Mafia Redd's Revenge - Game Thread [GAME OVER]

This could be suspicious? Like maybe trying to defend frosty? But I’m confused about the whole disguise thing
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And I don’t think this ever got answered. I dont know, I don’t think we have enough from dino to be sure of anything
i got that dino was explaining that betsy was confirmed town because mafia wouldnt disguise as mafia
i think that frosty answer a bit bellow with "dont worry take your time!" but iirc eventually they had a couple of interactions
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Oh i use it to refer to developing a theory that is maybe a step beyond what is outwardly obvious or probable.

Like, putting on a tinfoil hat. Yes, it looks like x is the case, but what about y. Sometimes there isn't anything to back it up. You can't prove it, but you think it's possible.

Volt can probably explain it better.
basically this
it comes from that steryotype that conspiracy theorists put tinfoil hats on. so basically it means you are doing an wild theory based on seemly innocent things
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Yes i have similar thoughts. I also have thoughts on dino, staying quietly in the background, not making waves, lol.
Sorry I had a 4+ hour interview today so i haven't had much time lol. I'm going to spend some time rereading and I'll return tonight with some (hopefully) more formed thoughts after I grab something to eat.

Gonna just respond to this quick while I'm here:
This could be suspicious? Like maybe trying to defend frosty? But I’m confused about the whole disguise thing
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And I don’t think this ever got answered. I dont know, I don’t think we have enough from dino to be sure of anything
The first one I was essentially saying since mafia cant target other mafia (or at least don't have a good reason to) Betsy can essentially be guaranteed to be town.

To the second one: frosty never directly responded with any questions but we did have an exchange where I addressed a question frosty had in another one of their posts about my state of mind this game versus last game.
Frosty Post - My Response
Ok I'm not great at this mess, but the options (in no particular order) are:

If we vote Doo-
If doo wolf, cool
If doo town, d4 would be :

Bongo/betsy (probably me)

If we vote Dino
Same as above but probably:
Me/doo/volt (just kill me now plz)

If we vote volt:
Then would have
Probably me/doo/dino.

Volt/luck possibilites:
Town - The bad luck fizzled, magic dusted off of chops, volt framed by kidnapper, volt seen by watcher

Wolf - The bad luck prevented m.o.d., volt seen by watcher (and i would feel even dumber than usual).

Both interacted with frosty
But also, both came into d2 with ness sus/questions (poss frame)
Dino posts look better.
But doo is new to the game.
Doo could not have been coached by lily d1, so coaching can be ruled out for that day.

I guess what are everyone's preferred order of voting people out? And why do you have that order?

I'm out. Back tomorrow
I don’t really understand about the ‘magic being dusted off of Chops’ thing, like how do we know that means the magic didn’t work?
Ignoring the magic stuff I’m confused about, I think we should vote volt before Dino. Partly because that’s what Ness said. I just haven’t really had any suspicions of Dino, but I have had some of volt. Sorry I’ve been kind of busy today so I don’t have a lot to add. Sorry volt.
I don’t really understand about the ‘magic being dusted off of Chops’ thing, like how do we know that means the magic didn’t work?
Ignoring the magic stuff I’m confused about, I think we should vote volt before Dino. Partly because that’s what Ness said. I just haven’t really had any suspicions of Dino, but I have had some of volt. Sorry I’ve been kind of busy today so I don’t have a lot to add. Sorry volt.

We dont know anything for sure. That's why town/wolf are both possible.
I guess what are everyone's preferred order of voting people out? And why do you have that order?

I'm out. Back tomorrow
My preference is : Doo/Volt (I am leaning towards Doo) and then Dino a distant second. Cause I really haven't seen anything mafia about Dino so far.
But, your point about bad luck preventing disguise is also a valid option so yeah its confusing.
Yeah im kinda leaning towards doo. I think bongo you'll be the kidnap target if it's not doo.

Because if you watched me it's guarantee win for us d4. Disguiser can't target the same person twice in a row.

So anything you are thinking, go ahead and post it. Like a legacy read.

Sorry I had a 4+ hour interview today so i haven't had much time lol. I'm going to spend some time rereading and I'll return tonight with some (hopefully) more formed thoughts after I grab something to eat.

