{roleplay} The Three Nations ✲ accepting

"Glad to hear it." Marie smiled back. "I couldn't just leave without making sure. Anyway, it's getting kinda late, should we go home and meet up tomorrow?"
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Ahri looked over at him as he said he should be on his way. She nodded.
"Alright then. Take care." She said, walking away with her nine tails flowing behind her.

"What's wrong with a mask, anyways?" Zed looked over to her.

"You too." Byakuran smiled, and began walking back to Freljord.

- - - - TERRA
"Nothing, really. I just don't see why you wouldn't want to show your face." Terra shrugged.
Unless.. by some chance, he didn't have one.
"No Kidding!" I exclaim.

I sigh.
"It's all right."

(Sorry it took long to respond :3)
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"Sure,"Sina nods.She goes back into the forest.

- - - Post Merge - - -

The waiter came by."Hello,what would you like?"

"Can I get a...Chicken fried steak?"

The waiter wrote it down,then turned to Aisu.
Marie hesitated briefly outside as she wondered whether she should actually go home or spend the night in the forest. The treehouse is actually nearly finished, I could sleep there, she thought. She decided that is what she would do, and she headed off back into the forest.
"You too." Byakuran smiled, and began walking back to Freljord.

- - - - TERRA
"Nothing, really. I just don't see why you wouldn't want to show your face." Terra shrugged.
Unless.. by some chance, he didn't have one.

"Well.. Of course I have a face." He said, looking to his blades.
"Hmm..I wonder what the thing was that attacked us..."Asher thinks aloud.

"the sun is setting,we should go somewhere else unless we want hyenas attacking us.."Lance says,looking around at the desert.
As she was feeling hungry, on the way to the treehouse Marie picked and ate berries from various bushes, making sure she didn't eat any poisonous ones. She reached the tree house climbed up into it.
(I'm tired and I'm on the verge of falling asleep here, so I'm gonna go off. Bye guys.)
"I really don't know."

"Oh, I'm not worried about hyenas." I say, patting my .50 cal Desert Eagle.
"I can conjure practically any gun."
"Oh my god!Is that a water fountain?I can probably see my reflection in that!"Asher says excited.

"Yup,because you can definiteley use a gun in your sleep,"Lance smirks.
Zed grunted as he nearly tripped over a rock in the sand.
"Ugh.." He said, stretching his arms out, admiring his muscular figure silently.
- - - - TERRA
Terra looked at him, almost moving to help him before realizing he didn't trip.
"Are you tired?" she asked quietly.
I roll my eyes.
"Don't be a cocky little sh!t now."

"Would you like to find out?" I say icily.
"Okay,you can
I'm not getting into another fight today..."Lance says,as he scouts for a plsce to sleep.

"Cocky?"Asher chuckles.
"Why do I even try?" I say and let out an exaggerated sigh.

"Coward. Are all of my own race like this?"
I say, no filter in my language as I hardly socialized until now.
- - - - TERRA
Terra looked at him, almost moving to help him before realizing he didn't trip.
"Are you tired?" she asked quietly.

Zed shook his head, his mask coming loose and he grunted again, turning his back and securing it to his face once more. Some black pieces of hair escaped for a moment before he fixed it.
"N-No. Are you?"
"I'm no coward,if we battled,you'd lose.Simple as that,"Lance sneers."I found a good place to rest for the night,are you coming?"

Asher sat back down."Looks like the food's here!"
- - - - TERRA
Terra watched him the whole time. Black hair..?
She looked at the ground, and pushed some of her own long strands of black hair out of her face. "Kind of. Maybe, just a little."