[roleplay] The Camp ~ Continuation ~ New Characters Welcome!

Holo continued to eat in the silence before breaking it. "If any of you need water there is some in that forest." She pointed without looking. "Should be by a tree and moist soil. Can't miss it."
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I eat a few more berries in silence, and wrap the rest back up. It's starting to get dark... Maybe I should sleep soon...
Sunset doesn't last too long around here, eh. We'll need firewood so we don't sleep in darkness. Holo stood up and headed back into the woods where the water was. There was plenty of branches and brush that they could burn to keep the fire going.
Kyra watched Holo leave.
She decided not to follow, as Holo seemed like the type to be able to take care of herself, and she had gone out by herself before.

Then she began drawing X's with her finger in the soft dirt.
I lie down next to Poncho, right up against his soft fur, and soon drift off to sleep.
(I'm gonna go sleep irl, bye :p)
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Holo walked through the woods quietly. She picked up several stacks of thick branches, sticks, bark, and brush to burn. She noticed the tree they got water from had stopped leaking as to not waste all of the water. Interesting. She said to herself as she exited the forest, placing all the burnable material a short distance from the fire itself. "Doesn't seem like this sunset will last much longer so if you need to get into the forest I suggest doing it now, the forest could potentially be dangerous at night."
Kyra stood up after hearing Holo's words.

"I'd better hurry out now and get some supplies in the forest then." She thought.

She began making her way into the forest.
Holo tossed some branches and brush into the fire and it livened up again. The sunset was extremely bright now but it wasn't expected to last. Why was nighttime falling to quickly today? Since the fire was hotter, she grabbed another slab of deer meat and roasted it.
She returned decently quickly,
Kyra sat down by the fire, holding an armful of leaves, vines, twigs and sticky sap.
She began molding something using the supplies she found.
"What are you making?" Holo said quietly, not looking up.

Kyra glanced at Holo, wondering if she was okay.

"A flute..." She felt able to talk more freely since most of the others were asleep.
"Didn't know you could play the flute, it's a peaceful instrument." Holo said quietly. I feel as if the others don't like me because I anger quickly. It's not my fault they brought a bear and expected everybody to be okay with it. She thought to herself.
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"Ah... I've liked it for a long time." She smiled softly.

"Holo.... Um, are you... Alright?" She stared at her with concern.