Remember the days of being a TBT noob?

lmao okay but like you're still noob

also it's you're

vm me if you want to talk **** like don't spam the thread

BakaPlant doesn't care if I spam ;) can't really talk. You don't even know how to use capital letters or full stops.
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Yep. I was so lost

My first post EVER (no intro or anything, I didn't even make an intro) was a post about Gracie. And asking when she came
I used to try to get people to draw Akame for free lmao.
Wow, it feels like such a long time ago! I remember I ended all my sentences in this~
Also, I had no idea what TBT was and made a thread asking about it x3
actually i didn't know what a user title color change was so i was so confused when i saw colored titles

my first post was saying that i was willing to play with someone on acnl
Oh man that was me for ages, it was a fun time getting antiquated with everyone and getting to figure out the forums
yeah i wish i knew about collectible first when i joined .. in the midst of pokeballs lol :/