RP - ⚔ Daughter of Evil ♕

Mage Form~

Usually wears a simple t-shirt/jeans combo
Yes the picture is Wendy from fairy tail, I couldn't find the picture I was gonna use. Ignore the cat.

Name: Misa
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Royal or Insurgent?* (optional): Insurgent
Place of Residence (setting): Insurgent district, though can often be found in the outskirts, particularly the forest.
Personality: Misa is a shy, reserved person who becomes very nervous around other people, particularly Royals for obvious reasons. She has few friends due to the fact that she struggles to have a proper conversation with others, and usually prefers to stay near the outskirts forest away from people.
Powers (no shifters, max 2 powers): She can manipulate water with a mage staff the same colour as her hair, which she can also summon and dismiss at will.
Talents: A good swimmer, a talent she developed alongside the power to manipulate water as the two go well together.
Flaws: Misa is very inpressionable and guillable, making her fall for silly little tricks easily.
Other: N/A

(Accepted! I cropped the cat out for you lol. I'm up for RPing from 7pm onwards, which is an hour and forty minutes from this post)
(Kitty, me and Creeper are going to rp,wanna jump in with us?:3)

Sina walked the streets of the royals. A gust of wind blew, and her scarf fell off and began flying down the street."No!"she screams, chasing after it.
Misa walked around, trying to work out where she was. As she preferred to spend time out in the outskirts, she didn't know her way around inside as well as she should. As she rounded the corner, she saw a scarf flying in the wind past her. She reached out and caught it, seeing that someone was chasing after it. Hesitantly, she walked towards the white haired girl.
(Not sure. I think it's night, or ealy morning)

"Thank you so much!"Sina smiles as she takes back the scarf and begins walking away. She soon stops and turns back. "My name is Sina by theway. Is there anyway I can repay you?"
"Y-You don't have to... repay me..." Misa muttered. She was quite easily intimidated my most poeple, and this Sina girl was no exception, despite the fact that she was being kind and polite. "Oh, um, I'm Misa..."
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Summoning my Sythe, I pricked my finger, blood whelling up. Flying up, I let a droplet off blood fall down towards them, trying not to laugh.
Flying into a nearby allyway, I dismissed my Sythe, tightly tucking my wings to my back. I silently watched them from the shadows.