READ THIS: If you're in the UK and you're downloading at Midnight!!

Does anyone know how long it takes to download, roughly? thanks

Some say 20 minutes, some say an hour. It's really down to your internet. I'm Australian, so my internet is really not fast at all, and so far it's looking like it might take an hour. :)
Thanks for posting this! I'm not in EU/AUS, but I've linked this thread to tumblr for more European and Australian ACers to see. :)
Wait? So if you buy a download they email you a code? And you can download it today? ;o
Wait? So if you buy a download they email you a code? And you can download it today? ;o

Yes! They email it, as well as showing you the code the second the money goes through! And you download as soon as you get it.
Lew it does work. Seem the code is for Euro.
2013-06-13 19.55.04.jpg
Mine is finishing in less than 10mn. That would be an hour too, and my connection kinda sucks. Way below average in france.
Mine took an hour on our work network. We have a leased line so 10GB takes about 5 minutes. I suspect Nintendo are thottling the store at the moment so everyone gets it in an hour, rather than some taking minutes and others taking hours and hours.
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OMG, never heard of anything like that happening with the e-shop. Happy for you people set on digital who got to play this afternoon!