Mafia Redd's Revenge - Game Thread [GAME OVER]

^ I’m looking through Ness’s earlier posts and found this. We know for sure Betsy is town lol and the only option here that includes frosty is Dino and frosty.

I need to go look at that. Maybe ness had a reason for excluding frosty/volt or you.

I am so tired of going in circles and coming to nothing definite. 😭

And i really will be embarrassed if im in here defending a wolf.
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You’re heavily confusing but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s Dinosaur frankly. Maybe Frosty/Lily as a plot twist.
^ this too
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Volt/frosty (lily) are not teamed unless it was a bus from Volt. Lily doesn’t make sense to me as mafia anyway.
I know the second part of this turned out to be wrong, but to be honest before ness told us all to vote volt, there’s a lot more he said suggesting Dino
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I don’t really understand what bussing is so someone else look at that please 😂
Actually, that furthers my non volt case. Because volt hasn't tried to convince anyone it wasnt them today.

Ness had a last minute foil of a frosty/volt team. Listed it as 60/40 on wolf volt. Volt was trying to defend, but really had no time. Ness had volt town before that.

I think if i were wolf volt, id have left ness alive and tried to buddy and convince him to return to his townread of volt

Because from volt perspective - getting rid of ness gives him no chance to change ness's mind, and ness had it 60/40. And it left him with me alive. The hard headed person who was 100% convinced it was volt, and who is definitely not going to be swayed by volt's arguments, and who openly said yesterday i would sheep ness.

It doesn't make any sense.
but then again, there is no guarantee Volt could have been able to change Ness' mind right ? But, if Volt publicly got the bad luck from Ness, Ness died and Volt showed up on records, they would have the perfect alibi ! In fact, Volt could very well be counting on this exact thing happening ! Ness dies after sussing volt, volt can say that "why would I kill the person suspect of ma and all but confirm their suspicions. And to justify showing up on record, the point can be that "master of disguise did that, since everyone knew I had bad luck on me".
Gonna just respond to this quick while I'm here:

The first one I was essentially saying since mafia cant target other mafia (or at least don't have a good reason to) Betsy can essentially be guaranteed to be town.

To the second one: frosty never directly responded with any questions but we did have an exchange where I addressed a question frosty had in another one of their posts about my state of mind this game versus last game.
Frosty Post - My Response
I dont know if it’s a bad thing to try and defend yourself when people suggest things that are suspicious about you?
^ this too
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I know the second part of this turned out to be wrong, but to be honest before ness told us all to vote volt, there’s a lot more he said suggesting Dino

I mean if we are going by Ness' quotes, then shouldn't we be looking at their most recent posts where they clear Dino and put the whole sus on you and Volt ?

My suspicion on Volt isn't clear cut, but I do find it 60/40 leaning toward Volt being mafia over Doo. I'm willing to make the concession that Dinosaur really is town. @Doo If you're really town, then now is the time to prove your innocence. No "i'm so town!" posts, engage in the thread and choose between Volt or Dinosaur.
In fact I would say Ness was far more sus on you than Dino
This is outdated in light of our new information, but I figured I'd post it anyway since it's still relevant.

X: Volt/Frosty (Lily)
  • Should be obvious.
X: Volt/Doo
  • Can't see it currently, if Volt was teamed with anyone then it would be Volt/Doo, but I don't think they are considering the circumstances behind EoD. Volt kinda tried to save Doo, but the way that Doo claimed indicates to me that they didn't coordinate on it. Volt actively expecting a PR claim, but then Doo unexpectedly claimed VT? This is paired with the fact Volt has been pushing for Doo most of D2.

X: Volt/Dinosaur
  • I guess it's not impossible, but it feels improbable. Volt has heavily defended Dinosaur for most of the game, and for reasons I mildly disagree with but don't feel forced. If anyone wants to debate me on this, come forward.
X: Volt/Betsy
  • Should be obvious.

Volt is 95% cleared in my eyes.

X: Betsy/Volt
X: Betsy/Frosty
?: Betsy/Dinosaur
???: Betsy/Doo

Conclusion: Betsy is a little more questionable, but I refuse to believe that Volt and Frosty dogpiling on her like that one Jojo meme should indicate that she's teamed with either of them. Maybe there's a post that could help with Betsy/Dinosaur team a bit more? There are a few early game interactions Betsy said to Dinosaur on page 2-3 (that Dinosaur didn't respond to) but I'm reluctant to give credibility to that.

