Raycre Village 2: The Fog Has Cleared (Roleplay)

"Aions!" I cry, and bend down next to him, turning him over.
He looks to have passed out.
I blink rapidly.
"That's new, too, I guess." I shake my head. I get up, staggering.
"I want to get to this place so I can get rid of this curse as soon as possible."
He wakes up immediately, and I sigh with relief. He's alright.
"Should we continue on, or find Taylor?" I say, supporting him so he can get upright.
"I guess we should find Taylor, and those cinnamon rolls I ordered." I say. What? Cinnamon? I don't even like cinnamon! Oh... I shake my head.
"I think the insanity is getting worse, even when I'm not having headaches...."
I frown. "We should try our best to get there and break the curse as soon as possible. Now, come on, let's find. Taylor." I start walking west, and come across him, lying on the ground, slightly bloody, and with no shirt.
"That's interesting. I wonder what happened to him." I scratch my head.
"And my cinnamon rolls." I pinch myself. Stop with the cinnamon rolls! I think.
"He must've turned into a werewolf, and then changed back after he was in too much pain. I'll try to wake him up..."
I walk over to him and shake him.
He doesn't wake, and I sigh. "I'm not sure what to do, as he isn't waking up..should we camp here for the night?"
"I suppose." I say, sitting on the grass. It's warm, and the sun is beginning to set.
"I like days like this."
A breeze starts to pick up, and leaves fly through the air.
"I think you're cool." I say, lying back in the grass.
I laugh loudly, and start to hallucinate.
"I remember, I remember a thing from a long time ago..." I say, hazily.
I frown, and hug my knees. I decide to play along.
I make up the song as I sing in a high, clear voice.

I know a place from long ago
Where the trees were green and the grass was tall
And then it starts to snow
Tears of God showing he loves all
Don't cry, stay strong
For all the people who can't back home
Never give in, because your not alone
You have friends who love you
So journey on, keep fighting
As long
As you can stand
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"I remember... A spell... Teleport." I manage to get out of my mouth.
"It can, get... Us there, it can, it can fix-ix me."
I nod, and then sing, as it seems to help.

Fight against the roaring waves
You are stronger then them
You can overcome their gaze
You can fight through them
"Hinc ad te ibi." I somehow remember all the words. I start to glow white. I grab Caylin's hand, and we are teleported to the temple.