Oh yeah i forgot about this. Sorry dino, i didnt mean today, lol. I meant the whole game.

So sometimes it's just a quiet wolf, not making a lot of waves, good posts, etc. Then everyone is surprised at the end, lol.

I know you didn't post a lot in your town game though. But it was worth mentioning, as we've got to consider all possibilities.
So i was thinking about volt. Ness can scream, but here's a couple things that im thinking. Bongo tell me if this makes sense or I'm crazy.

Ness was kidnapped. Ness already used the luck, and had no katrina magic left, so ness had no more powers. Ness had also left a last will targeting volt, with no time left for volt to make a case on anyone else.

If i were wolf volt, i cannot see a world in which bongo is left alive with good luck to watch the kidnap on a night where volt has bad luck. I think wolfvolt would have kidnapped bongo and then tried to convince ness.

Because now :
- "volt" was seen kidnapping ness
- ness said vote volt first, so volt would have been setting up a day where they were auto-voted
-wolf volt leaves the strongest pr alive to watch?!

I have more in my head but can't put in words right now. There is a far remote possibility that wolf volt would have salty taken out ness, feeling like oh well they got me. But i went back over the among us game, and volt was convincing and trying to hit town pr right up to the end.

So - i think it's maybe not volt at all. Let me know if you think I'm missing something. I'll be working this morning, but checking in often.
Ignoring the magic stuff I’m confused about, I think we should vote volt before Dino. Partly because that’s what Ness said. I just haven’t really had any suspicions of Dino, but I have had some of volt.

What do you think about ness being the one kidnapped after telling everyone to vote volt first?

Kinda leaves volt to be auto-voted today, which doesn't make sense if volt is wolfy? And volt didn't even come in with defense today or anything.

I am starting to feel like im a defense atty, hahaha. Who doesn't even know if her client is guilty. 😅

Disclaimer: no monies, tbt, or collectibles have been received by the CookieBetsy Corporation. We have no connection or obligation to the aforementioned volt corp. All opinions are strictly our own, and in no way influenced by the volt corporation.

yeah i mean like. most of the reasoning to vote me are just fear and ness legacy so there isnt much for me to defend. ive been wanting to get rid of doo since d1 and i think thats a good chance we end the game here. and doo has been pushing hard on me and just throwing some sus on dino here and there, so.
so thats why i havent been talking much i feel like ive said my piece
How many miselims are we allowed?
We just have 1.
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That's what makes it so rough.

If you're a miselim, tomorrow will be between dino/volt
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And that's my nightmare.
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Doo, looking between dino/volt and the situation the way it is now, which of the 2 would you think it was?

I keep thinking a wolf volt:
Would have left ness alive to convince
Wouldn't have set up their own auto vote today
Would've removed me who said I'd sheep ness or Would've removed bongo

Do you think that makes sense?
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At this point, I am convinced its between Doo and Volt, with me leaning towards Doo. I really don't think its Dino.

Yeah im kinda leaning towards doo. I think bongo you'll be the kidnap target if it's not doo.

Because if you watched me it's guarantee win for us d4. Disguiser can't target the same person twice in a row.
Also, I may be understanding this wrong, but I am like 99% sure Ness' good luck effectively ensured I will survive this night too. I don't think we will reach a night 4, and if we do, well yeah i dunno about that. But I am almost guaranteed that I will survive the next night (night 3) thanks to Ness' good luck.
Hey if you can stay alive, awesome. Watch me be kidnapped. 😂

I can see a world with a sneaky dino maf, lol.
If the ribbit kidnap was to frame ness, both dino and doo mentioned it d2.

Tbh, looking at today, my order would be

The disguiser cant target same person 2x in a row, though, so if you see volt, its volt. 😅
Hey if you can stay alive, awesome. Watch me be kidnapped. 😂

I can see a world with a sneaky dino maf, lol.
If the ribbit kidnap was to frame ness, both dino and doo mentioned it d2.

