[RP]-=The Glory Of War=-[RP] Always Accepting!

(wb o; and shiki doesnt like satoshi)

Shiki entered the rebel camp again, placing her newly-made flower crown on the grass by the fire.
"My name's Shiki!" Shiki smiled a playful smile.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Happy to see you're finally awake, sleepyhead!" She giggled.
*I'm Skylar," *I say with a typical grumpy Fallen smile.*
Definitely a former angel. * I think to myself*
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(I think you mean Yuki uhuwhuehue)

"Oh, hiya!" She closed her eyes and grinned.
"Ace-kun is out right now, by the way~"
*I turn back and look at her, trying to force myself to look positive, and smile a realistic smile*
"more like Ace-sama for you.."
*I say under my breath, not intending for her to hear*
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Shiki thought she heard Yuki say something, but she didnt quite catch it.
"I can't wait to be bestest friends with you!" She cooed happily.
Shiki pulled her flower crown up and placed it on Yuki's head, smiling like an idiot.
"You can wear this~"
*I take the crown of flowers off my head and say,* "Arigato, but I prefer this," *I say and conjure a crown of flame*
"Much Better,"
Shiki blinked.
"Oh okiedokie! I'll see if Ace-kun wants it when he gets back!" She set it down.
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