
I took a class on omniology, yes literally the study of everything. It described how everyone has innate needs and desires that we all wish to fulfill. One of which was a spiritual need, that each person interprets and fulfills differently. A lot of people get this through religion, studying a higher power, and the community and feelings that come with it, and that is a huge driving power for a lot of people.

Me I am agnostic, i don't really care about a higher power and I don't need a religion to make me want to be a good person. I want to be a good person because like, thats just right to me. Some people's spiritual need isn't as strong as others soooo... don't judge anyone for how they fulfill their spiritual need.

I used to despise all types of christianity because i lived in a town that shoved it down my throat. This class helped me come to terms with that, and I'm grateful to be able to see it from a different perspective.
I am Christian but not strict at all. More spiritual than religious. I don’t like the hate that goes around
I am a firm practicer of Collectibism... the worship of collectibles
Sorry if this is late.
I'm pretty sure this isn't a religion, more like a teaching of some sort. I'm Shintoist, a traditional Japanese belief of many kami in the natural world.
I'm one of those rare Evangelium people!

My parents only gave me and my brother a religion so the school would
stop handling us bad when it comes to religious class.
We were always able to choose if we go to the catholic or evangelium class
and there the teacher was handling me pretty bad, like I was satan or so lmao.
Anyways, I don't believe in anything but I am fine with people believing in whatever
they want to, as long as they don't try to force me to believe in the same thing.

After I switched school I was in a catholic school and 99% of the people there were
catholic, so yeah.. wasn't too fun but oh well.
If I had to choose I would just have no religion at all, but hey.. at least I got some
nice presents for the day I became Evangelium.. x)

Oh yeah, my parents didn't choose catholic for us, because the church handled
my father like trash after his parents (both very religious) had passed away
when he was very young. So he has a hate against catholic church (understandable).
I grew up Catholic for the first 12 years of my life and then converted to Southern Baptist for the next 6 years. Now I'm 31 and I'm an atheist. But not an obnoxious one. I'm just a live and let live one. You don't bother me, I won't bother you. Just because religion does nothing for me doesn't mean it can't help someone else. As long as your religion isn't actively hurting anyone or making you be a jerk to people who are different than you, you can believe in whatever you want to. It's not my place to tell you what to do.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I am Assnostic, a proud believer in the power of the booty.

I changed my mind. I am now Assnostic as well. This speaks to my soul.
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Would consider myself to be Hindu, but not too religious. I do have a firm belief in God, though.
I changed my mind. I am now Assnostic as well. This speaks to my soul.




I've been too.​
christian, although i focus more on the relationship with God himself, rather than the religion as a whole.
i'm an atheist also but it's pretty hard for me because my family and my whole town/school is very christian. i have to go to the christian scouts because there are no others in my town, it was the same when i was in kindergarten. also all of my friends always talk about religion and i sit there like.. eh yea nice
I was raised as and currently identify as an Episcopalian Christian. I did go for some time thinking that there was no God, but after further pondering I've been able to place my faith in Christianity, and even if it isn't true I won't be alive to remember how 'dumb' I was for believing in such a notion.
For me personally, death doesn't matter, life does. We don't know what happens when you die but we do know what happens to the people alive. You're gone and they miss you. That's really all that matters, right? What happens during life, I mean-- even if 'God' isn't real, I find comfort in religion and if there is a heaven and God is as strict as people make him out to be, I'll make it in. Though I do know that Jesus preaches even to the dead, so no worries if it is true! Even after you die you deserve and receive a second chance.
I would never pressure someone to become Christian or even suggest it if they were set in their ways, but if you're open to change, think about it this way; does it matter? Hey, You don't even have to be Christian. Be Taoist, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Pagan, whatever, just look on the bright side of life-- or death, for that matter.
Look, I'm not particularly good with writing or philosophy, but if there really is noting after death, what's the point in believing in that? I'd much rather place my faith in something that brings me comfort in joy rather than an idea that suggests that we become nothingness for the rest of eternity, leaving all of our friends, memories, and experiences behind because that isn't fun. Life is about enjoying yourself, and I can't have fun knowing that there is nothing but emptiness awaiting me, so why bother?

Edit: I'd also like to mention that I don't believe in Satan or Hell. I think that the Garden of Eden was mythos and god created the Big Bang rather than the Earth immediately. Satan was simply created as something to embody evil, a metaphorical scapeGOAT you could say (hehe). God created good and evil. There is no life without death, no happiness without sadness, no cats without geese. There must be an opposite force to everything or the ladder cannot exist.
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I don’t believe in religion at all. In fact I despise it.
I just think religion hurts our world a lot more than the positives. It’s divided and killed so many people and no god would truly want this for his “children”. I’m just trying to live as best life as far as morals go. There’s so many religions that are so close but they tell each other that they’ll burn in hell. I know religion comforts a lot of people who are scared, but I know rubbish when I see it.
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I considered myself Catholic and believe in a god and all but I still respect other people regardless of their personal beliefs and sexuality and stuff. Recently I’ve been thinking maybe I’m just an Agnostic Theist. Some things in the bible I don’t really agree with and feel is off as well.

I can’t stand seeing other certain “religious” people mistreating and being cruel to LGBT communities and how they basically manipulate other people including their own families. I’m not sure whether or not to be glad religion isn’t really being followed as much due to this. Again I don’t have a problem with other people who do believe in religion but It’s a damn shame how corrupt the church is becoming right now.

Personally I believe as long as you have a good heart and are not like completely evil you can go to “Heaven” or whatever exists when our time ends. I don’t think you need to believe in Jesus or anyone in order to go there. It’s best not to worry about whether or not you’ll get to the other side and to just follow your dreams and live life how you want to.
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I'm Agnostic, leaning a fair bit towards Atheism but prefer the term Agnostic. I have some superstitions and have had some experiences for me to accept the possibility of things I can't see, but also have no real reason to believe it either.
Atheist but born (and baptized) in a Catholic family. My parents didn't care much about religion but my grand-parents and relatives were really religious, I also went to Catholic schools which was just the norm then since the majority was Catholic. So I grew up in that religion and traditions but I think it's also more cultural than religious, I mean, even if they share the same religion, Catholics are different from a country to another. I had an American friend (Jewish), who came to visit once and kept complaining about the number of churches there were in the city, all along we were walking he kept whispering "crazy Catholics, crazy Catholics everywhere". I'm not religious myself and will admit Catholic church did pretty bad things but still, it made me mad, because I felt like he was insulting my poor grandma and great aunts who were really religious but also really nice people accepting and helping everybody.

So my thought on religion, is that religion is highly influenced by culture, politic, moral, people, it's not well defined, understood and used the same by everybody.