[Roleplay] Haunted Ball


Feb 21, 2015
Sautéed Mushrooms
We are all at a very regal ball, and everyone hears a clash in the hallway, we all check to see what it was and no one was there but a shattered plate was on the floor spelling out words in old English, everyone got quite frightened and attempted to leave, the doors were locked and everyone began to panic, and then, the lights shut off.

1. No fighting
2. Nothing inappropriate
3. Have fun!

Username: oswaldies
Name: Oswin Oswald
Carrer: Fashion Designer
Age: 19
Royalty Level/Class (Social) Level (Ex. Prince/King or 1st Class/2nd Class): Princess, 1st Class
Description: Very sassy yet kind, often has worries about lots of things and panic attacks, she is very scared of lots or things so she tends to stay near someone all the time, often chews or plays with her hair, does not want to be an adult and acts in a mature yet child-like manner.
Looks: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b9/13/9e/b9139e2e5863f67f932b501d1e91eae6.jpg


Username: Alby-Kun
Name: Alby
Career: Psychologist
Age: 16
Royalty Level/Class (Social) Level (Ex. Prince/King or 1st Class/2nd Class): 2nd class
Description: An overthinker who's generally moody, often thinking of others more than of himself. He tends to start random conversations that lead into obscurity sooner or later with both himself and those around him.
Looks (Link Only): http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thin...l&tid=12906285


Username: ApolloJusticeAC
Name: Juuzou
Carrer: Ghoul Hunter
Age: 23
Royalty Level/Class (Social) Level (Ex. Prince/King or 1st Class/2nd Class): 1st Class.
Description: Juuzou is a Ghoul Hunter from Kyoto, Japan.
Looks (Link Only): http://bishie-chan.tumblr.com/post/9...me-tokyo-ghoul


Username: CommanderLeahShepard
Name: Tania Matskevich
Career: Classical Violin player
Age: 19
Royalty Level/Class (Social) Level (Ex. Prince/King or 1st Class/2nd Class): 1st class, very very rich.
Description: Tania is a typical yandere, very protective of those they crush on and can be violent to those who stand in their way. She is a proffesional violin player and is part of a very famous Belarusian family who owns some of the most major companies in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia! She is a serious person on the outside, seemingly cold and harsh, but on the inside is wild and can be scary even! Tania also has the strange habit of talking in 3rd person! For example: "Tania doesn't feel so good. She is going to her room..."
Looks (Link Only): View attachment 143204

Username: Buggy
Name: Kit Jury
Career: Maid
Age: 19
Royalty Level/Class (Social) Level (Ex. Prince/King or 1st Class/2nd Class): 3rd Class
Description: A lazy scullery maid hired to tidy up the ballroom. She doesn't like hard work and is quite a terrible maid at that. Kit is however, honest and mentally strong, and shows kindness once one gets to know her. The lady's hunger for food hasn't ended since birth.
She is actually distant niece to the King, though she shows no personal qualities of royalty and was sent out to learn of hard work and dedication, since she was mooching off the challenging career of her uncle. So far she has learned nothing.
Looks (Link Only): clickers


Username: MayorEvvie
Name: Rosabelle Waltz
Carrer: (secret murderess, no one knows this, but she sometimes makes dolls out of real people ahaha) Dollmaker
Royalty Level/Class (Social) Level (Ex. Prince/King or 1st Class/2nd Class): Lady (as in like official lady)
Description: Rosabelle's father died under mysterious circumstances, giving her a strange key as a parting gift. Her mother died to for some reason, and she was left as an orphan when she was 19. She then began to make dolls. She pretends to be a kinda and considerate woman, but she is rude underneath and will make cruel remarks later on.
Looks (Link Only):
I'm just gonna dump her ref sheet ahaha


