RP - ⚔ Daughter of Evil ♕

"I agree. We'll probably get murdered by bears if we don't go soon." He said, staring at the trees, still thinking that the creature that made the screeching noise would be there.
Sina showed the man her ID, then entered the bar. She sat one chair away from Byakuran and Ahri. She wasn't sure if she should talk to them. Evwn though they were all of the same class, Sina had a different personality then them, and they might treat her like they treat the Insurgents.
"I agree. We'll probably get murdered by bears if we don't go soon." He said, staring at the trees, still thinking that the creature that made the screeching noise would be there.

- - - - KAGARI
Kagari didn't need to say or hear anything else. She took Silver gently by the wrist once more, turning around. I think we came from this way. the purple-haired girl decided, starting to walk. As soon as they were to get out of the forest, she would properly introduce herself to him.
( Can I ask what series those characters are from? <: And by the way, I'm allowed to accept people as well. )

(Noooo clue at all. I'm subscribed to a YT channel that puts out music with these sort of images, and I figured it was probably my best source.)

(Where are the insurgents located right now?)
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Staring at a small ray of light, easily visible in the darkness of the forest, Silver pointed to it. "I think that's the exit..." He said. His eyes had to get fully adjusted to staring at the light, his pupils shrinking. He was still keeping his guard up for that creature, or whatever the hell it was.
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While waiting to order, Byakuran noticed a familiar face among the people; Ahri.
He noticed with annoyance that she was chatting with someone, a boy. He figured she probably wouldn't mind if they spoke again, so he moved from his chair and made his way over to her. "Oh, yo. I didn't expect to see you here." he greeted.

Ahri noticed that he noticed her, and she immediately got absorbed into his gaze.
"Oh, you're here. I figured you'd have that girl on you all day. Must be annoying." She smirked and sipped her drink.
Staring at a small ray of light, easily visible in the darkness of the forest, Silver pointed to it. "I think that's the exit..." He said. His eyes had to get fully adjusted to staring at the light, his pupils shrinking. He was still keeping his guard up for that creature, or whatever the hell it was.

- - - - KAGARI
"...Mmhm." Kagari mumbled, that definitely had to be the way out. She quickened her pace as they hurried together to the bright light, tightening her grip on his wrist. If anything happened to either of them, it would undoubtedly be Kagari's fault; for suggesting this to begin with. The purple-haired girl felt they could fight anything off, but you could never be sure.
As they neared the exit, suddenly the screeching sounded again. Louder than before, by a longshot.

Suddenly, from out of the trees to the left of them, a white lion leaped out, touching the ground elegantly in front of them. It appeared to be female, as it didn't have a mane. Kagari froze as this happened, the creature growled at them, raising it's haunches and lashing it's tail as it prepared to attack.

"Oh, really? So you noticed." Byakuran returned her smirk, whilst checking to see if there were any open chairs beside her. "It was fine. I found she was rather nice, after speaking to her."
Sina ordered a drink from the waiter. She silently sipped it, trying not to eavesdrop on their conversation.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Dustin had roamed the woods when he heard a loud screech. A white monster ran past him. "What the?"He thinks a loud, hesitantly following it.
Surprised by the lion, Silvers eyes flickered to black and he growled back at the lion. Despite his surprise, once again, his eyes remained emotionless. The small black flames turned into a huge inferno of black, making it near impossible to see. He attempted to wrap the strange flame around the lion, but the lion gracefully dodged it, the fire barely missing the grassy ground of the forest, horribly easy to burn. "What the hell!?" He growled, staring at the lion, holding the black flames in his hand, causing his face to be covered in shadow.
Surprised by the lion, Silvers eyes flickered to black and he growled back at the lion. Despite his surprise, once again, his eyes remained emotionless. The small black flames turned into a huge inferno of black, making it near impossible to see. He attempted to wrap the strange flame around the lion, but the lion gracefully dodged it, the fire barely missing the grassy ground of the forest, horribly easy to burn. "What the hell!?" He growled, staring at the lion, holding the black flames in his hand, causing his face to be covered in shadow.

