[roleplay] The Camp ~ Continuation ~ New Characters Welcome!

Once they're both on Poncho's back, I give him directions back to the camp, and he walks on all fours back there. "Thanks Poncho!" I say on the way.
"A-Alright, that sounds like a good idea..."

Kyra's tummy growled, and her face flushed pink.
"T-Time to go back, then!" She tried to cover for herself and began walking back.

Holo laughed a little as she heard Kyra's stomach. She then walked towards the hidden deer carcass and transformed into a wolf again, grabbing the body by the leg and carrying it back towards the camp.
She and Holo reached the clearing of the camp,
And Kyra walked in.
"W-We're back..." She whispered, wondering if they were the first ones back.
We arrive back at the camp, and I get Poncho to lower himself so we can get off. "See, Asuna, having a bear can be fun!"
Holo placed the carcass in a small grass patch and looked around, noticing Marie and the others with a bear. "Umm, care to explain..?" She said, standing tall in her wolf form, fur raised.
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Kyra looked and saw the bear, making her heart leap and she had to hold back a gasp.
She hid behind Holo.
"A bear!" She thought.
Holo placed the carcass in a small grass patch and looked around, noticing Marie and the others with a bear. "Umm, care to explain..?" She said, standing tall in her wolf form, fur raised.

"We found a bear, and I made friends with it, and now it's our pet. He's called Poncho!"
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"Don't worry Asuna, Poncho says he's not a baby bear, he's a teen bear. He's big enough for the mama bear not to worry about him."
Holo growled at the bear. She didn't like this. "How do you know this thing isn't evil?" A thick, oily smell filled her nose. "What is that awful oil smell? And why is it coming from the bear?"
"He's not evil, he's friendly! Oh, and the oily smell isn't Poncho, it's Jason, who was asleep on Poncho."
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