<Roleplay> The Empty City <Roleplay> [ENDED]

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(pfft i have 500 hump body pillows of her and i even know her creepypasta)

(I have "Where do Babies Come from?" the full version downloaded and no one else has it. She trusted me enough to give it to me on tumblr!!)
Satoshi ran on, until he came across a bloodied Kaida, who looked dead. He saw the pair of scissors beside her, the same ones used to kill Takumi. He saw Max, with his head on her stomach, whining loudly. He ran up to her body, sliding across the cement to stop beside her. He knelt beside her. "Kaida, I know you are alive." His voice was shaky. "Wake up. Please."
Max looked into Satoshi's eyes, and he had a worried look on his face. Kaida's body was cold, you could see the sadness on her face. Max licked the blood on one of Kaida's thighs.
Satoshi's face showed only worry, he felt as if he was being torn apart. He started to shake Kaida's shoulder. "Wake up!" He managed to yell, his voice was shaky. Tears covered even more if his face. "Wake up, please!"
Kaida's eyes opened halfway, "I'm not dead..?" she softly whispered.
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Satoshi shut his eyes, as he fell back. "Oh, thank the lord." He sighed a sigh of relief. "I only believed the worse.. It teared me apart to see you like that."
"I thought you didn't care for little ol' me." Kaida replied, her eyes opened all the way as she looked down at her thighs.

(Guys remember Kaida isn't the smartest xD)
"If I loved you as a sister, I would care for you as much as a sister." He said, feeling tears slowly run down his cheeks. He felt for her hand, and once he found it he grabbed it. "Don't ever scare me like that again, alright?" He asked.
Kaida didn't respond for a while, she just looked away. "Fine." Kaida replied. Kaida's face was expressionless. Max had his head low as he whinned again. Kaida pulled her hand away from him.
Satoshi felt Kaida tug her hand away. His grip turned from solid to effortless as he let go, sighing quietly. He stood up, put his hood over his head, hands in his pockets, and walked off. He hung his head low.
Kaida looked over at Max, "Max, why couldn't I have died?" Max didn't respond, he just whinned. She deserves to live, she really does. Max thought to himself. Kaida looked at the scissors in disgust, "You were supposed to kill me."
She ran up behind Satoshi, seeing the two acting different. Quietly, she stood there, without any words.
Satoshi shook his head, silently muttering. He sat next to the burnt remains of the building that was being burnt earlier. He sat silently, as he pulled a matchbox and a fresh cigarette from his pocket. He pulled out a match and struck it against the box, as he lit it. He lit the cigarette and started to smoke it.
Kaida sat on her knees and shook her head, I'm so dissapointed in you. Kaida thought to herself. Max put his head on her lap and looked into her eyes. Kaida was slowly dying on the inside.
She ran up to Satoshi, thinking that Kaida would be best left alone. As she pinched her nose firmly, she said, "It's not good to smoke, you know. Lots of chemicals." She swatted at the cigarette in his hand.
The cigarette went flying into the burnt remains. "Yeah, yeah." He said.

Goddamnit, that was my last one.
He looked at the burnt remains, sighing quietly. "Y'know, this was my old apartment building."
"Max, its time to forget this happened." Kaida reached into her bag pulling out a bottle of beer. Max started to growl, No Kaida please.. Kaida looked at him in disguist, "Shut up, I can do what I want." Kaida slowly popped the cap and she sat down up against the wall.
"Well, I guess... it's nice." She looked at the large building curiously. "Did you live with anyone?" She considered going back to Kaida, worrying she might hurt herself.
Kaida accidently spilled some on her thigh, it burned the cut, but she didn't care anymore. You could smell the alcohol on her now. Kaida began to drink, hoping this would make her forget, even if it was just for a little while. Kaida chugged the alcohol, she smiled, "Thats the stuff alright." After Kaida finished she smashed the bottle against the wall, cutting her hand. Kaida laughed quietly, "I'm so stupid." You could tell the alcohol was starting to kick in as she reached for another bottle. Kaida opened that bottle and started to drink slowly this time.
"My dad and sister." He sighed. My mom left us when I was 7."

He felt the memories of watching her leave, and seeing her smiles. He remembered her final words. 'I hate you all!' She said.
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