[roleplay] The Camp ~ Continuation ~ New Characters Welcome!

"Aww... Can we keep him as a pet?" I ask, like a young child asking to keep a stray cat.

*i make this face.*

*skin around right eye burned so its a bit darker* "a bear? as a pet? as long as we can call him Poncho :) *pulls animal crossing out of pocket*
Holo shrugged. "I guess we can try making something later and bring it back." She looked around once more. "Lets just bring the doe back to camp."
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After a brief conversation with Poncho, he kneels down to let me climb on his back. "Anyone want a ride?"
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"A-Alright, that sounds like a good idea..."

Kyra's tummy growled, and her face flushed pink.
"T-Time to go back, then!" She tried to cover for herself and began walking back.