[RP]-=The Glory Of War=-[RP] Always Accepting!

Shiki nodded.

For some reason, she had the feeling Yuki didn't like her.
But that was silly! Why wouldnt Yuki like her?
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(omg that #aceri LOL THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULDNT RUSH ROMANCE AND JUST LET IT PLAY OUT ;w; and you should let Shiki run into Ahri at some point or something... someoneeee i'm boreddd)
(LOL AHRI. I could so see Aceri. Ah ace you player. XD )

Shiki looked up, thinking she heard a sound coming from further off.
Blissfuly ignorant of what Yuki had said.

"I'm going to go see what that was!"
*I push a message into Shiki's mind* Hey, If you want to leave, I can still push messages into your mind.
(ahh really?! man same to you ; v ; i love your characters ahri rahhh)

Oh okie!

Shiki stood up.
(Time to find Ahri. xP)
Unless you want to look over your shoulder every passing second, I suggest you stay away from Ace
(The cat fights begin LMAO)
Ahri climbed down from her tree and people had finally abandoned the scene of the man's death and she sighed with relief.
Shiki blinked.
Huh? Stay away from Ace-kun? But I love Ace-kun! She smiled cheerfully and set off into the forest.
*I shoot from my magic flame bow and will it to whizz right past her ear* We fell in love. We kissed. If you stole him away I'd be heartbroken and you know what happens when I have ANY negative energy.
E-Eh....? Shiki stuttered, frozen.
I'm not trying to steal anyone... Ace-kun never said anything about loving you...
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Yeah.. Ace-kun.... I'm always going to stay by Ace-kun! Shiki broke into a run, afraid to be hurt by Yuki.

Ahri noticed a figure running towards her and she pulled her orb out, transforming quickly into her Foxfire form, her tails blazing. "Are you an angel?" She asked as the approached the girl, her glare was frightening.