- - - - KAGARI
Kagari bit the inside of her cheek. How did it dodge that..? she thought, before shaking her head.
The purple-haired girl retrieved a shuriken from her pocket, closing one eye to aim and propelling it forward in the direction of the lion. Although, from this distance, her aim was rather bad. The shuriken came close, it would have struck the lion in the shoulder until it veered out of the way skillfully.
With a roar, the beast charged at them, leaping into the air to land on whichever of the two it could.
Sina moved her arm across the counter, accidently hitting her drink over and spilling it on Byakuran's lap. "Oh my-!I'm so sorry!"She screams. Sina takes her scarf and tries to use it to soak up the drink on Byakuran before it soaks into his pants.'Ugh, why couldn't I just give him the scarf? This is going to get awkward, I'm such an idiot!'She thinks to herself.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Dustin ran out of the woods. He looked at the beast attacking the others. He drew his bow and fired at the beast. He barely hit it, it piercing one of it's giant toes.
Sina moved her arm across the counter, accidently hitting her drink over and spilling it on Byakuran's lap. "Oh my-!I'm so sorry!"She screams. Sina takes her scarf and tries to use it to soak up the drink on Byakuran before it soaks into his pants.'Ugh, why couldn't I just give him the scarf? This is going to get awkward, I'm such an idiot!'She thinks to herself.

Byakuran gasped in surprise as he suddenly felt a wet sensation on himself.
Suddenly, a girl apologized, and began attempting to dry it off. He realized that it must have been her doing, and she seemed rather guilty for it.
The white-haired man shook his head, remaining calm despite being half-soaked.
"My, my. No need to apologize, accidents happen." Byakuran reassured smoothly, "How's about I purchase you another drink? It's a shame yours had to be wasted."
As the lion attempted to jump on him, he took this opportunity to attempt to blast the lion in the face with a rainbow of dark magic, but the lion was shot in the toe with an arrow, the tip ripping and destroying one of the claws, leaving a bloody mess where a claw would be. The lion was blasted in the face, yes, but it still managed to pounce onto him, fangs bared. "Whaaaaat!? It's no use!" He growled, the dark magic not making the creature show any sign of pain.
Sina laughs awkwardly. "Thank you,"she says, continuing to rub her scarf on his pants, trying to dry it.
As the lion attempted to jump on him, he took this opportunity to attempt to blast the lion in the face with a rainbow of dark magic, but the lion was shot in the toe with an arrow, the tip ripping and destroying one of the claws, leaving a bloody mess where a claw would be. The lion was blasted in the face, yes, but it still managed to pounce onto him, fangs bared. "Whaaaaat!? It's no use!" He growled, the dark magic not making the creature show any sign of pain.

- - - - KAGARI
Kagari cringed, she dived out of the way when the lion attempted to leap in their direction. It still landed on Silver, so she got up and proceeded to stab it in the leg with her dagger.
"...We... have to get out of here..!" Kagari said, with a tone of urgency in her voice. The purple-haired girl noticed that someone attacked it from a different side, although she couldn't make out who it was.
"Maybe.. we.. can out..run it...?"

Byakuran shook his head. "I can get to this, don't worry." he murmured, taking hold of the scarf and handing it back to her. Byakuran then took some napkins from the counter, attempting to dry off the last wetness. "May I ask about your name?" The white-haired man also hoped she would tell him which drink it was she had, so he could order it for her.
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Sina awkwardly got back up on the chair, this time the one right next to him. "I'm Sina. What is your name?"
(Where are the insurgents located right now?)

( I meant to say, everyone is pretty much at random locations. You can just jump in wherever you'd like, darling. )

Byakuran looked from Ahri, back to Sina. He figured Ahri would respond again soon enough, so in the meantime talking to Sina sounded pleasant. "Byakuran. It means White Orchid." he murmured. "What is it you were drinking, before I ever-so-rudely came in the way?"
If another had said it, it may have seemed like sarcasm. But Byakuran's polite tone of voice portrayed that he genuinely thought it was his own fault.
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"No, it wasn't your fault, it was mine,"Sina giggles. 'Oh, this is already going downhill...' "Red wine,"she says.
"It's a lion, I doubt we could outrun it... might as well try!" Silver growled, as the lion was stabbed in the leg. "Thanks!" He said, quickly getting off the floor and running, shooting black fireballs behind him at random. Of course, they all missed. He sprinted towards the light at the end of the forest, having his eyes get used to the light again, for he had been using a fire that blocked out light completely.