[RP]-=The Glory Of War=-[RP] Always Accepting!

Ahri sat by the wall when she noticed that someone was walking down the forest trail with their bike. Fragile human soul.. She thought and hid behind a tree. She began silently stalking them. He would soon become her victim.
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(We can ask daisy that when she goes online. If I made a second I wouldn't use him or her much :p )
(okay! c: and me too, Shiki is going to be my main here )

Shiki put her hands by the fire, enjoying the warmth.
"I was too, but I was mixed in with the wrong crowd. I was supposed to be a fallen. I was chosen as an angel, though."
Moments passed and before long, Ahri had seduced her prey. He was under her spell, in her trap. When she began to drain his soul, he screamed for help. Ahri quickly consumed his life essence, silencing his screams. Ugh.. I don't want the rebels to hear this.
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"That reminds me, Ace-kun!"
"If you had to take the angels or fallen angels side.. where would you go?"
Ahri continued to consume his life, gaining energy she had never experienced from a human's soul.
"Hm....I'd had to say a fallen. I hate humans but I was an angel, sadly. I was killed by a human, you know that?"
I give her a side hug back.

"Still, I don't kill them. I don't..yet.."

(:) )

(:) )
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Once the man was completely lifeless, she noticed a girl walk up the trail. That must be his daughter. She screamed as loudly as ever for her mother, noticing that some "creature" had killed her father.

"What is that thing?" The mother screamed, quickly dialing her cell phone for the police. Ahri gasped and quickly retreated from the scene. My victims never even get the chance to scream, why am I so stupid..! The man's corpse lay on the trail beside the rebel camp. She didn't want them to get blamed for his death, but they already knew that Ahri did it.
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