Tbh, looking at today, my order would be

The disguiser cant target same person 2x in a row, though, so if you see volt, its volt. 😅
XD I will try to vote in a way that it doesn't happen.
One thing that stood out to me is that volt mentioned the bad luck was role block. Now does role block mean that mafia won't be able to kidnap or just that mafia won't be able to disguise. If it was that mafia could not be able to disguise, then that could be a great strat by Volt to play into it.
I just don't see Dino being mafia, but I do understand that her absence might make her a suspect. Dino, if you can, please say who you think it might be between Doo and Volt.

As for Doo and Volt, well it is 50-50 but I just can't be sure on any of them. Every time I am like "oh it has to be this person" something else comes up and ruins my conviction XD
XD I will try to vote in a way that it doesn't happen.
One thing that stood out to me is that volt mentioned the bad luck was role block. Now does role block mean that mafia won't be able to kidnap or just that mafia won't be able to disguise. If it was that mafia could not be able to disguise, then that could be a great strat by Volt to play into it.
I just don't see Dino being mafia, but I do understand that her absence might make her a suspect. Dino, if you can, please say who you think it might be between Doo and Volt.

As for Doo and Volt, well it is 50-50 but I just can't be sure on any of them. Every time I am like "oh it has to be this person" something else comes up and ruins my conviction XD

I get that feeling!

Role block would mean disguiser couldnt disguise.

On dino, it's not the absence, it's the lack of logic around a wolf volt today, the poss frame of ness d2, and the fact that i have played some games where the most towniest person was the wolf.

Wolf can win by blending in with town. So i cant cross dino off the list. But I'll probably go with doo today
Sorry for my absence the last 48 hours have been insane.

I think for today I'm considering leaning more towards doo than volt. Volt sussed lily/frosty early which is sort of making me lean away from them at the moment even if it could be a smart move for later game. I also feel as though doo has been grasping at straws trying to frame me by taking random out of context quotes and trying to force them into a mafia perspective even if its not there.

So Betsy I know you asked about my volt conspiracy thoughts the other day and its not a solid logic by any means but here is my thinking. I can also see a reality in which volt is mafia as well. Making the sus of lily/frosty early on but not pushing it hard enough to actually influence a vote. Additionally both volt and frosty spun the idea of me being town pretty early on making me sort of feel as though maybe it was a plan to keep me around until late game as an easy last round scape goat to vote out.

Again my thoughts are all of these things can fit well into either perspective so its tough to tell what exactly is going on here lol.

I can bring the quotes later if needed its just challenging to do from my phone
Sorry for my absence the last 48 hours have been insane.

I think for today I'm considering leaning more towards doo than volt. Volt sussed lily/frosty early which is sort of making me lean away from them at the moment even if it could be a smart move for later game. I also feel as though doo has been grasping at straws trying to frame me by taking random out of context quotes and trying to force them into a mafia perspective even if its not there.

So Betsy I know you asked about my volt conspiracy thoughts the other day and its not a solid logic by any means but here is my thinking. I can also see a reality in which volt is mafia as well. Making the sus of lily/frosty early on but not pushing it hard enough to actually influence a vote. Additionally both volt and frosty spun the idea of me being town pretty early on making me sort of feel as though maybe it was a plan to keep me around until late game as an easy last round scape goat to vote out.

Again my thoughts are all of these things can fit well into either perspective so its tough to tell what exactly is going on here lol.

I can bring the quotes later if needed its just challenging to do from my phone

Omg i know the mobile challenges. 😅
I only play from my phone. It can get rough.

And yes- i put some similar thoughts in an earlier post about the case for volt. I just think the situation today doesn't make sense for a wolf volt. So I'd rather vote doo.

It is crazy though how much i flip flop on people. I don't mean to do that, but i can see it so many different ways, lol.
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If bongo really can survive til tomorrow, that will help so much. Or if like ness said, his report gets delivered to someone else. That would be ideal.
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Im voting doo for now. It seems the slot that most think could be possible/needs to be cleared.

If anyone has any light bulb moments or wants to discuss anything or thinks we should vote otherwise, I'll see the notification. Back later.
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What’s the best thing for me to do now if I am town? Do I just leave as many thoughts as possible behind here for you all?