of) them, so I'm just going to list the films I've watched by year of release!
  • Castle in the Sky
  • My Neighbor Totoro
  • Grave of the Fireflies
  • Kiki's Delivery Service
  • Porco Rosso
  • Pom Poko
  • Princess Mononoke
  • My Neighbors the Yamadas
  • Spirited Away
  • Howl's Moving Castle
  • Ponyo
  • Arrietty
I did try and get through as many Studio Ghibli films as I could find at one point, so I may have forgotten some titles I've seen. Most of the above were amazing and beautiful though.
Despite Spirited Away being the fan and favorite of critics, my favorites are Ponyo and The Wind Rises. Ponyo is one of the first anime I’ve ever seen and it’s super nostalgic. The Wind Rises somehow makes early 20th century tech seem magical and the movie’s themes of modernization interest me.
I think I've only ever watched Ponyo and Spirited Away.. Out of those two, Ponyo just struck home to me more. I REALLY want to watch The Wind Rises, but.. I don't know where to watch Ghibli movies without having to pay to watch -__-