[roleplay] The Camp ~ Continuation ~ New Characters Welcome!

"Alright.... "

Kyra finished molding her leaf-flute and smiled.
"It's done.." she thought.

"Hey, I'm going to go to sleep now."
Holo stared into the fire, feeling its warmth. Everybody around her was sleeping, but it was still early in the night, so she couldn't sleep. She placed more branches into the fire to keep it's flare strong.
Holo suddenly woke up and it was day time. She didn't realize she fell asleep.

(Anybody there?)
(Well a lot of people just come from the forest and stumble upon the camp so you can try that if you'd like to.)

I wake from my spot beneath the tree, my phone is long dead, rubbing my eyes I say "nice of them to leave me, how long was I asleep" I get up and walk through the woods. The memories of whenever it was come back and while I'm lost in thought I stumble into what looks like a camp. I see a couple people. Looks like they have been here for a while, "just how long was I asleep" I mutter

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Yeah I was but I haven't been able to come online)
Kyra finally fluttered open her eyes,
And sat up.
This morning she was in a happy mood, so her eyes shone a vibrant yellow.
She gripped her flute with both of her hands, and stood up.

"Holo...? A-Are you awake...?"
I wake up and stretch my arms, yawning. Looks like Holo and Lyra are already up too...
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"Yeah, I am." Holo said quietly as she stretched. She thought she heard something so she looked around.
I climb higher in the tree but accidently snap a branch, I almost fall out if the tree but manage to keep my balance