{roleplay} The Three Nations ✲ accepting

"I never denied the fabulousness of your name,that was her!"Lance points over to I forgot her name.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Did I say anything?"Iris frowns.
"None escape their shadow." Zed growled under his breath, laughing with an evil smirk from under the mask. He spawned a living shadow of himself behind her, switching places with it and pointing the retractable glove blades at her throat.
"Good people, where?"

(yes i'm using zed quotes DEALWITITITTITII)
Zed's anger intensified as she treated him like a joke. However, hitting a girl was the last thing he really wanted to do in front of one that seemed to like being his friend.
"Bad acting.." He mumbled. He wanted to stab her to death.
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- - - - TERRA
Terra was trying not to let herself get too angry at all of this girl's commentary.
Was she trying to get herself hurt?
Terra held her saw tightly in her hand. "Are you stupid or something..?" she muttered under her breath about the new girl.
(Zed's gonna die,because all that's going on in Iris' head are rainbows and unicorns...xD)

"I didn't mean to make you mad,"Iris shakes her head."Can I do anything to make it better?"The girl smiles with glee.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"I was because she was laughing,"Lance points at her again.
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Zed finally decided that this girl was not going to treat him like a joke.
"Die in darkness." He growled, the sound of his voice echoing from the uncomfortable mask. Terra didn't seem like she'd care if this girl got murdered by his hand.
Zed attempted to slash at her with the blades on his arms.
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"That doesn't even make sense!" Yuuya yelled at Lance, his bloody eyesocket blankly staring at Lance. "You laughed first!"
'Hmm,I guess he wants me to be scared?'Iris thinks,jumping back from his attack."Please stop!Someone,help!He's scaring me!"Iris screams.'Only if I knew how to fake cry!'
Zed was seriously annoyed and embarrassed.
"Whatever.." He said, grunting as he just decided to walk away from this girl. She had already annoyed him enough.
'Well that could've gone better..' "Wait,don't leave!Can I come with you,I'd be helpful,"Iris says,waving around her lyre.
- - - - TERRA
Terra walked to Zed's side. Just watching this girl talk to Zed annoyed her greatly. Please, just go away!
"Nothing,unless two new companions and friends count,"Iris says."I can play...The lyre!"She says as if it is a gamechanger.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Whatever...I'm sorry Yuuya,"Lance frowned.
"I'll pass." Zed said, looking at Terra and then back at her. He decided to get away from this girl, he was fast enough anyways. He quickly reached over and picked up Terra in his strong arms and then dashing away into the shadows of the forest, completely concealed and out of sight.
"Sorry, don't punch me." His voice echoed, monotone.
"Wait,I can cast enchanments and curses with it too!"Iris yells,running after them.
- - - - TERRA
Terra's eyes opened wider when Zed picked her up suddenly.
She understood it was to try and get away from this new girl, but it still caught her off guard and caused her to blush.
His arms felt strong and firm, as if she wouldn't have to worry about being dropped or being too heavy.
Please, please go away! she willed the girl to give up.