X: Dinosaur/Doo

  • Pretty over analytical reason for this one, but coupled with the fact that Doo supposedly didn't know there was a mafia chat, would mafia Dinosaur have the foresight to welcome a fellow new player? Is it too much to argue that this is a purely innocent interaction?

X?: Dinosaur/Frosty
  • The thing that makes me question this pairing is that Dinosaur responded a post Frosty made about her, and then continues her thoughts that I'm suspicious for trying to start a bandwagon on her D1. To which, Frosty seems to make an honest response back. Whether or not this was fake is a point of contention for me.

X: Dinosaur/Volt
?: Dinosaur/Betsy
  • Not enough substance between the two of them beyond Bongo agreeing with Dinosaur that I'm suspicious for my votes.

Conclusion: I find it difficult to place something here because I can't believe in a pairing between Frosty, Volt, or Doo. A Doo/Dinosaur pairing might just be the wool over my eyes but I give it like 50% credibility that they aren't teamed. Betsy or Bongo is POSSIBLE I guess but I struggle to see how much weight it has with Bongo directly quoting and agreeing that I'm suspicious

(Preface: The most frustrating thing about this slot is that Doo exclusively interacted with myself, Ribbit, and Shell on D1)​

X: Doo/Dinosaur
X: Doo/Volt
?: Doo/Frosty
???: Doo/Betsy

X: Frosty/Volt
X: Frosty/Betsy
X?: Frosty/Dinosaur
?: Frosty/Doo

Conclusion: I'm getting tired of looking through all the posts, but off the top of my head, this feels right enough for Frosty.

If we're to go about this objectively, then the team is one of these pairings in order of what I think to be most likely:


The biggest wildcard to me currently FrostyAlmonds, but as we now know Frosty is mafia!
Also here, Ness says it can’t be volt and frosty, but could be either me or Dino and frosty. I know this doesn’t look good for me but I’m tryna say as much as I can for the next day
but then again, there is no guarantee Volt could have been able to change Ness' mind right ? But, if Volt publicly got the bad luck from Ness, Ness died and Volt showed up on records, they would have the perfect alibi ! In fact, Volt could very well be counting on this exact thing happening ! Ness dies after sussing volt, volt can say that "why would I kill the person suspect of ma and all but confirm their suspicions. And to justify showing up on record, the point can be that "master of disguise did that, since everyone knew I had bad luck on me".

If volt had entered the thread and tried to convince people, i would say yes, that's a definite possibility.

The fact that they didn't, plus the magic thing, plus the sheer uphill battle volt would thinking not the more likely scenario?

Bongo i think its great you and i have different opinions on this. Its gonna make the wolf have to carefully consider their night action!
I mean if we are going by Ness' quotes, then shouldn't we be looking at their most recent posts where they clear Dino and put the whole sus on you and Volt ?
I’m just confused now Betsy’s brought it up because Ness had been saying that a volt and frosty pairing was impossible. In the post I just quoted, he says volt is ‘95% cleared’
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So I think the pairing is like 60% Frosty/Dinosaur, but Frosty/Doo is still mildly a possibility. Unless it's Frosty/Volt by chance?
I dont know why Ness changed his mind, why did he say two separate things? 😭
If volt had entered the thread and tried to convince people, i would say yes, that's a definite possibility.

The fact that they didn't, plus the magic thing, plus the sheer uphill battle volt would thinking not the more likely scenario?

Bongo i think its great you and i have different opinions on this. Its gonna make the wolf have to carefully consider their night action!
Yeah I definitely wish volt was more present here.
Man this game really isn't easy, the moment I feel sure of something, something else pops up XD
I’m just confused now Betsy’s brought it up because Ness had been saying that a volt and frosty pairing was impossible. In the post I just quoted, he says volt is ‘95% cleared’

This game is always confusing. That's what makes it fun! 😂

Im glad bongo thinks differently. Maybe the night actions will give more info. If bongo thinks it's volt, i think it could be dino, gives maf a hard choice
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Yeah I definitely wish volt was more present here.
Man this game really isn't easy, the moment I feel sure of something, something else pops up XD

Yep! And we dont have "evidence".

We saw the crime, then all we have is witness statements. 😅
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I dont know if it’s a bad thing to try and defend yourself when people suggest things that are suspicious about you?
I'm a little confused are you saying I'm mafia because I defended myself and wanted to make sure you understood my reasonings or are you asking if its ok to reply to this and defend yourself? If the latter yes but I really don't understand the former argument here