Username: Beardo
Name: Mary Onette
Career: Seamstress (I know it's the same as yours, but she's my OC and it's part of her character)
Age: 27
Royalty Level/Class (Social) Level (Ex. Prince/King or 1st Class/2nd Class): Queen
• Cynical: When talking to others, Mary will go out of her way to act like she doesn’t care. And most of the time, she doesn’t. She looks down on most others, partially to cover up her self-esteem issues, but partially because she’s so disgusted with other people. It’s a bit hypocritical, since she’s not too nice to others and isn’t doing anything special for the world, but she feels that everyone’s too caught up with themselves to look at the big picture and help things.
• Huffy: For someone who acts like she’s rough and tough, Mary is easily hurt. She just doesn’t like to show it. Inside she’s a bit of a baby. She doesn’t handle criticism well and hates nothing more than being insulted. She can even get pouty over friendly insults
• Lazy: Mary is very inspired and full of ideas. She just doesn’t feel like acting on them most of the time. With all her big ideas, she could do something huge. But, without having the recourses placed in front of her and a lot of help, these nice ideas go down the drain.
• Insecure: One of the big things that holds Mary back is her insecurity. She always doubts herself and is scared to really go above and beyond because she thinks she’ll fall flat on her face. Embarrassment is her biggest fear.
• Reckless: Thinking before she acts is not one of Mary’s strong suits. She is very impulsive and hates planning more than anything. Mary doesn’t really think about the future when making a decision, and often pays the price later.
• Focused: Mary can take all her energy and put it into a project. Though she can’t get something done all in one sitting, the quality of the work is well worth the wait. The planning for her projects (like an outfit) is usually rushed, and she instead likes to fix things as she goes along.
• Curious: Mary is mediocre at a lot of different things, just because at one point in her life she became curious. She’s a jack of all trades in a sense, and can actually pick things up very easily. When she finds an interest in something, Mary will obsess for months at a time, pick up a skill, then move onto something else at the drop of a hat.
• Funny: Mary has an awesome sense of humor. She thrives off of making her friends laugh, and though she can get huffy, Mary loves self-deprecating jokes and uses them a lot. Most of her jokes come through sarcasm and dryness, but she can appeal to anyone really.
• Passionate: When it comes to friends and family, Mary is fiercely loyal. She will stop at nothing to keep these people safe and happy. She’s like a fireball with her lovers, and is very protective of her friends. Whether it be sewing, or someone’s safety, Mary will put her all into things she really cares about.
• Creative: Mary is full of ideas and new ways to do things. She’s ingenious and loves to share her concepts with others. Nothing makes her feel better than completing a project, especially when she’s praised on it. This creativity makes being around her a ton of fun since she’s always got a crazy new idea to share.
Looks (Link Only): http://missmattel.deviantart.com/art/Mary-Onette-reference-518425077


Username: TheCreeperHugz
Name: April Hamlin
Carrer: Writer / Author
Age: 21
Royalty Level/Class (Social) Level (Ex. Prince/King or 1st Class/2nd Class): 2nd class
Description: April is originally from London, England, and is an author with a successful 3 fantasy book series. She's quite shy and reserved, making social situations, particularly this ball, quite difficult.
Looks (Link Only): https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com...4615745387.jpg


Username: Magic Marshmellow
Name: Sophie Johnson
Carrer: Works at a bakery
Age: 17
Royalty Level/Class (Social) Level (Ex. Prince/King or 1st Class/2nd Class): 2nd class
Description: Sophie is very shy and has a hard time talking to people, and she can also lose control of her emotions easily. However, she is very skilled in swordplay and has the ability to summon her sword at any time as long as she is wearing the special green hair clip her grandmother gave her before she passed away. Sophie also loves to bake and works at a bakery part time. She lives with her father and mother. Sophie can be very brave when the situation calls for it despite her shy personality. She is also very creative and is always coming up with new ideas for recipes and decorations for the bakery she works at, however the owner usually rejects them.
Looks (Link Only): Hehe, I was trying a new art style: http://m.imgur.com/Z9hWHZy
I also drew this, but I feel like she looks too young:http://m.imgur.com/hV1nRj1


Name: Stephanie "Stevie" Blake
Career: Likes reading adventure novels but doesn't have a specific career goal.
Age: 16
Royalty Level/Class (Social) Level: 1st class.
Description: Stevie is often solitary. She prefers to be alone but when she can't avoid a social situation, she'll try to hide her annoyance and be nice. Aside from that she is curious, stubborn and can be snarky. Her mother is the CEO of a large company.
Looks (Link Only): The one on the far left.

