Mafia Redd's Revenge - Game Thread [GAME OVER]

i feel people should give others a chance to speak before tunnel / bandwagon someone. i have read everything that has been posted. i dont have any vibes on anyone yet.
Maybe we should vote you out instead…
why? because i havent got any vibes from anyone yet? it seems kinda sus to be throwing tunnels and bandwagons out d1.
I'm not gonna play happy camper with everyone just because there's nothing to go on, there's nothing wrong with trying to figure out who you can or cannot trust. Being passive is how town loses.

I'd logistically rather have you voted out this phase over Dan or Ribbit if you're not willing to get your hands dirty.
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Everyone is acting strangely, I have no clue what’s going on
That's a good thing. Think on your confusion and try to form thoughts from it. Food for thought: what are some of the other player's motivations for their actions? Why does Betsy think that shell/Dan can't be mafia together? Why does Ribbit townread Dinosaur off one post? Why would either of them contribute those thoughts rather than state the opposite ideas?
im willing to get my hands dirty. im not willing to play your game. i will tell you the same thing i told dolby, i will play the game my way.
Damneil and Ness have voted already, i dont know why??
We can change our votes as much as we’d like so I dont see a problem with it
why? because i havent got any vibes from anyone yet? it seems kinda sus to be throwing tunnels and bandwagons out d1.
I think this is a good post from Lily. It’s very reminiscent of her behavior last game of not being easily swayed by people

Regarding Shell bell wanting to vote me I didn’t think much of it. I think her willingness to interact and question matters more than anything

Currently I get town from Ribbit Lily and Shell. The rest are a toss up tbh
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I'd logistically rather have you voted out this phase over Dan or Ribbit if you're not willing to get your hands dirty.
What do you mean by hands dirty?
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defend yourself then!!
don’t let me and ness walk all over you
Okay I’m meta reading Ribbit as town rn but I wanted to say that during the workweek I check the thread sporadically but sometimes I have to handle work/phone calls. I think I’ve been active even if I’m not around all the time
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What do you mean by hands dirty?
As in throwing suspicion or votes out on people D1 rather than everyone coexist with eachother.

I want to delete the word “tunnel” from everyone’s vocabulary btw it’s so annoying.
As in throwing suspicion or votes out on people D1 rather than everyone coexist with eachother.

I want to delete the word “tunnel” from everyone’s vocabulary btw it’s so annoying.
Oh that’s different from tunneling tho. Tunneling is just being hyper fixated on one person
Oh that’s different from tunneling tho. Tunneling is just being hyper fixated on one person
Yeah true, but I interpreted what Lily said as trying to express neutrality about the thread state, figured I’d poke her a little bit for information. I seem to have hit a nerve a little bit since she voted me but it is what it is…

Regardless it’s frustrating when people pass me off as “tunneling” people when like half of our current information is a result of me poking people in the thread. Maybe that’s a little conceited but like… it’s not a tunnel less than 12 hours into the start of the game lol
i didn't vote you

oh. unless you're asking about what i think about going along with the vote train: i honestly don't mind voting you, i just want to vote someone out today.

did you miss me saying this @BetsySundrop ?
i’m happy to vote anybody.
i think d1 miselims is fine so any tiniest reason to vote somebody, i’m game.
i am also ok with voting ness.

so far i think betsy is town, i’m eyeing ribbit due to the really energeticness of everything but that could just be ribbit normally idk. i don’t know about anybody else.
did you miss me saying this @BetsySundrop ?
i’m happy to vote anybody.
i think d1 miselims is fine so any tiniest reason to vote somebody, i’m game.
i am also ok with voting ness.

so far i think betsy is town, i’m eyeing ribbit due to the really energeticness of everything but that could just be ribbit normally idk. i don’t know about anybody else.

I did see that. I was looking into what seemed like voting out the players who may not seem wolfy but could take the game if they were. I thought you were saying you'd vote dan but not ness, but had the same read on both.

If I understand (fr tell me if I'm wrong), you're saying it wasn't just dan, but you're up for voting anyone sus? That makes more sense.

If i have it wrong- lemme know, lol. I agree on voting someone out d1. I'd like to hit a wolf target. Willing to vote out anyone who is imo sus/odd vibes and isn't a townread to me. It's just hard to figure out.
did you miss me saying this @BetsySundrop ?
i’m happy to vote anybody.
i think d1 miselims is fine so any tiniest reason to vote somebody, i’m game.
i am also ok with voting ness.

so far i think betsy is town, i’m eyeing ribbit due to the really energeticness of everything but that could just be ribbit normally idk. i don’t know about anybody else.
I would agree that someone needs to be voted out, however I question your reasoning behind openly saying you're fine with voting for just anyone. Would you say that you agree with a line of reason being provided before voting someone out?

I would like to hear more from @Doo and @Dinosaur on their thoughts in the thread before I provide anything definitive about my reads.
If i have it wrong- lemme know, lol. I agree on voting someone out d1. I'd like to hit a wolf target. Willing to vote out anyone who is imo sus/odd vibes and isn't a townread to me. It's just hard to figure out.
This felt a little awkward to me. I agree we should vote someone out but this feels a little stiff like she’s indifferent on who to vote
Regardless it’s frustrating when people pass me off as “tunneling” people when like half of our current information is a result of me poking people in the thread. Maybe that’s a little conceited but like… it’s not a tunnel less than 12 hours into the start of the game lol

Don't say "pass me off as tunneling" like it's a bad thing! 😂

If you think someone is off, and you hold that read and press that person - that's what i refer to as tunneling. Imo - tunneling is a town trait.

So when i see you fixating on one person, i tr you. And when the person you are, uhm, 'focusing' on also pinged me wrong early game, i pay attention to the responses, so it helps.

I "hyperfocus" on people. If I'm wrong, could be bad. But if I'm right, 🎉. Gets more reactions/posts, etc going, too.
@BetsySundrop i agree this willingness to vote and miselim appears sus. i do mean that i’m willing to vote anybody provided there is some reasoning behind it (left that part out). but frankly i don’t see there will be actual good reasons on d1 so i will be a little reckless here and just make some stuff happen

whether it makes me look sus or not i gotta vote, and rn i got nothing so yeah poorly reasoned vote it is
This felt a little awkward to me. I agree we should vote someone out but this feels a little stiff like she’s indifferent on who to vote

Awkward, lol.

I listed my criteria for my d1 vote:
- wont vote my town reads
- will vote my sus reads
- would like to hit a wolf

Curious to know why you think that is "indifferent". Do you have different criteria?
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@BetsySundrop i agree this willingness to vote and miselim appears sus. i do mean that i’m willing to vote anybody provided there is some reasoning behind it (left that part out). but frankly i don’t see there will be actual good reasons on d1 so i will be a little reckless here and just make some stuff happen

whether it makes me look sus or not i gotta vote, and rn i got nothing so yeah poorly reasoned vote it is

Agree! Yeah d1 kinda sucks. I pick at details, and responses really do help to narrow it down.
Awkward, lol.

I listed my criteria for my d1 vote:
- wont vote my town reads
- will vote my sus reads
- would like to hit a wolf

Curious to know why you think that is "indifferent". Do you have different criteria?
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Agree! Yeah d1 kinda sucks. I pick at details, and responses really do help to narrow it down.
The vibe feels it was a forced line. Like yeah it’s obvious to want to vote out a wolf