[roleplay] The Camp ~ Continuation ~ New Characters Welcome!

Kyra peered at the berries.
"A-Ah... Okay..."
She wrinkled her nose at them. "I wonder if they're poisonous?" She thought, and assumed they were.
(One bear coming right up :p)
As we walk, I hear movement again, though this time it sounds like something bigger. "Asuna, did you hear that?"
Holo tossed the berries away, she didn't want to risk poisoning anybody. As she walked, she noticed some soil was damp and that meant there was water around. "Hey look, some damp soil. That means water might be around?"
I inch towards the bear, holding my hands up as if I'm surrendering. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you, Big guy," I say softly.
Holo sniffed around and then turned to a big tree that was next to them, water was dripping down it. "In here, maybe." Holo momentarily turned into a wolf and one of her paws created a huge slash into the bark, water dripping out slowly. She decided to slash it again, and then water began to pour out. "Bingo!"
"Don't worry, we're not going to hurt you," I continue just as softly, gradually getting closer. "Just calm down, it's okay."
Kyra gasped in surprise at the water.

"I-I bet its nice clean water too.. " She whispered.

"How do we.. bring it back..?"