Royalty Level/Class (Social) Level (Ex. Prince/King or 1st Class/2nd Class):
Looks (Link Only):

[These are for handling everyone]
You may apply or be randomly selected

Please private message me for anyone comments, questions, or concerns. <3
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Name: Alby
Career: Psychologist
Age: 16
Royalty Level/Class (Social) Level (Ex. Prince/King or 1st Class/2nd Class): 2nd class
Description: An overthinker who's generally moody, often thinking of others more than of himself. He tends to start random conversations that lead into obscurity sooner or later with both himself and those around him.
Looks (Link Only): http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=12906285
Name: Juuzou
Carrer: Ghoul Hunter
Age: 23
Royalty Level/Class (Social) Level (Ex. Prince/King or 1st Class/2nd Class): 1st Class.
Description: Juuzou is a Ghoul Hunter from Kyoto, Japan.
Looks (Link Only): http://bishie-chan.tumblr.com/post/99994924425/character-suzuya-juuzou-mangaanime-tokyo-ghoul

Name: Alby
Career: Psychologist
Age: 16
Royalty Level/Class (Social) Level (Ex. Prince/King or 1st Class/2nd Class): 2nd class
Description: An overthinker who's generally moody, often thinking of others more than of himself. He tends to start random conversations that lead into obscurity sooner or later with both himself and those around him.
Looks (Link Only): http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=12906285

You both have been added, we will start once more players have arrived
Name: Tania Matskevich
Career: Classical Violin player
Age: 19
Royalty Level/Class (Social) Level (Ex. Prince/King or 1st Class/2nd Class): 1st class, very very rich.
Description: Tania is a typical yandere, very protective of those they crush on and can be violent to those who stand in their way. She is a proffesional violin player and is part of a very famous Belarusian family who owns some of the most major companies in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia! She is a serious person on the outside, seemingly cold and harsh, but on the inside is wild and can be scary even! Tania also has the strange habit of talking in 3rd person! For example: "Tania doesn't feel so good. She is going to her room..."
Looks (Link Only): bel.jpg
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Name: Kit Jury
Career: Maid
Age: 19
Royalty Level/Class (Social) Level (Ex. Prince/King or 1st Class/2nd Class): 3rd Class
Description: A lazy scullery maid hired to tidy up the ballroom. She doesn't like hard work and is quite a terrible maid at that. Kit is however, honest and mentally strong, and shows kindness once one gets to know her. The lady's hunger for food hasn't ended since birth.
She is actually distant niece to the King, though she shows no personal qualities of royalty and was sent out to learn of hard work and dedication, since she was mooching off the challenging career of her uncle. So far she has learned nothing.
Looks (Link Only): clickers
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Making my character in a minute! (using an oc ahaha)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Name: Rosabelle Waltz
Carrer: (secret murderess, no one knows this, but she sometimes makes dolls out of real people ahaha) Dollmaker
Royalty Level/Class (Social) Level (Ex. Prince/King or 1st Class/2nd Class): Lady (as in like official lady)
Description: Rosabelle's father died under mysterious circumstances, giving her a strange key as a parting gift. Her mother died to for some reason, and she was left as an orphan when she was 19. She then began to make dolls. She pretends to be a kinda and considerate woman, but she is rude underneath and will make cruel remarks later on.
Looks (Link Only):
I'm just gonna dump her ref sheet ahaha
Hehe, someone likes Clara Oswald~

Don't worry, I do too

Name: Mary Onette
Career: Seamstress (I know it's the same as yours, but she's my OC and it's part of her character)
Age: 27
Royalty Level/Class (Social) Level (Ex. Prince/King or 1st Class/2nd Class): Queen
• Cynical: When talking to others, Mary will go out of her way to act like she doesn’t care. And most of the time, she doesn’t. She looks down on most others, partially to cover up her self-esteem issues, but partially because she’s so disgusted with other people. It’s a bit hypocritical, since she’s not too nice to others and isn’t doing anything special for the world, but she feels that everyone’s too caught up with themselves to look at the big picture and help things.
• Huffy: For someone who acts like she’s rough and tough, Mary is easily hurt. She just doesn’t like to show it. Inside she’s a bit of a baby. She doesn’t handle criticism well and hates nothing more than being insulted. She can even get pouty over friendly insults
• Lazy: Mary is very inspired and full of ideas. She just doesn’t feel like acting on them most of the time. With all her big ideas, she could do something huge. But, without having the recourses placed in front of her and a lot of help, these nice ideas go down the drain.
• Insecure: One of the big things that holds Mary back is her insecurity. She always doubts herself and is scared to really go above and beyond because she thinks she’ll fall flat on her face. Embarrassment is her biggest fear.
• Reckless: Thinking before she acts is not one of Mary’s strong suits. She is very impulsive and hates planning more than anything. Mary doesn’t really think about the future when making a decision, and often pays the price later.
• Focused: Mary can take all her energy and put it into a project. Though she can’t get something done all in one sitting, the quality of the work is well worth the wait. The planning for her projects (like an outfit) is usually rushed, and she instead likes to fix things as she goes along.
• Curious: Mary is mediocre at a lot of different things, just because at one point in her life she became curious. She’s a jack of all trades in a sense, and can actually pick things up very easily. When she finds an interest in something, Mary will obsess for months at a time, pick up a skill, then move onto something else at the drop of a hat.
• Funny: Mary has an awesome sense of humor. She thrives off of making her friends laugh, and though she can get huffy, Mary loves self-deprecating jokes and uses them a lot. Most of her jokes come through sarcasm and dryness, but she can appeal to anyone really.
• Passionate: When it comes to friends and family, Mary is fiercely loyal. She will stop at nothing to keep these people safe and happy. She’s like a fireball with her lovers, and is very protective of her friends. Whether it be sewing, or someone’s safety, Mary will put her all into things she really cares about.
• Creative: Mary is full of ideas and new ways to do things. She’s ingenious and loves to share her concepts with others. Nothing makes her feel better than completing a project, especially when she’s praised on it. This creativity makes being around her a ton of fun since she’s always got a crazy new idea to share.
Looks (Link Only): http://missmattel.deviantart.com/art/Mary-Onette-reference-518425077
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Name: April Hamlin
Carrer: Writer / Author
Age: 21
Royalty Level/Class (Social) Level (Ex. Prince/King or 1st Class/2nd Class): 2nd class
Description: April is originally from London, England, and is an author with a successful 3 fantasy book series. She's quite shy and reserved, making social situations, particularly this ball, quite difficult.
Looks (Link Only): https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/2c/27/da/2c27dabd3d473c053fb74a4615745387.jpg
This sounds fun :)
I hope I won't be too late by the time I submit mine, it's taking forever to draw.
It took me awhile to read all you beautiful characters
You all have been accepted and I think we can start now.
Alrighty! I shalt begin uvu
Kit sauntered boredly across the ballroom, examining it's ghoulish, upper-class decor. As usual, she ate a few of the snacks she was supposed to serve to hot guys, the poor virgin. It seemed this wouldn't be the greatest maid shift of her life, as it simply made her envy the royalty.
In fact, she was supposed to be royalty. She could be in a poofy high class dress winning over all the hot guys. But alas, it was not to be. Instead she was poor and lonely, and being that lowly servant throwing around delicious, irrisistable hors d'oeuvres to all the high-and-mighty first class folk.
Therefore she'd throw herself on a gorgeous velvet sofa and munch on another hors d'oeuvre.
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Alby lounges forward into a nearby chair while periodically checking his silver pocket watch, waiting for something to happen.
Giving out a quiet sigh, he murmured, "Why did I come here again? Oh ya, to meet, greet, and learn. I guess that will keep me from being too bored, right?"
I sat on a comfortable chair, and began to sew a delicate little dress for my new doll. It was poofy and extravagant, which meant that it required time and effort. It was a rather nice castle, but the decor was an ugly colour and the chairs stank of smoke. I couldn't believe I had to spend a night here...
Wait what? Is it too late?

I worked for like an hour drawing my person ;-;

- - - Post Merge - - -

In case I'm not I'll submit mine anyway:

Name: Sophie Johnson
Carrer: Works at a bakery
Age: 17
Royalty Level/Class (Social) Level (Ex. Prince/King or 1st Class/2nd Class): 2nd class
Description: Sophie is very shy and has a hard time talking to people, and she can also lose control of her emotions easily. However, she is very skilled in swordplay and has the ability to summon her sword at any time as long as she is wearing the special green hair clip her grandmother gave her before she passed away. Sophie also loves to bake and works at a bakery part time. She lives with her father and mother. Sophie can be very brave when the situation calls for it despite her shy personality. She is also very creative and is always coming up with new ideas for recipes and decorations for the bakery she works at, however the owner usually rejects them.
Looks (Link Only): Hehe, I was trying a new art style: http://m.imgur.com/Z9hWHZy
I also drew this, but I feel like she looks too young:http://m.imgur.com/hV1nRj1
(Sorry for crap quality)

I hope it's not too late!
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Queen Mary stared nervously into the ballroom. Quite the party, but she wasn't sure who she should talk to. Of course, in her position, she needed to come off as cool and calm. Not to mention proper. "Ugh..." She groaned.
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Tania entered the ballroom, hoping she wasn't too late. Her family had told her to attend in place of them as they were very busy making an important business deal in Russia. The Belarusian walked in elegantly, before looking around and seeing lots of other rich people. Tania wasn't sure what to do, adjusting the bow in her hair, then walking over to somewhere to sit, violin case slung over her back, she always had it on her just in case.